MDClaim+ User Reviews

MD Cloud Practice Solutions, LLC

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  • Far too slow and inefficient in so many ways

    First, the app opens to the last date that was checked. So you ALWAYS have to take the time to reset BOTH the start date and end date. Not only that, but if you forget to first change the end date, it will not accept the start date you've entered because it thinks you are selecting an end date that is more recent than your start date. Overall too many confirmatory steps and too much lag from the time you select a box or enter data until it allows you to move to the next step. Uploading images takes forever too. When a ticket needs to be corrected and you've made the correction, there is yet ANOTHER step that slows you down - it asks "have corrections been made to the ticket" or something like that. A totally unnecessary step, once again.

    Duplicate ticket. Well that will take longer than needed to correct as well because once you select cancel ticket and toggle to duplicate ticket, you are still forced to answer the now irrelevant question about whether the case was cancelled before or after patient arrival. The app should automatically select N/A for this whenever duplicate ticket is selected.

    On busy days with 10 plus cases this app is a nightmare and significantly slows down the entire team.

    Hire an anesthesiologist who works at a busy surgery center to help the developers fix this.

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    Developer Response

    Thank you for your Feedback, Staya. Some valuable suggestions, like getting rid of a duplicate ticket, will be taken into account for future versions. We will pass your suggestions to your organization's change control committee. Most of the confirmatory steps you mentioned are designs requested by your company. A good example is the confirmation that you fixed the ticket after resubmitting it after a rejection. I will review the date issue you mentioned and try to duplicate it. Everyone uses the app in different ways, and we always look for ways to submit simplifications to the design your organization requested. Please feel free to contact our support team with this valuable feedback and provide us with more information on improving it. Warm regards, F.O. Full-time Anesthesiologist Founder, COO, and Product Designer.
  • Far too slow and inefficient in so many ways

    First, the app opens to the last date that was checked. So you ALWAYS have to take the time to reset BOTH the start date and end date. Not only that, but if you forget to first change the end date, it will not accept the date you've entered because it thinks you are selecting an end date that is more recent than your start date.

    Overall too many confirmatory steps and too much lag from the time you select a box or enter data until it allows you to move to the next step.

    Uploading images takes forever too.

    When a ticket needs to be corrected and you've made the correction, there is yet ANOTHER step that slows you down - it asks "have corrections been made to the ticket" or something like that. A totally unnecessary step, once again.

    On busy days with 10 plus cases this app is a nightmare and significantly slows down the entire team.

    Hire an anesthesiologist who work at a busy surgery center to help the developers fix this mess of an app.

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  • follow up review

    Lags seemingly with every selection made. Developers need to focus on how to speed up the ticket creation and submission process. What process is in place for locations with poor cellular signal ? Are those anesthesiologists just out of luck?
  • Horrible

    Unstable, crashes, busy screen.
    I have no idea why they upgraded from bad to horrible.

    Developer Response

    I am sorry to hear your experience with the app has been like this , may you please feel free to contact and our team is more than happy to work with you directly and review all your concerns.
  • Worst billing app

    This is the worst app in the App Store. It is slow, non user friendly, confusing , illogical and laborious. The icons that appear are cartoonish and annoying. Data is difficult to chart and is sometimes deleted spontaneously. I recommend you never download this app unless you want a frustrating day.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback Runner124567: This app is designed per your employer specs. Please feel free to contact support at and we are more than happy to assist you and work with you 1:1 to resolve your issues.
  • Absolute Garbage!

    The old version of MD Claim wasn’t great, but at least it was usable. Thanks for making me “upgrade” to this piece of trash! It is so slow and freezes and gets stuck continually. The developers of this app should be ashamed of themselves.
  • Not great

    Very slow response time. Graphics are not streamlined. When you take a picture a grey box appears at the bottom of the screen making it hard to capture another clinical image at the same time. Nothing about this app is an improvement on the original.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback. May you Please contact, we are available to work 1:1 with you and provide a solutions to your issues and improve the experience.
  • Why switch yes / no buttons to different sides?

    I’m only going to make a comment about the yes/no options being reversed in location, because many other issues have been mentioned already.

    First of all, I’ll admit that I am right handed. I intuitively pick yes on the right side of the screen, no on the left. That was how the old mdclaim app was set up. Now it seems like all the yes buttons are on the left side of the screen. My question is - why was this change made? Not only does it further slow down my workflow because 6 years of clicking yes/no buttons are now being flip flopped, it just ergonomically makes little sense to me.

    If it’s a matter of right handedness or left handedness, did a lefty complain about the old orientation? Am I in the minority here??
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    Developer Response

    Hi angry anesthesiologist, the YES/NO were modified but due to users request those were reversed to the legacy app location multiple versions ago If you have any other concern please feel free to contact MDClaim+ is for exclusive use of your company, please feel free to contact the previous email for prompt attention to your concerns.
  • Better

    Thanks for listening to the feedback.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback, xm7mx. We are working tirelessly to remove animation and shadows that, on some devices, were causing slowness in the app. Regarding the anesthetist issue, thanks to the assistance of one of the providers in the FL Market, we found the problem. It is when a pending ticket is accessed through the control center. This issue is resolved. In the meantime, you can access the pending tickets through the “pending” button on the bottom menu, and you will not experience this issue. We will launch a new app soon. I appreciate your patience, and we will continue working to gain your trust.
  • Crappy ap found a way to become crappier

    I hate, hate , hate this ap, I am forced to use it by my employer, mdclaim found a way to become worse with new update that was forced upon us. I hate the coloring, I hate the nonsense it forced me to click, I hate everything about it. The ap developers should have found a way to make a painful process less painful, but they found a way to inflict more pain. This ap makes me reconsider my career choice.
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    Developer Response

    Dear safe tester, thank you for your comments. Is it in any way posible that you contact and let us know specifically what are the issues you are experiencing and how can we make the app better for you. We will be happy to assit you and are very interested in your feedback

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