User Reviews: Kingdom Rush 5

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  • Fun, true to original, but less than…

    The graphics are fantastic
    The towers are complicated and interesting
    The heroes are basically normal and fine

    But a few things detract:

    Short- for this price, 16 lvls… I know more will come out, as I have all the KR games and they produce more content, but still

    Enemies- rather boring, not that challenging. While there are interesting types, and the theme is good, I think back to the funnest levels in KR- Pandamonium, the Zombie lvls, the Tribal lvls- they all have massive waves. The waves of enemies, even in Impossible, are rather small. I want the waves to be 50 acolytes, not 20. There just isn’t the sense of overwhelming that the best the series has had…

    Convenience- small things build up
    *the levels don’t fit on the screen, on an IPad, which is weird and hinders gameplay
    *there is no encyclopedia, which was always a good reference guide when thinking about a level
    *the lack of an early wave call button in the bottom right corner is an even more annoying thing considering the screen size makes you scroll to the enemy’s early wave icon

    I am not disappointed, but was hoping for more. Would still recommend, but only if you have played the earlier games. Kingdom Rush, Origins, and Frontiers are all superior to this. But this is better than Vengance, so a step in right direction
  • The Best Yet?

    Love it, love it, love it! This game is a blast. Great heroes ( mostly), great towers ( mostly), great levels. Yes I bought the towers and heroes because it makes the game more fun. I try to beat all levels with the “free” material because I believe you would make that possible as that has been the case throughout the franchise. It is definitely a challenge.
    I did think the hero bundle was a little pricey but I bit the bullet because I knew I would be playing this for years. The different combinations lends istself to endless variety in gameplay. Ramping up the all the different heroes takes some time and is loads of fun.
    As the graphics get better and the gameplay more complex, I realize a lot has gone into this and want Ironhide to keep making new content, so I am more than willing to pay for that.
    I haven’t completed the game yet, as I am trying to savor the experience, but I must say I am having so much fun with this latest iteration of my absolute favorite game franchise. Thank you Ironhide.
  • 4.5; I love it but…

    This game genuinely feels like a breath of fresh air. The two hero system is fantastic and allows a lot of replay value to the levels. The bosses are a bit easy but still engaging. The towers overall feel very balanced with the heroes though I have yet to try the premium towers and heroes (more on that soon).

    Story, personality, and humor is great! Love seeing all the callbacks to the older games and cannot wait for more! There’s just ONE gripe I have that’s holding back the game.

    I WANT to get the heroes and towers bundle, I have the money! I have bought the heroes and towers of other games including other Ironhide titles… but when I successfully punch in my password for icloud, I am told to verify my purchase first and the pop up won’t let me change the debit card nor will it allow me to use Apple Cash!

    I am really desperate to try all the premium content but this accursed verification stops me as the button to verify Apple Cash doesn’t even work, as it’s grayed out like it’s invalid. Please, a fix to this would be appreciated as I have little negative to say and I have already reached out for help couldn’t get any answers.
  • Great but more money grabs are disheartening

    Seems pretty clear that there is no way to advance into the very high levels of the game without spending more $$ on towers, etc. It’s very disappointing how that model has made its way to this developer. You can complete the game but try and gain higher levels doesn’t seem to be possible without buying more digital assets. I guess this is just what we’re expected to understand at this point. It’s not worth it to me to spend more $$ for extra digital stars that mean nothing in the long run, but it would be nice to believe that a game was winnable strategically without having to pay for play. If anyone has completed the entire game and the highest levels without spending I’d love to hear about it.
  • Great game by greedy people

    No reason to lie in the game description: an extra $35, on top of the $7 purchase fee, to play the game as described (on mobile; $18 for steam). It’s a fun game that doesn’t add much creativity to the Kingdom Rush format. In terms of creativity and player-thoughtfulness throughout the series: Bloons Tower Defense to Kingdom Rush is Lebron James to my left nut. Allowing mobile players to purchase heros/towers with gems would appeal to the masses and still lets the developers earn a lil extra. The main appeal of KR games, for me, was tower customization, and it felt lackluster compared to previous games in the franchise, and extremely weak compared to other franchises like bloons. Developers are prolly depressed to be this weak minded; I hope to see them better. Realistically this game was weakened due to greedy decisions made by executives who don’t care for their product. A lil passion could’ve gone a long way
  • Fun. Beautiful. Consider the cost of the DLC.

    It’s a beautiful and imaginitive entry to a timeless franchise. The gameplay is top notch for the tower defense genre, it’s engaging and fun. My only critique is that my experience has shown most Ironhide games in the past 5 years are more enjoyable and the gameplay more balanced with some of the purchaseable heroes and towers.

    Even so, splashing out 30 or so dollars for this game isn’t bad (with all towers and heroes), since I still remember when a gameboy game went for that much, with less than an 1/8th the content, and no accounting for inflation! Just keep in mind, the app cost is the starting point, but you might want to consider setting aside a few bucks for the in-app purchases as the difficulty increases. Thankfully, there’s little need for the microtransaction items, as the ability to earn in-game currency is quite generous.

    I also give the team kudos for their imaginitive world building and backstories - they’ve built a great world to visit in Linearia!
  • Why mobile user has to pay more to get full access?

    To anyone who loves this game, I have owned both pc versions through Steam and mobile versions. The Pc version is 20$ for full access, including entire towers and champions. Sometimes, you get discounted down to like 17 dollars to enjoy the game. However, you don't get like in-app purchase items that help you progress through the stages by purchasing a gem with real money. Meanwhile, the mobile version costs about 7 dollars for partial access, and you have to pay an additional about 50$ish to get all champions and towers like Which you can get by playing in pc version. I don't understand why in the world you separate things and ask for more money? The game itself is amazing and lovely, but the way they put the system this way is way messed up. Why not just cost the game 20 bucks and give full access? I don't go against ideas with additional items purchased, but you can't ask for more money to unlock stuff that is supposed to be given by default.
  • Love this game so much

    This game is so fun, and also quite challenging in some levels (which is a good thing). I love the heroes so much (Nyru, you are so fun) and the two-hero system is a dream come true! The towers are very fun as well, like the dune sentinels and their bounty hunter ability. I know people are saying that the campaigns too short (even though you guys already said that there’d be three new stages, two new heroes, and a new tower soon) or coming up with other excuses but you guys did absolutely amazing ✨. Love the art, heroes, towers, and anybody who calls it bad can go make their own TD game. Thank you Ironhide, I really wish I could make a TD game like you guys one day but I doubt my work would even compare to yours. :)
  • Entire game designed to force IAP

    I have been a Ironhide fan since the very beginning. Things have certainly gone downhill fast since the first 3.

    Level design and difficulty are artificially designed not for fun, not for a challenge, but only to force you to make IAP. I don’t just mean towers and hero’s (which are incredibly more powerful than starter towers), but even starting at level 13 where you can’t even beat the stage on normal without dropping thousands of gems.

    Enemies that can’t be blocked, enemies that spawn dozens of additional enemies just by advancing, enemies that spawn more enemies when they die, enemies that roll past your guards during the “gaze” or whatever, which exists throughout half the map.

    To pay $6.99 already is a steep price compared to every other F2P on the market, but be hit with the same necessity to pay as a F2P after already paying for the game is outrageous. Yes, you could farm thousands of gems for weeks to beat a single level, but this isn’t how these games were originally designed. Unfortunately I’ve already purchased all previous ironhide games (what are we at, 7 or 8 KR variations??), but I’m not buying any more. This isn’t worth the ~$50 they expect you to shell out for the full experience.

    Shame on you Ironhide, for building up a fan base with what was previously good game design, and apparently a passion for the game and the art, and now stabbing them in the back.
  • Great addition

    Love these games, the best TDs out there in all honestly. I love all the cameos and Easter eggs.

    Vengeance was great and it was fun to use the dark army I just didn’t enjoy fighting all the characters I had grown to love.
    This story vindicates vengeance, it’s very fun and interesting to see them uniting.
    Some gripes, (tho still a great TD)

    I loved using “prince” Denas in Origins and you can use Veznans ability in vengeance; this installment missed a great opportunity to cast them both as heroes. To beable to use both Denas and veznan as heroes would’ve been fun with the dual hero mechanic this game introduced, and would be great to see in future updates.
    Tho being able to use Denas to fight Mydrias was a taste I’d have loved full fledged hero Units for both.
    To add, I would’ve loved to see what happened to all the old heroes veznan captured. Gerald Lightbringer holds a special place in my heart.

    My only other real complaint which can be updated in future updates aswell in the amount of levels seems to get shorter and their design is mostly more of the same with a different setting skin.

    Lastly, I’ve been asking since the first kingdom rush that a survival mode for every level would be great fun with leaderboards and should also be considered and added.

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