User Reviews: Before Your Eyes

Top reviews

  • Honestly

    Cool so far but I would turn eye detection off. Accidentally blinking causes you to rush through missing many things not to mention causing dry eyes and a headache. At least there is the option to turn it off but IMO it should have never been implemented in the first place. Cool concept though!
  • You Need to Get This

    Emotionally Moving?
    Yes, I cried so hard I couldn’t see the screen at some points and had to rely on the audio. I cried so hard I was constantly blowing my nose and filled a trash bag 1/3 of the way full with toilet paper because I ran out of tissues. When I think of the ending I start crying again. It felt like I really was the main character, so much so that I kept wanting to tell his parents “I love you” even though I have two perfectly loving parents in real life. I have a headache from how much I cried. Don’t download this game if you aren’t prepared with tissues at the ready.
  • Enjoyable, but save doesn’t work

    I tried twice to play through this game. The first time for 30 min and the second for about 45. Both times I had to put it down for a few minutes to do something else and both times the game reset with the only option to start new. Also, none of the chapters were unlocked. I would have liked to have finished the game, but it’s unlikely I’ll risk losing progress again.
  • Beautiful Game

    This game was fantastic. It’s a quick play but the experience is packed full, so I highly recommend picking it up. The gameplay mechanics were fun and unique, the story was engaging and emotional, and the art was beautiful. Don’t miss out on this game.
  • A tear jerker

    Look, i don't usually write reviews, but this game...

    The story is amazing, and while it's pretty simple, the way it's told is wonderful and beautiful. I don't remember when I actually cried over a game, but i couldn't stop the tears as I played this one.

    If you don't know if you'd like this game or not, please just play it. Even if you don't like solely story driven games like this one, it teaches everyone a lesson that they need to know.

    This game doesn't just show the life of the main character, Benjamin, but it puts you right into someone else's shoes. It gives you a character to fall in love with, as well as a story everyone can relate to in some way or another. I wish I could rate it more.
  • Great game

    Im a father of 2 and let me tell you i was not expecting this game to just change the way i look at life! This game is amazing
  • True Masterpiece

    This game has to be one of the most beautifully written and crafted games I’ve played in a long time. It literally brought me to tears in the end. The creators and the whole team deserves an award for this level of craftsmanship.
  • Lost my save progress

    Seems fun, pretty neat, but after I spent about an hour, i closed it because I had to go do something else. Next time I opened the game. The only option was “new game” and none of the chapters was unlocked. Not going to waste another hour to get back to where I was.
  • i cried

    no literally. you know how embarrassing it is to explain to your parents that the reason your eyes are all puffy and red is because a game on your phone tugged on your heartstrings so much that you wept??

    in all seriousness, this is a beautiful, beautiful game, with a bittersweet and touching story. i just finished my first play-through, and i’m about to go in for my second to see if i missed any details in the moments i blinked too soon.

    i will say, if you have someone who has chronically dry eyes that you constantly need to…moisten (you try thinking of a better word) or you’re someone like me who lives for ✨lore✨ and wants every little detail, i recommend not using the calibrated blinking software. as i mentioned before, i would often blink too soon and miss dialogue or other details. obviously, i still made it to the end of the story, so i didn’t miss anything critical, but i would still keep that in mind if you want to experience all of the content.

    again, beautiful game. well done.
  • Great game

    This a great game with a great story so happy it came to mobile you should play yourself so stop sitting here and reading this go play it

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