Fit Diesel User Reviews

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  • 56 is the new 30

    Thanks to Matt I can finally see results. I had given up and was ready to accept that I was an older lady and that this is what it was going to be. I started my journey at 236. Got w Matt in Dec 2022 and lost 12 lbs by increasing my metabolism 1000 points. I just can’t express or say enough to convince some me one to give him the chance to change ur live. U won’t regret it. It’s not another gimmick
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  • Fantastic program

    If you are considering a program to help you through your fitness journey then Macro Coach from Fit Diesel is it. I started on Feb10 at 2385 calories at 188 lbs. So like most i started with Metabolic Build and on final of week 16 i was up to 3573 calories and weight at 188lbs but in that time i have lost 1.5 inches off my waist, even with going on vacation for and entire week. Yesterday I hit my 4th day in row for weight gain so its time for the lost weight phase and cant weight for the results.

    Matt has predicted and given great guidance with his videos that help you through the process. It is not one of those programs that restricts you from foods you like or just enjoying life you just need to make your Macros Protein, Carbs & Fat, which it gives you weekly based off your progress.

    Just take look at pictures and you can see the difference and this was just on Met build phase going up 1,188 calories. It was hard eating all that food sometimes and thats not something you can say when you use some of those fad diets usually you are starving and losing not only fat but muscle.

    Again thanks to Matt and his team for bringing the science and helping me in my journey.

    Chris aka cjpinkz2
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  • Great app and better educational tool

    Fit Diesel is the best. I've used Matt for One on One Coaching and MacroCoach. Went down from 22% BF to 11% and still moving toward my goals. A science based approach allows you to eat great food and still reach your health goals. Increased my metabolic rate from 1600 to 2800 calories. Learning how to train myself is the best part of the process.
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  • Metabolic Build

    I found Fit Diesel on Tik Tok and was interested in Matt's science-based approach to losing weight and metabolic build. I had previously had weight lost surgery losing 82 pounds, maintaining that weight loss since my initial surgery. Over the last year I had been hitting the gym consistently and figured if I was dedicating my time to the gym, I wanted my diet to be on par with the effort I was putting in at the gym. I decided to sign up for 1 on 1 coaching.

    During my metabolic build I increased my calorie intake by 900, losing 10 pounds in about 9 weeks. During this journey Matt guided me through each week, telling me what to expect, and answering any questions or concerns I had very promptly.

    During my metabolic build my view on dieting had completely changed, for the first time in my life I was able to have food freedom and eat the foods I chose, as long as I stayed within my caloric goal for the week. I think we've all been told by so many different sources that carbs are bad, you have to eat like a rabbit, or be a cardio bunny to lose weight. I still try to wrap my head around the fact that I was eating more than I ever had before, not feeling restricted by food choices, yet continuing to lose weight.

    The Macro coach App, that Fit Diesel provides was also a very good app. The app was very easy to navigate, and the videos in the app answered almost any question I had throughout the process. I highly recommend giving this program a try.
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  • Fit Diesel App

    Everybody is not your body. You are wholly original in how you live life, work, work-out, cook, eat, learn, care, and comfort. So why would your nutrition and fitness program be about anything but you?

    At Fit Diesel we understand the unique science of you to create a nutrition program for you. Designed to rehabilitate your metabolism, we tailor a data-driven program to achieve your body goals while teaching you sustainable techniques for life-long health and happiness. By learning your unique biometrics, we will optimize your metabolic performance, so you don’t have to give up the foods you love while transforming your health. We’re also there every step supporting and coaching on targeted exercises, foods, and tips to achieving the best you.

    Your body goals. Our tailored science-based program. A happier, healthier you.
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  • It will change your life!!!

    After struggling for years working on finding a healthy way to live I came across Fit Diesel on TikTok. Wow what a game changer…. I have been a dieter for years. I have done South Beach, HCG Diet (yes that’s 500 calories a day), Keto, “Balanced”, Carnivore, you name it I have tried it. I did lose weight, but never comfortably and I could never sustain the lifestyle long term. So I gained it all back (and most of the time more). So I decided this time I wanted to take a different approach. I wanted a coach but not just some random person that didn’t have knowledge and not someone that was going to tell me I couldn’t eat. I wanted to learn how to eat what I wanted but in a healthy way. This year alone I have taken my husband out of state for a brain and a back surgery, taken my son out of state for neurosurgery, and sat alongside my grandmother as she passed away. My life is a lot and I needed nutrition to be accommodating to my life. Have you ever tried to eat keto at a hospital? It’s not easy!!

    So I took a leap of faith and signed up for Macro Coach after listening to many of Matt’s lives and videos. I started macro coach eating 1600 calories consistently. During that time I went from thanksgiving, to my husband’s surgery, to my son’s service dog’s surgery, to traveling out of state, then Christmas, finally my son’s birthday/ New Years Eve and the scale truly never went up ( I know fluctuations but no true gain). I still can’t believe that throughout all of this I have eaten real food, normal food. For the first time in years I enjoyed eating my favorite Thanksgiving and Christmas foods with no guilt!!! I am so proud of myself and the progress I’ve been able to make so far. I ended my metabolic build eating 2200 calories. More than that I LOST WEIGHT during that time. I started at 193 lbs and ended that phase at 188 lbs. 600 more calories a day eating whatever I wanted and lost weight! My mind is blown. I feel better than I ever have and this is only the beginning.

    I am a few months into my lose weight phase and I still couldn’t be happier. I am consistently losing weight. (Please remember this is not intended to be a quick fix concept.) Matt tells us from the beginning you will lose weight consistently but it is not about dropping weight overnight. I have learned so much during this time about how the body works and what my body needs from me. Patience and consistency are absolutely key. These are all things Matt has taught along the way. It works! I know his method works because he has predicted exactly what’s going to happen time and time again. Trust the process and give yourself the opportunity to be the person you’ve always wanted to be!

    My advice if you are interested in learning how to live a healthy comfortable life…. Use Macro Coach. If you want that extra bit of understanding and guidance… Use Macro Coach with one on one coaching!!! You won’t regret it.
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  • You can Reverse Type 2 Diabetes!

    After being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes/Insulin Resistance and having an A1C of 11.6. A fasting blood glucose of 240. Slightly elevated cholesterol. Testosterone was 205. My doctor told me “lay off the carbs, you can have some fruit, and take this pill.” No real plan. My doctor didn’t even tell me it was reversible.

    Well it is, after some searching around in social media and the entire internet, I looked at all of the popular videos on YouTube, hours of searching. I finally found the Instagram page that would change my life, Fit Diesel.

    I sent Mr. Fit Diesel himself a direct message and told him my story. He replied, rather quickly….with a voice note. You need to lose body fat! What resonated with me immediately was that he said FAT, not WEIGHT. He explained it all, he made it make sense to me. He isn’t trying to sell you something, he doesn’t guarantee you a darn thing. I was sold and signed up for 1 on 1 coaching.

    Fast forward to December of 2023. I am down to a weight I haven’t seen since I was 21-22 years old. I’m lean, and most importantly…..I’M NO LONGER DIABETIC AND I AM OFF OF METFORMIN. My testosterone is in the 700s. My cholesterol is down. Everyone of my blood markers are good.

    If you think $29.99 a month is expensive, try paying $200+ every 90 days for a doctor visit. That’s just my part after insurance. Not only will Matt’s science based approach make you healthier, it can actually save you money!

    Thanks Matt!!
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  • MACROCoach

    I absolutely love Matt’s science based approach with nutrition, and I love having food freedom! MACROCoach is very different than any other app I’ve seen before regarding nutrition, exercise, weight management, macros tracking, and a bunch more. It’s easy to use and offers lots of informative videos that thoroughly explain what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and what to expect! It’s literally virtual coaching and eases my mind about all things food intake. I have suffered from food fatigue (eating the same things over and over for 2 years) because I was too afraid to veer off course and ultimately gain weight. Sadly … I did just that. But MACROCoach has me back on the right track again. And my stress levels about weight gain and food choices have gone back down now. I’m not afraid of food anymore because I trust this process and the science behind it. My strength and endurance in the gym have gone up. I feel good while I’m doing CrossFit 5x a week and have lots of fuel for my workouts. My body is getting what it needs and starting to look better in terms of muscle tone and definition. My confidence is going up and I’m seeing small wins which is very exciting and making this so much more enjoyable. I can’t be more grateful I found Matt on social media and have MACROCoach to guide me daily.
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