Atheist Pocket Debater User Reviews

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  • One of my favorite apps!

    This is about the only app I actually ever paid for. My friend had it on his phone so I purchased it immediately. Alas! Perfect refutations and counter-arguments at my fingertips! Thank you!
  • None

    Growing up Catholic and always having questions, this is exactly what I needed. This app is the reason I bought an IPhone. Thanks, Jason!
  • Love

    Love this app. Great quick reference point for debating or talking with religious folks. Easy to use and great points made.
  • Beautiful Application

    I love the Atheist Debater application. I mean come do you truly believe after reading these points? You don't! You're lost! You're confused! You're angry....feeling lied to. Good! Because you were!
  • Concise consideration of the topics

    It is mind boggling how pervasive religious superstition is in the American culture. The structures that support it are organized because they have something to gain, power and money. Objective reason challenges this superstition and prevails at least in logic. However, the rhetoric associated with religious superstition seems too be far more effective at persuading the masses. This app helps respond to many of the key arguments from a rhetorical perspective. We need more of this. Thanks.
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  • Pretty good--and could be better!

    Most of the arguments I'm already familiar with, but I'll have to admit that this would probably help those who have recently been introduced to debate should give this a quick look. The guide provides some details about the more common theistic arguments, and also specifies which fallacies lie hidden in them. Also included, some helpful notes on related subjects including belief, humanism, and tips for the reader on applications of skepticism. Worth it.
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  • Awesome SKEPTICS app!

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! It's great to for quick reference and I have used it more than once.
    The Author does great job showing that the bible itself is the biggest reason to reject the Christian religion. Not only on scientific and logical grounds, but moral ones as well.

    I began wondering how much of the bible does the typical Christian actually believe? How far gone are they? Do they literally believe The story of Noah's ark? Jonah and the whale? Adam and Eve and the snake? Sampson and his magical hair? How about that Jesus was born from a virgin woman that was impregnated by god himself, and she gave birth to the son of god, Jesus? It is entertaining how the Author tells the stories showing how utterly ridiculous they are in the face of science, historical evidence, and just common sense. Even normal children know the stories aren't true!

    It also lays out just how immoral the bible teachings actually are, and, if you look at the personality of the god depicted in the bible - he's horrible! The "good book" is not a good book at all - it is a very poor ethical guide that promotes bigotry. People often become atheists because they've read the bible. Go ahead, read it!!
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  • Very weak, uninformed.

    "At least hell will have rockn' music"... Seriously?... Most of the author's points are atheism 101, and are presented with a weak understanding of Christianity.

    As a brief but fundamental example, the author states that God is not just because he forgives criminals if they except Jesus and doesn't punish them for their crimes. But the author fails to address the Christian concepts of grace (yes, God is not just towards the criminals) and atonement (yes, God is just in that no sin goes unpunished.)

    If you want to debate baby Christians this app might be useful, but against someone who understands their faith and theology well this app will be of little value.
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  • Disappointing

    The arguments are often childish, and even where correct, not well presented. These might do if you are debating with the dimwits who may knock on your door to tell you "the good news", but will come across as naïve when having a discussion with anyone with a more sophisticated take on things.

    In many places it takes a straw man approach, arguing against a version of Christianity that isn't really believed by many followers (e.g., the doctrine of "love me or burn"). In other places (historical Jesus) it doesn't reflect the best of research.

    The text formatting, particularly the use of underlining for emphasis, is just one example of the poor visual design.

    As an atheist, I'm not sure whether to be happy or chagrined that people have found this useful. I guess am glad that it has had a positive (from my perspective) effect; but I think that it reflects poorly on the level of discussion that these arguments are have been found valuable.
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  • Great pocket (iPhone) Reference!

    I have been looking for an App such as this for a while. What a great resource for critical thinking/skepticism, humanism, and atheism! The atheism part might turn off a believer from buying this App, but I would still highly encourage any critical thinking person to get it, believer or not! You can still be a skeptical person about most everything in life outside the God question!
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