User Reviews: Kingdom Rush 5

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Top reviews

  • Great game with flawed business model

    Ironhide was one of the companies that pulled me in to mobile gaming, and I’ve always purchased their new products, they have no danger of losing me as a customer. I’ve never been disappointed with the core game itself.

    What has troubled me is that they entice you to spend the equivalent of 2/3 a full console game to unlock all the features they programmed in. This isn’t Elden Ring or RDR2, I’m sorry.

    In the beginning this could be slightly justified by interesting but totally unnecessary heroes, now it inhabits even the towers of a tower defense game! I know the response would be that nothing premium is required to beat the game, but towers are why we even play this genre. let us @!$K around a bit without breaking the bank for God’s sake!! If we want to go the next step we will, but I feel pressured to make additional purchases a couple levels in instead of beating the game, maybe buying another hero on sale, beating it again, rinse and repeat.

    is unlocking the final chapter of the story the next step?
  • Great game as usual but some questionable decisions on core mechanics

    Another high quality kingdom rush game. Broke the game with all the stars and had lots of fun.

    One thing I noticed though is that wings and iron fists no longer contributes to the skill points. As the result, it doesn’t give me as much incentive to finish them before moving on to future levels. Getting stuck on new levels and coming back to get more stars so you can move on with better towers was a core game mechanic that doesn’t exist anymore. When I finish the game and come back to them with my lvl 10 heroes and new towers, they become too easy. This is the first kingdom rush game that I didn’t want to finish them, which adds a little shade to this great game
  • Wish I hadn’t pre-purchased

    Have always played these games and loved them, so I immediately pre-purchased this one when it became available. Didn’t even think twice. I thought Kingdom Rush was an awesome pay once game, the type we need more of. But that’s not what this is. This all the best units and towers behind a paywall. Extremely disappointed, especially since the difficulty ramps up due to flying enemies after several levels, making it frustrating unless (I presume) you pay for the better towers and heroes. Because of course there’s no way to unlock them otherwise. I would have paid more to have the full game up front. Instead, I have this paywalled money grab that I’ve already quit playing rather than shelling out more. What a shame
  • Where is the endless wave mode?

    I love this series and have bought everyone. That being said. They did this awesome game mode in Kingdom Rush: Origins where you can take on endless waves and see your high score. It gave the game great replay ability. I even bought all the champions because it added another level of challenge and made it worth paying for them. But these last two games Vengeance and now 4 it seems they have done away with it. The game is done after 15 campaigns and there is no real incentive to buy towers and champions as you will get bored with it once the game is over. But besides that it is still the best of the best in mobile gaming.
  • Tbh kinda disappointed

    Just felt like a lazy attempt tbh and they only have 17 stages at base game while the other games have far more. On top of that they had no endless mode. this game didn’t have anything after you beat the campaign like why??? All the other games had this but for some reason not this one. Also the towers only had 2 upgrade paths (more laziness) which took away from the game imop (why have a new game and have less options I get you added the second hero which I really liked but everything else kinda flopped compared to last games). Lastly the enemies were very weak but hit you in bursts…. The flying mobs are by far the most annoying especially the stunning ones, like add more interesting units better lore and do better with this game, the previous games are absolutely marvelous this one not so much :(
  • Underwhelming

    Huge fan of the franchise been playing Kingdom Rush since middle school. The new tower system is kinda underwhelming. I gave it the honest try in vengeance and I just don’t like it. It doesn’t make sense to me to have only 5 towers per map available instead of the 8, except that you now have to pay for more towers for a more tailored roster??? And if I need a tower I have to exit the round go swap out a tower and try again? No need for all that it’s less fun and not promoting strategic planning any more than the old setup. And in almost every single game I have purchased in game content. Towers ironically feel much less unique now.

    I will give you money for GOOD updates, heroes, towers, etc. not just because they’re NEW or the tower on the furthest left of the roster.

    The tap to drag mechanic is annoying I keep accidentally moving heroes. Keep that in iron marines.

    Where did my meteor shower go? Having two hero abilities in lieu of meteor shower is not a replacement for that core ability of the game.

    OG Rush, Frontiers, and Origins were awesome, unique, and familiar enough that it didn’t feel like a copy paste.
  • Very Good !!! but could be better

    Hello ironhide I am an old player of the saga. I have already won them all including Alliance. So here is my review: The quality of the game is very good, I like that style that is similar to the 4th version but only 15 scenarios seems very little to me. I would like more reference to the towers from the previous Kingdom Rush. I like that two heroes can be used at the same time and that reinforcements can be redirected. But I think that the final abilities of the towers could be improved, many of them are not very useful or effective. BUT IT'S NO REASON TO GET DEPRESSED!!!!!! It is a wonderful game which I recommend playing. I look forward to the story continuing.🙌🏻
    -Victor O
  • A bit disappointing

    I’ve played all the kingdom rush games and they’re definitely some of the best tower defense experiences. However, after completing the campaign, I’m a bit disappointed. I’ll start with the good.

    The Good

    1. Classic kingdom rush gameplay. Fun and engaging, cool easter eggs, nice art style, interesting heros and towers.

    2. Two heros. It’s the main innovation in this game and it’s nice being able to synergize the two.

    The Bad

    1. Only 16 levels. One 15 round level would take maybe 30 min so 8 hours of unique gameplay for $7 is pretty ridiculous.

    2. Most heros and towers are locked behind expensive paywalls (but that’s nothing new I guess)

    3. Some of the later maps were pretty boring. Maybe one little Easter egg and that was it. No interactives or intriguing level design.

    4. Only 2 tower skills? Previous games had 3 so not sure what’s up with that.


    If they continue to update the game and add new content, then my rating will likely increase, but Alliance seems to fall short of the other kingdom rush games at this point.
  • good kingdom rush

    Over all a big fan! The difficulty was well balanced with having two hero's which was my main worry coming in. The new towers i was able to try felt unique in their own way from past games.

    Having both the hero's and towers behind that steep of a paywall is honestly a little disappointing for an 8 dollar ios game tho, and just like in vengeance the lack of an endless mode brings replayability down slightly (but tower variety makes up for that in some way).

    The levels and ideas brought in on this game were great! I recommend getting it
  • The Quality and Fun is 5 Stars… but,

    Kingdom Rush has been a blast from the first level of the first game. I have played them all multiple times. I always look forward to a new one. I pre-ordered KR5. Had a great time. It felt routine this time. I didn’t feel surprised by any part of the game. I enjoyed every part. But everything was routine. The pinnacle of the series was Origins, the third game. It was so different. So creative. So challenging. Vengeance was not as good as Origins, but still epic. The boss fights of Vengeance were amazing. Alliance felt one step below Vengeance. The quality is there. But the spirit seems to have waned a bit. The newness. The surprises. The shock factor.

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