User Reviews: Kingdom Rush 5

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Good Game. Not worth the price

    It’s a fun kingdom rush game like the previous ones. I’ts not worth $8. It’s a short easy campaign. I 3 starred every level without having to think too hard or strategize much. The available heroes are 4 unless you spend even more money. The available towers also aren’t very fun or creative. You can beat the whole game with the goblin archers essentially. Game should have been $2.99 for the short length on top of additional heroes and towers being more money. At least add an option to purchase towers and heroes via diamonds that we can grind for. Wouldn’t recommend for now. Maybe if they extended the campaign or lowered the price.
  • I have played all KR games

    This game was enjoyable. But didn’t work your brain much. In past games you had to learn the map and run it back in order to find different strategies to stop opponents. This one I went thru entire game on veteran to start and didn’t fail or go under 2 stars once. Not overly disappointed.. but was waiting a long time for this game and expected something more EPIC, creative, and challenging. Feel like it kinda fell off in that sense.
  • The Kingdom Rush Standard

    Another great installment from Ironhide. It’s exactly what you expect from them, a well polished tower defense. It’s familiar but new at the same time. For so long I’ve always used their games as an example of what a mobile TD should be and after all these years they’re still maintaining that loyalty from me. The graphics are great, maps/heroes/towers/powers are fun. If you’re like me and like to complete everything, there’s plenty of achievements to work towards. Definitely recommend for new comers and veterans of the series.

    Love this newest addition to the Kingdom Rush series so much, both towers and heroes feel important, lots of new interesting mechanics with the towers to make them truly different from one another. Same with the heroes, I thought I wouldn’t like the removal of the major spell, but having 2 heroes and 2 albeit weaker spells open so many doors to synergy and strategy. Overall the game is pretty balance in my opinion, most stages on normal you could beat after 1-2 tries, the higher difficulties are really engaging for long time fan like myself, and I like that they added a bunch of easter eggs to the stages. The art style is great as well, I didn’t like the more cartoon like style of Vengeance, but this seem like a good mix a the cartoon style with more animation especially how heroes move and the original more fantasy hand drawn style of the first 3 games.
  • Not as good as previous KR games

    It's been a long wait and I was very excited to finally have a new version of Kingdom Rush! But a few things are marring the fun:

    1. The map in each level always needs to be scrolled. You can never have the entire thing on the screen, even zoomed out at max.

    2. When double clicking to call enemies early, because the map needs to be scrolled, you can't just tap the little circle. You have to scroll to the edge first, losing sight of the main fighting area at times. Even then, half the time the circle is dimmed out and you can barely see it and have to double click to see it before double clicking to call, wasting valuable time and bonus coins.

    3. The maps *all* have 2 or 3 exits. All of them. It's super disappointing because some of the most enjoyable previous maps just had one exit where you can concentrate forces.

    4. Two heroes per map, every time. Makes sense with the multiple exits, but the play experience just isn't as focused. I don't like the scattered feel personally, so I hate that it's *every* map.

    5. The new towers aren't that fun. I bought them all. They also don't clearly show whether they attack air or ground or both when scrolling through.

    6. Some levels are annoyingly difficult even on casual mode.

    The whole experience makes me want to go replay previous versions of the game instead. I stopped at some level with a lot of invisible guys and spiders, and I'm not that eager to continue.
  • Gameplay issue

    Huge fan of this franchise since day one and have played and replayed every iteration multiple times. I am disappointed the maps are not designed to fit on the entire screen. This forces you to scroll the map in order to view the entire playing field. It interrupts gameplay, is distracting, and reduces overall enjoyment. I will adjust but I’m enjoying the game less than the others and don’t understand this decision.
  • Eh, disappointing

    I love the Kingdom Rush series, but this entry is my least favorite by far. The levels all seemed really similar, and there weren’t any interesting enemies. The upgradable skill tree was really radom and kind of useless. In all the other entries, the skill trees correspond specifically with a certain type of tower. But in this one it’s not like that. What’s even worse is that when you finish the main story, they don’t give you any bonus levels like they did in every other game. I’m constantly replaying the other Kingdom Rush games, but I dont see much replay value in this one sadly.
  • Best game in the series

    So before this game we had 4 game in the series but this one kinda fells deferent in a good why because they have some good features from the fourth game like buying new towers they also have that the towers after you place them they are already at the final Levi from the first game and you can have 2 heroes and play with no internet so I’m just going to say that if you like tower defense game get this game or else your missing out
  • Way too much

    App should not be 7 dollars. Especially if there is gonna be in game purchases
  • Great game as always

    Thank you!

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