Atheist Pocket Debater User Reviews

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  • God fear ? There's an app for that !

    Debunking myths Freeing Humanity from suppressive dominator religions is no easy task . Just start with one of your own weakest beliefs like the tooth fairy or some silly superstition like friday the 13th. Once you start you'll realize how many crazy ideas you've been feed and are passing along to any poor fool gullible enough to believe it ! Start with the low hanging fruit . Go for the gold !
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  • It keeps getting better

    This app keeps getting better. It now remembers your place when you switch apps or turn off your iPhone. It's obvious to me that Jason Hagen, the creator and author of the app, is committed to improving the app. Also, you can write Jason and he'll write you back quickly. He's open to comments and suggestions, which I believe is crucial for this type of app/topic.
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  • Was a Christian for 25 years

    I was an active God loving church going deeply involved Christian from my teenage years into adulthood. When I finally allowed myself to face questions that burned me through all those years, the sham that was my religion began to unravel. Please read this research and then do your own! Investigate with an open mind. You will be shocked at what you will find.
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  • No debating about it, A MUST HAVE!

    This app gets 5 stars, it's like having a really interesting book on logical thinking in your pocket. I found it thought provoking and somewhat enlightening. It's also very easy to copy and paste which is nice. I don't rate things very often but I must say, other than a few minor grammatical errors, the author and creators of this app did a great job! It's worth the money.
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  • I've been blessed so many times

    This app is very good - it gives you one side while we grew up on another side. But my testiment is that I have been blessed so many times. Prayers are answered but not always on our time. Sometimes quick sometimes later. Two cases - I won $500 twice since April so I was able to buy two Ipads for our Bible study for our elderly ladies who can't see very well. My other case - I'm still alive after many hospital visits and diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension. I have a personal Pastor from Manila, I have a five-star chef that cooks for our family.

    I recommend this app since it helps you decide if our Lord Christ, or your religion is right for you. Becuase in time, you'll know. I hope we can talk about this later - that is what the app is for.
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  • Eye-opening.

    This app really opened my eyes and put words (regular, everyday words and not over-thought and over-complicated vocabulary) to all the things I always felt and thought. It made me realize that there people with similar philosophies to mine and it put evidence to things I could not. This is a very great app and well worth the cost of a soda and bag of chips.
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  • Very weak.

    This app does a disservice to both thoughtful atheists and Christians alike. Better arguments can be found for atheism, and the straw-man Christianity these arguments attack is a joke. There can be a strong point made for either side, but all this app does is confirms what a an immature atheist already believes and lulls them into a sleepy superiority complex. To assume your intellectual opponent is stupid is always a bad idea. Always deal with the strongest form of an ideology, not it's weakest. One example of the poor quality of this app is it's treatment of Pascals wager. The wager is not an argument for God. Pascal merely Dias that if one had examined all the evidence and was in completely neutral stance, it makes sense to wager on God's existence, which is only reasonable. I doubt there is ever really a situation where this comes into play, and Christians who use this as a defense of their beliefs are failing at life. They are probably half to blame for this kind of thinking in the first place.
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  • Great for Non-deists All Over

    I was very excited to see that there was an app for atheists. I love having my own silly desires for a "god" to be real brought back to the world of the here and now, which is to say the world of reason. These arguments keep me grounded and thinking for myself, which is what my instincts tell me to do at all times, and I have come to believe that my instincts are usually very right. This is well put together. My only criticism is that the author does not note where he got some of his arguments. I would like it if there were little numbers to click on that would take us to a note citing the source of the information. You just know that a Christian zealot is gonna go, "And where did you get that information?" I'd hate to say, "From the guy who wrote the Atheist Debater app." So with the update, please include citations of sources of information. Thanx!
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  • Easily refutable

    I went through every single argument and found so many arguments that rely on the ignorance of the other person.

    For instance Apollonius does not have any surviving texts wrote by him, a biography written by another person.

    There are several historians that write of Christ, Josephus mentions Him twice, Pliny the younger, and Tacitus are a few. They quote Ehrman as if he disbelieve Christ. To the contrary, he himself even says there is more evidence to support Christs existence than almost anyone else in history! Why isn't that point mentioned.

    The "points" on mythology are bogus claims and again rely on the other persons ignorance of basic mythology.
    They seem to think it is ok to say that all these mythological figures all had the exact same story as Christ, nothing could be further from the truth!

    As for Christian manuscripts, claiming that scribes must have changed things and being able to prove it are two different things. We can use the writings of the early church fathers to prove this incorrect, AND we can compare our "copied" versions to say the dead sea scrolls and they match prrfectly.

    If we used thus same skeptical logic for everything, then the only logical conclusion is to deny 99% of our history. It's false logic that is being used and only applied to Christianity.
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  • Great app

    Debateme must not have passed the 8th grade to call this app "9th grade level." I feel the arguments were very thought-provoking and seemingly rational. Of course, this is only a small collection of arguments, but enough to make one skeptical; as long as they practice free will and are open minded. I can't wait to share this app with my fellow Atheists, Agnostics, Naturalists, and Humanists. There are more than many would think!
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