User Reviews: Pirr AI

Top reviews

  • Doesn’t load

    Nothing will load or start when you try to create a story or read others
  • Search bar

    What would really help this app expand is to have a search bar for other people’s tags or titles for their stories so you can find a specific interest. Obviously keep the private option and what not

    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for taking the time to provide some feedback. The search function is a priority, stay tuned... We hope you are having fun creating stories with Pirr.
  • It can be very good.

    I have been using this for a week or two and while I do most of the writing, I usually edit the suggestions it gives me to keep the story on track. It often changes the genders of my characters and writes things contradictory to what I had said earlier. I’m not clear on if anyone is actually reading along because I never get feedback. The rules are a little confusing as well. If you work with this app it can definitely be exciting.

    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for your feedback! We have improved and updated many features and would love to hear what you think now.
  • Dumb

    The AI is really dumb. But it is horny.
  • You have to write!

    You will not have an ai writing, you will be the one writing, and remembering, this is a horrible AI.
  • Doesn’t work open on my iPhone 15 -_-

    Love this app but it won’t work on my iPhone 15 very frustrating.
  • Needs upgrades

    The Ai for this app is kinda bland it dosent even know what someone is writing half of the time someone has to write it themselves i feel like they should upgrade the chat gpt on this to the latest one since idk if its true but i feel like it’s either using chat gpt 2 or just some standard ai it has potential but the ai needs a major upgrade

    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for taking the time to leave feedback. The app has had many updates and the language model has extensive training. We would lovel fo r you to try Pirr now and let us know what you think!
  • Great but flawed

    It’s a great app for what it is but I’ve run into a problem a few times where I’ll edit something out or change something that I had added and it will randomly tell me I can only use English when I’ve only been using English, it will tell me I have something in a different language, the weirdest ones being Tagalog and welsh. It doesn’t tell me what word too, so I’m left clueless and having to erase whole paragraphs to get to continue, perhaps a feature could be added that tells you what word is supposedly in another language instead of not telling me anything besides the fact that there’s a word it thinks is in another language

    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for leaving feedback about this issue. Many updates have been put in place and we would love for you to try Pirr now and let us know what you think!
  • Let's cut right to the chase: this app is Censored!

    I want to echo what another used said in their review: this app is CENSORED as it automatically blocks certain words it deems as Inappropriate or offensive. I'm not sure how the word "parents" is inappropriate or offensive but hey, have at it, Developer. Sure, this app will do "light NSFW content" but for all you consenting adults who understand that fictional fantasy is fictional fantasy, forget about generating anything with kinks or more explicit, erotic material. I have to repeat this message for all Al Chat developers: ChatGPT released their official app in 2023. It's free and it's superior to all other Al apps in the Apr Store. It does everything your app can do, only better and at no cost. The reason people paid the extra fees for other AI apps was because unlike ChatGPT, those apps were *uncensored*. If a certain AI App is just as censored as ChatGPT, then I see no reason to pay extra for a subscription, etc. So my final message to all Al App developers: by engaging in Censorship and Thought Control, you are leaving A LOT of money on the table. You need to give people a reason to pay for your app. Your app needs to be able to do something that ChatGPT can't. And this app isn't able to do that so I can't recommend this to anyone else in good faith.

    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for your thoughts. The language model is continuously training to improve context recognition and we recommend using even more words and descriptive text to give the AI great contextual basis. Pirr is currently still free and we would be interested to hear your thoughts should you decided to try out the app again.
  • Really fun, but…

    1. Every time I attempt to change verbiage, the screen refreshes, and I lose all the changes I just made in that paragraph.

    2. Sometimes the screen refreshes and adds the same paragraph more than once, which means I have to get out of that screen go to the edit screen, and then select all that text and delete it. All these steps kinda spoil the flow . :)

    3. I have this on my phone and iPad, but for some reason the iPad does not recognize my account, so I can’t sign in - I would love to be able to have the iPad functional so I can use a full keyboard instead of trying to tap out on my keyboard - it takes so long, and by that time, if the screen refreshes (see above).

    4. Additionally, it appears that you can change your email address but if you do and hit save, nothing happens. The email address that appears in my app is not even the email address that I provided, and I am the only one with access to my account.

    5. Little to no online help to show how to prevent these issues.

    It is truly a fun and unique app, but would be so much better without these bugs. Am hoping for updates that address these things!

    If you’re trying to decide, go ahead and get this app - just be forewarned all these glitches kinda spoil the mood.

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