AFK Journey User Reviews

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  • Good Game!! Please add in the option to watch ads for hero essence!!!

    I really like this game. I got it a few weeks ago and it’s been very fun! The characters are designed very well and the story is pretty good. My only qualm is that the purple ‘hero essence’ is scarce, especially when all my main heroes need a few thousand of them every 11th level. It makes upgrading them very slow at times, especially when they’re too low-leveled to win battles. I know this is to slow people down, but seriously- once you hit resonance 100 it gets way too slow.

    —>Please add an option to watch ads for hero essence. I will gladly sit through a thirty second ad to get 500 hero essence, especially multiple times!! I’m not going to spend money on this game, let’s face it; and I know you guys want some money, so please take my advice and add this option!! You get money from the ads, I get hero essence. It’s a win-win. All you need is a button in the Trolley tab that says “Watch ad for x amount of Hero Essence.” I would gladly sit through the ads. Please add this option. Please. People in the game agree that they would like this.
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  • Need laws put in place for gacha games

    If your in America write to your senators and congressmen to see if we can get laws put in place. Like if they break the game after an update and crashes or freezes they have a week maybe two pushing it to fix it and if you redownload and still does it we get a full refund from the beginning of time the game was out. Then also include things like age limits, amount of money allowed to be spent on a game a month, how low rates are allowed to go like can’t go below 1-5% as many gacha games started to be like under a percent, even put in pity needed for other gacha games that don’t have it. Anyone who reads recent comments help spread the word. We need new laws put in place. Like if kids play a gambling game like a gacha when young and when they get older they mostly likely to have a gambling addiction and company’s like this play on that addiction and hope people get addicted and spend more money then they can afford. Just an idea for people to do and should.
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  • Fun Enough Game

    After reinstalling the game and noticing phone memory was maxed, thus not allowing the update to go through and not allowing the game to give me an error to say what the issue was, it works now. Weird that it wouldn't just tell me it couldn't install the update but instead would log into the game and crash out instead of even trying to install it.
    Either way:
    As title says, fun enough of a game. On the 133rd day of logging in at time of writing. Was a fan of AFK Arena and after extensively playing the likes of Dragalia Lost, SinoAlice, Nier:Reincarnation, and Genshin Impact, this is the new liking alongside Monster Hunter Now. My only two points of criticism gameplay wise are as follows:
    - Progression can be a touch slow for character exclusive weapons without paying.
    - Getting the stargazing orbs for celestial and hypogean characters is excruciatingly slow without paying. As events keep coming, this gets a bit better but there is still room to improve.
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    Developer Response

    We’re sorry that you encountered this issue. Please restart the device、lower the display quality and delete and reinstall the app to see if it helps. If not, to better assist you, please provide some related info (user ID, video) via in-game support and we will send them to our team for further investigation. Kindly wish for your understanding.
  • Amazing game

    I downloaded this game while looking for a new mobile game to keep me entertained during finals. It has so many different battle modes, mini games on the app, and they just added fishing. The gacha mechanism is so interesting because it feels like it is on my side. In one of the gachas, I can choose which characters I recruit. I have been able to fully ascend the banner character without paying money. I don’t feel pressured to spend money nor do I think I need to in order to be good at the game, which makes me keep playing. Also, drawing multiples of the same character is good, which makes it very hard to be disappointed when pulling for characters. I am a huge fan of this game and I have spend NO MONEY!! I love it and I really hope it stays this way. Also feels like the developers really care about user experience, which makes me excited for each update. Huge fan, thank you to the developers.
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  • Not worth monetary investment

    This game is f2p friendly to a fault. As a gatcha game it is highly encouraged not to spend right after starting . A few weeks into the game, the content dries up until the first season starts and the cycle repeats. The graphics are by far the best part imo...the story, well...most are in such a hurry to level up their player and heroes and that they skip all the dialogue. The few times I stopped to read what was going on, the story lacked depth and remains childish. Even when new heroes are introduced, it sounds like two children telling us a lackluster story and you have to watch 20 mins just to get to the screenshots to figure out what the new skills will be for the hero.

    As one who spent in the beginning of the game, the biggest downfall for spenders is that maximizing your heroes really has little impact on progression and overcoming f2p players who simply get their heroes to Supreme + and remain a constant competition in every event. You keep telling yourself that the investment will eventually pay does not. Play the game and enjoy the competition, but it is highly recommended not to spend. Sadly there are few who spent $10-40K in the first few weeks to find out their investments really got them nowhere.
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  • New season game crashes

    Ever since the new season launched game crashes constantly. At least once every 10 minutes. Please fix, otherwise great game!


    Fixed the crash issue although still crashes from time to time. Most importantly this game went from being and honest true RPG experience, to becoming pay to win PVP trash…I started playing this game from day 1 and got thru the game with all smiles and fulfillment. I loved the rich story and the characters and personalities filled me with joy and excitement to what was going to happen next!….unfortunately this new “season” has stressed me out and made me bitter and left a bad taste in my mouth of what’s to come….you have taken a good, rich, exciting experience and turned it into a pay to win butchery of epic proportions. I get better excitement out of playing old RPGs over again that I have beaten a hundred times over!….what a shame, I had high hopes for this game but like all else greed set in and this game has become more about PVP and RANK than about the gameplay experience. I’m a 30+ year veteran of RPG experience and while this started out absolutely amazing! It’s turned into a total disaster. I’m sorry DEVS but I will no longer be playing. Good luck.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for contacting us. Please switch to another network (Wifi or 4G), reinstall the latest version from the store again and see if that helps. If not, to better assist you, please provide some related info (user ID, device model) via our FB (@AFK Journey) and we will be happy to help you.
  • Very fun…at first.

    Cool characters and very easy to acquire them. Story is pretty standard but still fun to go through especially the current story in the recent update. However, I feel I am being punished right now for not paying. Some content is just not playable unless your characters are strong enough. But it’s not the gear or levels that matter but the ascension. You need those copies of characters and need to pull if you want to make deal with certain late game stuff. Guild drills were unplayable for many of us, especially after doing so well in the earlier season. Current Primal lord is also unplayable where my characters are getting instantly killed and I deal little to no damage. Early game is really fun but late game gets frustrating and it favors those who pay.

    Edit: Yeah, it’s gotten worse. I hit a wall in Arena. Couldn’t get higher than my current rank because my characters aren’t ascended enough. Like everyone having mystic+ levels. What’s worse is I’m now being slowly pushed out of my current rank. There is nothing I can do beyond spending at this point. Very disappointing and really scummy.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for contacting us. We plan on adding more plots, new gameplay and events, and the quantity and value of rewards that the gameplay and events will have to offer. Please pay attention to the announcements for any updates. Sincerely,
  • Good first impressions that hides a massive money sink

    There’s a lot to like in the game, that other reviews cover fairly well. But after a week or two of play, the game becomes pretty blatant in how it wants to just extract money from you for every tiny bit of progression. Without spending money, character progression reaches such a slow rate that it can take many days just to see even the smallest increase in power. When you get past the first few ranks in PvP, the gulf in power between those who spend money vs those who spend very little to none is massive. The game will *kindly* inform you that you are falling behind in progression and that rewards will be greater until you are caught up. Except that requires you to beat content that your characters are incapable of beating.

    All this amounts to hitting a brick wall in the game very quickly. Dropping even a moderate amount of money provides a small jump in power, but the gains from this do not last long.

    This is typical of most mobile gacha games, to be sure. Just don’t be fooled by the early reviews and “all characters are free” advertising and think that this game is any different on that regard.
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    Developer Response

    Sorry to bring you an unpleasant gaming experience, if you have a good suggestion, please contact our FB (@AFK Journey) or in-game customer service.
  • New “Season” makes the game no fun

    The way the game was before was perfect. Come release for the new “season” and it is such a let down. Before it was simple to team comp and organize auto battles. But now with these laser bros and the bird things that run your team over. It’s unplayable. There’s no rhyme or reason to winning. I’ve watched the help section to try and get an idea on how others have done it. It doesn’t help. Replicating other comps with my team that is even higher level and has more copies on them does nothing. I have no idea why I can’t complete it the same way. The game doesn’t help in any sense on how to improve. Watching others just infuriates me since me trying the same comp doesn’t work. Being 20+ levels higher than the enemies no longer mean ANYTHING. I hate that I put money into this game when it was good. The new “season” has just been a waste of time and now money. Maybe I’ll come back when the game fixes itself. But as it is now… it’s no longer fun. I can’t progress in the story. Soren looked so much fun. Oh well.

    “Contact us via Facebook” I don’t have Facebook.
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    Developer Response

    Sorry for not thinking everything through. If you have any questions, you can also contact us directly through the in-game customer service.
  • Genshin Impact Storage

    The game is very good, fun and lots to do. I like collecting the characters and exploring the world and having the option to AFK grind to get better equipment and level up, but there is one problem. I first got the game to play on my phone when I was bored and away from home and it was the best option I had. Until it needed an update for a new character. It was so much storage I had to delete my other games for space and after I deleted those games it still wasn’t enough storage. I had this problem before with my mom’s phone. My niece installed Genshin Impact on my mom’s phone and my PlayStation. I had to deleted it off my PlayStation because it took too much space. And before I knew it my mom’s poor broken phone was fried. I told my mom for my niece not to install Genshin Impact on anything. AFK Journey reminds me of Genshin Impact update-wise, so I saved my data from my phone to my computer. I wanted to play on my phone but I’m afraid that in later updates it could fry my phone too. Now I barely play it because I have better games to play on my computer. Not saying the game is bad but to me I would rather play it on my phone. Better to be safe than sorry..
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for your support of the game. Our team is aware of the problem of too much game memory and is doing its best to optimize it. We hope to bring you a good gaming experience in the future.

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