Wikipedia User Reviews

Wikimedia Foundation

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  • An invaluable tool

    A lot of people don’t understand how important Wikipedia is. Some people don’t even know it isn’t supported by ads. The founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales I think his name is, could be a billionaire over night if he wanted to. He could sell out Wikipedia and have a huge payday, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t do that because he believes it is important to have an encyclopedia on the Internet that does not have any corporate bias.

    Jimmy Wales is an important American historical figure. Wikipedia is an incredibly important and invaluable tool. I donate every year, and you should too.
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  • The more I use Wikipedia the more important it becomes.

    I don’t do research for answers which come to mind every day. However, I do most days. Wikipedia is my first stop because my answers are often here. If a topic is deep there are plenty of references to follow and read. I love it for science to politics. I love it for musician’s discography.

    At a college where I worked I took great pleasure educating a professor who claimed the information is unreliable because anyone can edit it. I was proud when he became impressed with the publication standards.

    It is a nearly perfect solution for a balance between well documented information and fast access to current information.

    I am pleased to be a user. I make small but regular contributions to the Wikimedia Foundation when requests are infrequently made. I encourage others to donate what you can, when you can, if you find it of value. Your donations help to keep it great and improve it.
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  • A consideration

    I often use Wikipedia for quick referencing as most everyone here. The App is definitely resourceful. Wiki on occasion asks you to donate on the website and I have in the past. What I would pay for though? If this App had an auto reader, and a way to make a playlist for what it could read, this would be epic. It would be great for driving, before going to sleep or just multitasking like cooking since Alexa will only read so much. It could be the alternative to podcasts. I always wanted an official Wiki podcast. The app feature would be even better.
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  • Very useful but needs a slight shift in focus

    I think that this is a great app overall. The team has found some nice ways to engage us to learn. Here is my hang up I have with it. I have a daily communication email that I send out each day, and I like to conclude with an interesting “on this day” factoid. Wikipedia has this, so I try to use it. The problem is that it’s like watching the evening news, it highlights all horrible milestones of the human race, people who were killed, massacres, etc. I’m not saying that these aren’t important to include, but how about adding a few positives to balance life out a bit? The day we broke the sound barrier? Great inventions and milestones? A little hope wouldn’t hurt.
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  • Nice, but not quite the full Wikipedia

    If you’re looking for convenience this is probably good enough, but sometimes you may not really get the full picture when using the mobile app as compared to the desktop browser view for a few reasons listed below:

    For example, the side bar is much too large and does not auto-size for the content contained in it, so you can end up with far too much white space in the contents bar and no ability to adjust the split with the main window.

    Also, you do not get the right-side quick facts info bar front and center by default that is super convenient on the desktop site for many articles that contain links, top info, and media (the developer responded and showed me where to enable a setting for this to auto-expand by default on every article: thank you!). But, I still prefer the location and view of the quick facts bar on the browser version, it just seems more consistent and familiar in a specific place.

    Finally, support for charts and sheets is sometimes lacking compared to the desktop site, I look forward to more usability on this

    It’s pretty close to a five star app, and I look forward to continued updates...
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the feedback. We continuously work on improving the presentation of article in the app. For quick facts, reference lists and other tabular contetnt, they are always available, although under a collapsed headline. You can have them open and visible by default using a setting under the "Reading preferences" section of your Preferences.
  • Good for reading. Terrible for editing.

    This app is fine, even better than the website for reading, but the editing is far worse than the website in this app. In edit mode, you have to work directly with the wikitext, there is no visual editor like the website. In addition, there is an infuriating bug. Let’s say you tap edit on a page, scroll down a ton to get to the part you want to edit, tap on the text, and it immediately auto scrolls you all the way back to the point your cursor was before (in most cases, the beginning of the page). I think the developers really should work more on the editing, I think a mobile visual editor would be great and have the potential to be even better than the website’s.
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  • Such a great app. Wiki addiction ❤️

    Wonderful to read any content on this app with so many useful features. While using this app I felt that it better than many other popular book apps because of it’s features and content.

    There is ONE feature which certainly I am missing is making NOTES and FLASH CARD within the app. This feature doesn’t take much cost to implement but provide huge benefit to the users. It's a common feature not sure why it's still missing here. Please consider this feature to add ASAP in your future release of this app. Eagerly waiting for this. Seriously hard to save in google drive or in files. Thanks.
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  • The mobile app, is somehow worse than the mobile site

    After writing this, i will have deleted the app in favour of the website. This is for one reason: convenience, its way easier to find and go to a specific part of an article on the site rather then the app. Let’s use the page on, Visby Sweden as an example. On the website, when you scroll down below the general information, you get headers like: “etymology”, “history”, “climate”, and “infrastructure”, you can then tap on one or more of these things to open that/those specific section(s). On the app, you cannot do this. Let’s say i want to get to the “infrastructure” section, i now have to scroll down through the “etymology” through “climate” sections of the article just to get to the section I want to read. Why, why isn’t the app like the mobile version of the website?

    I have checked the settings to see if this was something i had to turn on, I couldn’t find it, either i am missing something (if so deepest apologies) or this simple feature doesn’t exist.

    Kindest regards - Fluffysheep
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    Developer Response

    On the app we provide a table of contents which allows you to see and navigate to any section of the article. It is available via the button in the lower left of every article.

    I love Wikipedia, I think it is a great resource and I find myself using it daily. But when I use this app and I end up going through ‘deep dives’ of going from article to article I eventually want to all the way back to the menu to look at my saved articles, the top read, etc. I don’t know of any other way to get back to the menu other than hitting the ‘back’ button in the top left over and over.

    I therefore am issuing a call to action of adding a faster way to back out of all articles to the front menu. PLEASE this is the only thing wrong with this app and it bothers me every time I have to hit the back button 20+ times.
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  • Cannot create account

    I tried to create an account today. Then I received some strange message that account(s) created from my IP address is blocked by somebody or -thing named MaterialScientist due to “long term abuse”. I have no idea what or who that is or what you are talking about. There is no customer service contact and no other way to reach you. So I wrote this review.

    I always feel that technology just like any corporation or entity is run by people who sometimes get a little overzealous perhaps feeling that they hold a lot of power due to their knowledge. So that being said, let’s try not abuse your power of knowing how to block people for false reasons because the 21st century has provided us the ability to control and play (power trip).

    Basically ... have absolutely NO idea who MaterialScientist is ... thank God for small favors.
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