Quitter User Reviews

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  • Needs more options Period

    'Smokers' the once best quitters app now appears defunct. you have the chance to become the #1 quitting app on the web and HERES HOW so LISTEN UP!

    Quit it and smokers let u count by the days u smoked or by the # of cigarettes u smoked. But someone has yet to make one that let's u keep track of EITHER, or both!

    True, smokers(RIP) did let u input how much you spent per pack/day or whatever, BUT it only let u input whether you smoked that day or not, but not how much or how little!

    So even the apps that are ripoff$ or lost in obscurity are missing some calculations that would make them applicable to ANY vice or addïction one might have: alcohol, carbs, sex, etc. Only legal vices of course, but u get the idea.
    (Take heed and I'll blast ur little app from the * basement straight outta the * * * * * sky:)
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  • Very satisfied...however..

    I love this application, it's straightforward, easy to use, and stable. The only suggestion I have is one additional option - How about the ability to change the words "your last cigarette" into anything the user desires? There are an awful lot of things one can quit...
  • Awesome app

    This app is so encouraging! I quit smoking on my 30th birthday (july 14th) after 12 years of smoking and it is so GREAT to know how long i've been SMOKE-FREE and to know how much money I have saved and not spent on asbestos and rat poisioning cigarettes!!!
  • Simple but effective

    I quit recently after tier app store opened and used this app for a little extra encouragement
  • Pretty cool

    Fun to mess around with and such but some problems run thus:

    I have to change the regionfrom Russia to сша USA, put in the dollar value (for whichanother app must be used to compute), then change the regionback and not know the value in rubles because a dollar Is about23 rubles, therefore the value of total $ saved Is cut of with decimal ellipses. Not sure about euros etc. Don't feel like trying, but just putting this here because maybe the dwvelopers read this comments.

    Other than this, like I said, I rather like it
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  • Love it!

    This is awesome! Need all the encouragement I can get! Any idea if there will be a future version that has running totals, or to the minute? I would love to see the change accumulating! Great job!
  • Great! But Would be so cool if....

    Ok I give 5 stars to this application, because it is great and extremely unique- but I think It would be great if this same developer made a similar application- but for vegetarians! Then It could say "Congratulations! It has Been 6 months 3 days since you last ate meat!" - you know? I would even pay to see an application that great and simple. (hint) (hint)
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  • Add Caffeine? Other bad habits?

    What a fantastic idea! I'm addicted to fountain cokes at McDonald's, and figured out I would save $1500 a year if I stopped drinking them. Please update this software to include other vices...kudos to you, and thanks!
  • Simple but good.

    Unlike some other reviewers, I actually use this app and it's great. It's a bit simple bit still good. I also wish it had an hour counter.
  • Needs More/Different Addictions

    I like the idea of this app, but I wish it could apply to other addictions such as dipping. I am using this, but I had to find a compensation between dips/cigarettes. Should be a easy fix for the developer of this application to include other things such as dipping, soda-drinking, etc. Been quit since 7/11. Go vols!
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