Atheist Pocket Debater User Reviews

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  • A breath of fresh air....

    Writing this on 'Good Friday' is a good example of the usefulness of this app. The silliness and (sad) earnest at which people take the bible (and religion) serious shows how much a large part of (American) society still lives in the Dark Ages! Where I live (US Virgin Islands, Caribbean) there is a law that alcohol cannot be served on Good Friday between 09:00 and 16:00. This law is based upon the bible, though no one on island can pinpoint where it specifically states that fact. Yet people follow it 'religiously'.... pun intended :-) 16:01 sees a lot of thirsty people ordering their much-missed alcoholic beverage.... :-)
    Get this app and learn (or maintain) critical thinking!
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  • Needed about time

    Well put together but admitted non academics effort. I guess these points are simple enough Dawkins and Harris are not necessary to put together something like this. It's just good that this knowledge has been collected in an organized manner. I don't think this will be read by any Believers since it would simply be to painful to be faced with such simple logic.
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  • Excellent App

    This is a very fine app. It has lots of interesting information, is well organized, and delivers what the App Store description promises. I like that the information is presented in easy to read, succinct chunks. The search feature is very useful. I also like that the author presents the information in purely logical, unemotional, non-attacking fashion. He is not disrespecting the religionists themselves, but instead providing intelligent reasons why maybe they should question their theistic and religious beliefs.
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  • The master debater!!

    Handy little app that covers wide array of common "well how do you explain this" retorts from friends or neighbors who can't understand why you don't believe. Also highly recommend it FOR these people so they can understand the humanist stance a little better. It is even categorized for easy reference. If you find that you frequently have to defend your stance then this is the app for you, it says what we are all thinking but it - unlike our thoughts in the heat of an argument- remains organized and composed ;) great light reading too if you want to prepare for a talk or presentation
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  • Great to have at hand

    I often read points in books that I say "I have to remember that the next time I get in a religious discussion". But of course never do remember. Having this on my phone it is always available to brush up on those quick points. Very logically organized and easy to find your point. And the talking points are concise and easily digested.
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  • Religion seperates people

    Awesome job! LET G-O-D (If he exist) judge you when he/she is face to face with you!! Not some fake books written by many other sinners! Lol This app is expectacular! Very factual and down to earth! One thing you all religious people should ask ur selfs... " y is it that religious people commit more criminal charges (SINS) than atheists or non- religious people?" is it really the devil tempting you? Or in fact religious people simply justify their actions around that though and attend church every sunday just to wash away their Mon-Sat sins?? Lol while the rest live by whats right and when wrong doing is done, u learn and accept the consequences of ur actions! Because YOU had a choice before doing it THE DEVIL DIDNT MAKE YOU DO IT! Thats why u all believe that pitty story about adam and eve! Shame on religious women! " GOD IS COUNTING ON OUR SONS...and is greatful for our daughters"- (mormon prophet) thats how little we matter to religion" Think!! This app will help you do that!! :D
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  • Great!

    I haven't written a review of any app. but I definitely had to for this one. This was a great $3 spent and would do it over in a second. This app. has developed my mind stronger in my beliefs (or lack thereof). Thank you so much Jason! I look forward to more articles to the app. in the future. I would recommend this application to anyone, if fact I already have to many! Or urge to read on my phone at the least...
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  • Masterpiece!!!

    This is the best written interpretation of reality and life! I am so thankful that I am not alone in this world! Great work. It all takes place right here, right now and each and every life is precious! Oh, and to Doreen Kunt- you have fully justified yourself and cemented Ur level of intellect by admitting to bear the education and thought capacity of those in less developed countries. it's okay if this is over Ur head and can only comprehend life in such a primitive way. Further evidence to support evolution btw....thx Doreen K!
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  • Really not bad...

    When i am on the train and stupids are talking jesus, looking through this app prevents me from reducing them to nothing. I used to engage them. Now i can satisfy that "wow, how can people really belive these crazy stories in this day and age?" frustration, by simply looking through this app. Thanks! Many mindless sheep that used to get embarrassed (rightfully so) also thank you.
    It is a good basic app that reiterates most of what you guys already feel. Made a few thought provoking points that put me into deep thought for a significant amount of time.
    App has lots of info and is well worth the money.

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  • Essential to Those Who Prefer Fact Over Bronze Age Nonsense

    This app is well designed and easy to use. It contains a large amount of information about specific topics relative to the atheist/agnostic/skeptic. Granted, I know a lot of the information already but it's nice to be able to reference this program when needed. And for the believer; don't discredit what you can't disprove. Give the arguments a look over.
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