SpongeBob Adventures User Reviews

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  • It’s okay

    Like many others have complained about the energy system I definitely see that as being an issue. My other thing is I haven’t moved on from jelly fish fields yet because you can get the jelly there and it’s like 999 my question is that if I move on and the area is closed am I permanently locked out of getting that free resource or will there be an option to collect it even after I leave the area. It’s it’s the former I’d rather not move on. And things do take a while for the energy to regain. You do the mini game which gives free energy it’s about an hour wait on the things to refill and a 3 hour wait on the tasks themselves to refill. While I understand that most mobile games have energy systems to try to get the player back into it later. This one seems kinda ridiculous that there’s no way to increase the cap. And removing things does cost a large amount of energy. You can remove a few things at most and just come back to it maybe a few hours later and repeat the same steps. It’s ok just not all that fun I thought it would be.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! As you complete all tasks on a location you can move to the next one. However, previous location will be closed within 48 hours. You can still get much jelly in Bikini Bottom by buying jellyfish and giving them food, which isn't quite difficult to do.
  • Lowkey nostalgia-bate that seems to be pay-to-play

    Even though clearing a specific piece of debris will say, for example, “8 Energy,” it will spend more until you’ve completely run out and then the debris you’d tried to clear away will still be there because it still needs more energy to be cleared away. The game rips you off. And there’s so much to be cleared away, that’s basically all you’re doing for the whole time you play. You can get more if you have food items in storage, but the only way you can get these is if you clear specific types of debris—which requires…you guessed it… ENERGY! Oy…I downloaded the game for nostalgia purposes, but it’s just like any other idle game on here. Actually, no. It’s not. Because I’ve played better idle games that are much more playable than this one is. (E.g. Cats & Soup and Rent, Please!)

    Do better, devs.
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  • A very grinding and slow game to progress

    This game is probably the most detailed and beautiful SpongeBob app game I’ve seen. The problem is that energy is very slow to accumulate and you only can play for about 20 seconds after waiting 30 minutes or so for full energy. The sad thing is this wait time isn’t an exaggeration. You’re going to lose a lot of players from this game being so unbalanced. Energy is slow to accumulate. Task items like seaweed take forever to gain because energy is so low. There’s no point of having bikini bottom citizens because you never have enough materials to build anything to utilize them. Planting crops is also worthless. You have so many crops but due to needing items that require energy that takes forever to get you can’t craft anything with it. I think this game tried pulling ideas from greater games that already have these mechanics without knowing how to properly implement them. There doesn’t seem to be any true play testers either because this game is very unbalanced and broken.
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    Developer Response

    Hello. Thank you for your feedback. Energy points can be found in the game additionally. You can exchange energy in special machines, make spatulas, complete orders, etc. Our team will add even more possibilities to the game. So please stay tuned!
  • Decent game

    The only issues I’ve really had were getting enough energy to unlock new areas on the maps and not being able to move buildings around once you place them. I feel like instead of having energy max out at 50 it should max out at at least 100. And as for the building situation I feel like we should be able to go back and edit where we want to put our buildings. I’ve just been placing buildings for the missions in random open places until I could clear more room and move them but there’s no way to move the buildings once you placed them.

    Other than that, I have no complaints. It’s a fun game. Just irritating that it takes so long to get energy and I never have enough of it. And being able to move buildings would be nice.
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  • LOVE this game, but has flaws

    I downloaded this game abt a month ago & I play it all the time. I do have a few complaints tho that I’d love to be considered! The supplies. It’s slow moving to progress because half of the stuff I need to build buildings or whatever, I’ve harvested. I can’t expand because it takes way too many rakes & shovels to open a tiny piece of land, then when you do clear it, there’s nothing you need in it. I’ve harvested all the worlds I’ve explored too & still don’t have enough of certain items like coral, wood, metal, etc. There needs to be a way to harvest coral & kelp & stuff, because theres not enough around the game to keep it moving. Energy bar needs to have a bigger capacity too. Wait an hour to refill it & only knock over one tree. & the compasses are hard to get. I have a task to make a toy train & I can’t seem to even get enough compasses to unlock it. I can’t complete the tasks or deliver to the bull worm because there aren’t enough resources to make certain stuff. It’s just a hard game to progress on with what you got.
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  • Addictive game- but I’m stuck!

    I love playing this game, but I would agree with other reviews in the fact that some obstacles take a LOT of energy to remove, especially the farther along you get in the main storyline. I’m in the Medieval Moments section and the obstacles there take 180+ energy to remove ONE SINGLE THING when your max energy is only 70 at best. It makes things slow to a halt, and by the time my energy refills, I’ve lost the motivation to continue because I feel like it’s just a waste of energy to get basically nowhere.
    I shouldn’t need to pay 15$+ just to fill my energy/get gems to continue!

    I do like the new event in Patrick’s couch- but I’ve reached the point where I collected parts to a quest before the quest even started, so now I can’t continue and I’m stuck- I can’t complete the event! In this instance I wish there was an option to use gems to skip the task or something!!
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  • The energy problem 🙄😒

    Don’t get me wrong I like how the game story is but I hate how I can’t delete or sell things like roads I’ve put down and get some money back bc the roads I put down when I first started I don’t like no more but I don’t wanna just buy new ones bc that’s a waste of the money that I spent I don’t like how I can’t reset my game and start all over again if I wanted to I hate how the energy is 50 max unless u have collected stuff to get more bc in jellyfish fields a rock is 45 out of that 50 energy and then I’m stuck bc I can’t do anything after breaking just one oh and the 45 rock is the small rock not the big ones which are like 60 something I’m just frustrated bc I wanna love the game but I can’t progress I can’t make room to place stuff bc I don’t have the energy to get rid of the stuff and I can’t complete orders bc I don’t have to room to build the things I need to build to complete the orders
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    Developer Response

    Hello. Thank you for your feedback. The energy that is restored in the game during the specified time is not the only way to receive it. You can increase your game balance using other possibilities in the game as well, like energy exchanging, or others as there are lots of them. Contact us if you need help.
  • A very grinding and slow game to progress

    This game is probably the most detailed and beautiful SpongeBob app game I’ve seen. The problem is that energy is very slow to accumulate and you only can play for about 20 seconds after waiting an hour or so for full energy. The sad thing is this wait time isn’t an exaggeration. You’re going to lose a lot of players from this game being so unbalanced. Energy is slow to accumulate. Task items like seaweed take forever to gain because energy is so low. There’s no point of having bikini bottom citizens because you never have enough materials to build anything to utilize them. Planting crops is also worthless. You have so many crops but due to needing items that require energy that takes forever to get you can’t craft anything with it. I think this game tried pulling ideas from greater games that already have these mechanics without knowing how to properly implement them. There doesn’t seem to be any true play testers either because this game is very unbalanced and broken.
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  • Buy or wait

    As a new player, I found it incredibly easy to breeze past jellyfish fields and the city. Now I’m in Atlantis on the 3rd day of playing. I keep making food for the clams I’ve placed with their feed house and I never see any pearls over them the way jellyfish made jelly. The fields have been open for more than 24 hours and that’s the only place I ever see jelly since it opened, so maybe that’s why I’m not getting pearls at home after moving on to Atlantis.

    It’s hard to get into the game or remember where u planned to go when energy is maxed at 50 and it takes 95 just to remove one of 3-4 obstacles just like it to unlock the next area. I use the mini games and energy machines to hurry things along, but it’s annoying when things don’t unlock because of that and are required in order to progress. Ya get stuck a lot waiting for energy to the point that it’s difficult to remember why ya even wanted to come back to play it.
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  • Same complaint as everyone else’s.

    Like most people, I feel that the energy costs to remove simple debris are way too high. I’m fairly early into the game, and I have a max limit of 65 energy. One type of debris, literally a single flower, costs ~35 energy to clear. I’ve never seen any other game of this type have such high energy costs for such a small amount of max energy after waiting times. And I’m sure the devs will just say “there are additional ways to get extra energy,” and sure, there are, but mostly in the form of small pick-ups that barely cover the cost of the next mandatory debris removal. There aren’t enough extra pick-ups if you want to stray for ten seconds to clear some extra debris, of which there is a metric f-ton. Just reduce the energy costs and you’ve got a fun little game here. The high energy costs are a strange way of showcasing company greed through micro-transactions that shouldn’t need to be necessary to play longer than 30 seconds at a time. Edit: “Dev Response” is nothing but a copy/paste cookie-cutter response that says nothing and proves they probably don’t read these reviews or take the criticisms seriously.
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    Developer Response

    Hello. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please reach out to us from the ""Support"" icon in your game's Setting's Menu, or at SpongeBob-Adventures@tiltingpoint.com. We appreciate your input and look forward to hearing from you.

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