

Intelligent Mail-Merge


About Maildash™

  • Released
  • Updated
  • iOS Version
  • Age Rating
  • Size
  • Devices
  • Languages
  • February 12, 2019
  • January 19, 2025
  • 12.0+
  • 4+
  • 32.48MB
  • iPhone, iPad, iPod
  • American English
    French (France)
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Developer of Maildash™

Maildash™ video #1 for iPhone
Maildash™ video #2 for iPhone
Maildash™ video #3 for iPhone
Maildash™ screenshot #4 for iPhone
Maildash™ screenshot #5 for iPhone
Maildash™ screenshot #6 for iPhone
Maildash™ screenshot #7 for iPhone
Maildash™ screenshot #8 for iPhone
🖼️Get Icon

What's New in Maildash™


June 2, 2023

• Favorites > Contact > "i" (info) button - added "Edit Substitutions" feature.

Reviews of Maildash™

Works very well

This is not a contact editor.
It’s a messaging app where customised messages can be created using a base message that then draws information from your contacts to personalise each message individually for a group message.

I use it daily and haven’t found a better app to do these tasks without using an online CRM (which I also use when on my laptop). But from the phone— very good.

We’ll done guys.
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Alternatives to Maildash™

More Applications by PureBlend Software


Is the software for Maildash™ compatible with iPads?

Maildash™ is available on iPad devices.

Who launched the app?

PureBlend Software is the developer of the app.

What is the lowest iOS version that Maildash™ can run on?

The minimum iOS requirement for the app is 12.0 or higher.

How does the app rank among users?

The Maildash™ app receives plenty of reviews and currently has a great user rating of 4.4.

What app category is Maildash™?

Productivity Is The App Genre Of The Maildash™ App.

Which version of Maildash™ is the latest one?

7.5.0 is the newest version of Maildash™.

When was the most recent Maildash™ update made available?

The latest Maildash™ update came out on January 19, 2025.

Do you know when Maildash™ was first made available?

Maildash™ was first released on February 6, 2023.

What’s the age rating for the Maildash™ app?

PureBlend Software: Contains no objectionable material.

What are the languages offered by Maildash™?

The Maildash™ app can be used in American English, Dutch, French (France) and 5 more.

Can I play Maildash™ through Apple Arcade's subscription?

Unfortunately, Maildash™ is not on Apple Arcade.

Does Maildash™ offer in-app purchases?

Unfortunately, in-app purchases are not available within Maildash™.

Can I utilize Maildash™ with Apple Vision Pro?

No, you cannot utilize Maildash™ with Apple Vision Pro.

Does Maildash™ incorporate ads within the app?

No, Maildash™ does not incorporate ads within the app.