Enigmo User Reviews

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  • Fav game app

    I think this might be the only review of any app that I have that I have written. Had the app about 6 weeks and it's my favorite one. I don't play every day because some of the puzzles take a while and much experimentation to solve, but all the levels have been solvable. Some have been extremely fun. Well worth my 10 bucks. If a person is impatient or unwilling to learn to be more patient then this ain't the app for you. So far out of many levels there was only one level I didn't like but it was still solvable.

    If you like tinkering with things in real life to improve them then you might really enjoy this app. One thing I didn't realize until a few levels later is that I could zoom out to see the whole area at once, which is very helpful when the puzzles start getting more complex. BTW, the app takes advantage of the touch aspect of iPod/iPhone very well!
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  • Great Puzzle Game

    I just bought this at the sale price and I'm really glad I did. Multiple save slots, in-game downloadable content, fantastic graphics and sound, great challenges, and the ability to play with virtual liquid, all wrapped in a well-made interface.

    For those concerned about performance, there is a rare ocassion where you'll get some droplet lag, but it only occurs in specific circumstances where the droplets are piling up but also reacting to their surroundings at the same time. Again, it's pretty rare.

    The only thing I can see being added at this time is a tutorial. While I think some of the fun of Enigmo is learning how things work in it, I can see it benefiting some users anyway.

    One more thing - I'm not a huge fan of puzzle games. However, somehow this game feels less like a puzzle and more like a 1-Player strategy game (or something like that...). I've been able to beat some levels without a few of the components, so unlike most puzzle games, in Enigmo you can actually decide on your own way to play. It's much more interesting than, say, a brick-falling game.
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  • Awesome game!

    I would recommend anyone who likes puzzle games to purchase this immediately. So far, the only complaints seem to be that the price is too high (I simply laugh at these, $10 for 50 levels and the ability to download hundreds of other levels for free), it's too difficult (which isn't a very valid claim, considering many others find it very fun, and that it's a puzzle game and difficult levels should be expected), and that it crashes, which seems to plague nearly every iPhone app, and seems to be more Applems fault than the developers. A very great game that will last hours upon hours. The only problem I see is that there's no eu to save progress in a single level (you can only save between levels), so if you almost complete a level and then have to shut the game down, you'll find yourself having to redo that level when you reopen the game. All in all, its well worth the $10 dollars. Hell. It'd be worth $40.
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  • Brilliant and perfect in every way!

    I have too many thoughts about this game to type out on my iPhone right now, but to make a long story short - this game is incredible. Seriously. I just passed level 26 and I'm so proud of myself right now. I know no one ever responds to these reviews, but did anyone else find that level incredibly difficult? And did you use the twist that I did, that u may NEED to use, that (spoiler!) once u get the lava thru the force field or whatever u use the lava itself to go thru the loop and keep itself perpetuating so u can redirect the water and retrieve a piece that u were previously using for it??
    Anyhow, two qualms:
    1. If u get a phone call during a game, u have to start that level from scratch, losing all the work u meticulously put into setting it up and possibly forgetting what u pit where. Still better than other games tho where u'd have to start the whole GAME from scratch...
    2. Is there any way to delete a saved game without having to save another one over it, rather to turn it back into an empty slot??

    Anyhow, stop reading this and buy this game now! And to all who say 9.99 is too expensive, u'd pay 50 bucks or more for any game of equally good graphics on amy other console!!
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  • Fun, but interface is funky

    I had the original Enigmo for the Mac and loved it, so I happily bought the iPhone version. Unfortunately, I find it much more difficult to use than the desktop version. It's hard to differentiate between clicking on the background, clicking on a tool, and rotating a tool. I often wind up doing one function when I was trying to do something different: I'll try to rotate a tool, but I end up dragging it out of position instead. (And since positioning the tools is so important and sensitive, this gets frustrating quickly.) It might be helpful to have a more positive way to switch between moving items and rotating them. How about an on-screen button that changes a selected tool from "move" to "rotate"? Or how about a "nudge" tool that will move the selected tool in very small increments? Also, since many of the puzzles are wider than they are tall, it would be great to be able to rotate the screen and play in landscape mode. Otherwise, the game looks handsome, and the graphics are smooth and impressive. Here's hoping for more control in future updates.
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  • Great game!

    This is by far my favorite app that I've downloaded so far and the only one that's compelled me enough to write a review about it. It's incredibly addicting and very well done, the graphics are great and it runs very smoothly. Even the sound effects add a lot to the enjoyment of playing this game. I love that it starts out fairly easy to allow you to get the hang of how it's played and then quickly becomes challenging. You really have to think to solve these but yet it doesn't make you feel like giving up because it's too difficult. Definitely an iPhone must-have for anyone looking for a game they won't regret spending $9.99 on.
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  • A Puzzle Game That's Sure to Keep You Busy for Hours!

    I admit, I must've passed off this game several times, thinking there'd absolutely be no fun factor involved, seeing as how boring and uninviting the screen shot was from my iPhone. Then I decided to read some of the reviews, and from the majority of satisfied players, I decided to purchase it. Within 15 minutes, I couldn't put down my phone! The game became more addicting as I completed each level because I was eager to see how much more difficult each level was. The game also comes the option to save and resume from your last play, which isn't available in most games. I'm definitely sold on Pangea Software; I initially purchased Cro-Mag, and I think that's a great game; I don't know why I didn't even remotely think Enigmo would be just as good. Don't rely on the screenshots because they're basically all the same, and you just don't see "FUN" in them. Trust those who purchased it, it's worth you $10!
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  • This is a great game!

    This is a very cool game. I enjoyed the trial version on my Mac, but simply could not justify paying the same amount as Halo for it... This $10 mobile version is a better game in my opinion. This is just the type of game I like to play when I'm on the go. I do have one suggestion to the developers, and this goes for both versions of the game. It is very difficult to control the rotation and movement. I would suggest making the rings a bit bigger, and having a bit more tolerance for where they click. This will make the game very, very much more usable to me. Also, what about Enigmo 2? I'm fairly certain the iPhone could handle it, although it would certainly require some creativity to figure out a control scheme that worked. Get crackin'! :P
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  • Pangea has a hit on their hands with Enigmo, I am sure of it!

    An amazing game! By far my favorite game in the entire application store! •Many Positives: This game has amazing physics, great graphics, 3D sound, and it is actually an awesome game. The puzzles are interesting and while challenging, you will not rack you brain for days trying to solve them. Controls are great and make sense to me. •Minor Problems: The interface takes a little getting used to but it is great once you do (some instructions/tips would be nice additions). Maybe some background music would be nice, but I just turn on my own songs anyway. Minor bug note: as of version 1.0 on my iPod Touch 32GB (firmware 2.0/5A347) there is a bug that kills the game's sound effects if you change songs by double pressing the home button twice then pressing next track all while at the games main menu, just quit and restart the game and it goes away. •Conclusion: Very Impressive and VERY FUN to play!!! Truly different and cool... hopefully an example that others will follow. Some may not think it is worth $10. I disagree, this is more than just bad some port, is well designed for the iPhone/iPod Touch, very original/unique, and I can see myself playing it still next year. I bet most other games on this site will not be played for days, let alone years of casual use. Can we have some level packs please or maybe even a level editor... ;-)
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  • Annoyingly Addictive

    I was looking for one game to buy with the launch of the App Store and the rating/reviews brought me here. I'm not disappointed. This game is a great puzzle game and you will love it if you love that genre. I found myself frustrated many times and would put it down, only to pick it right back up with a new idea to solve the puzzle. I'm still getting used to the touch controls, finding myself turning or putting up one of the tools when I don't mean to. Speaking of which, be sure to go to the help menu and follow the links to open Safari for the .pdf guide. It will tell you about all the tools you can use and *what they do*. This will save you many painful levels of trying to figure out the tools as I did, before I sought help.
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