Flipboard User Reviews

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  • Good app but a bit shady practices

    I’ve been a fan of this app for years. It offers decent aggregation of free content in an intuitive interface. I stopped using it in favor of a paid subscription to Apple News simply because that gives me access to content from many publications and news outlets that make you pay for some of the content. I would recommend this app EXCEPT for the following.

    After years of disuse, I started getting daily news digest emails that quickly became a nuisance. I used the unsubscribe button (as I have done with countless reputable companies) and was shocked to see a failure on my attempt because I have a content blocker on my device. I fail to see the need to make unsubscribing to email a hostile user experience and that alone makes me question their intentions. I’ll give them the benefit of doubt as a potential oversight and see how they respond, then edit my review accordingly.
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  • Such a shame

    It’s such a shame that a good news platform has been taken over by news outlets hiding their news behind paywalls.

    Trying to catch up on the current affairs of the day, I was blocked from EVERY story that I tried to read by messages telling that in order to continue reading I needed to either register or subscribe, and I’m not going to do that, why should I have to?

    I have removed Flipboard from all my devices and I strongly urge you not to bother with it, just stick to Apple News, at least they tell you if a subscription is required before you open the article.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, Thank you for your feedback regarding the paywall articles included in Flipboard. We will forward this to our product team. Kind regards.
  • DO NOT DOWNLOAD! Politics SHOVED down your throat!

    Update - The official response from Flipboard (not the reply they posted here but the email that they sent me)…basically they said “too bad you don’t like our updates. Politics are a hot topic and regardless of your choice, politics (and our political agenda) will always be shoved down your throat! Your topic choices mean nothing.”

    I’ve deleted the app from all of my devices. What an arrogant response from the developer!

    Original Review - I was so excited when I saw the customization options added to Flipboard in the “For You” section. I chose only a couple categories for my “For You”…sports, technology and cars (or electric cars don’t remember which). Ever since then, I’d say 80% of all the articles in my “For You” are completely unrelated to my topics and focus around a specific political ideology that Flipboard is trying to shove down our throats. So, I’ve basically stopped using the app. The update is a major mistake! PS - nearly 75% of articles don’t load at all after updating to iPadOS 15. Completely useless app!
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  • Just keeps getting worse.

    Flipboard has completely fallen to the “curated” and ad-driven model that has made this app no longer worth using. I used to love the convenience of being able to connect to multiple sources of news and articles in one place. I have many interests and do not follow a particular political party or ideology. Now, when I happen to read some articles that do fit a certain category, I get bombarded with more of the same. I go to an aggregator to have one place to look at a lot of different things, not to see the same type of content every time I look there. On top of that, if you don’t want to see certain ads anymore, the best option is to not touch or give any feedback on them. I’ve reported one site’s ads as being deceptive well over 20 times and they have become even more prevalent. If all I need is an API to connect to multiple sources, I can do that myself and at least only deal with the native ads from now on, and not have the content be narrowed to fit imagined categories that some statistical model says I should fit in.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for flagging these issues to us! We'd like to follow up on this with you. Please send us a message inside the app's Settings » Help & Contact Us and we'll get back to you asap.
  • Good source for news, ads are a bit obnoxious

    I specifically downloaded Flipboard because Apple News only shows premium news articles. I’ve used Flipboard on my Androids for many years. Great content, good relevance.

    My beef is the ads. I don’t mind the ads themselves, but I hate hate hate how you can’t help but accidentally click on them when scrolling. During my morning scrolling, I will accidentally open about 15 ads because the ads are way more sensitive to touch than the articles are. I then need to go and close all the open browser windows that are the same ad. It’s extremely annoying. The articles are nowhere near as sensitive to touch so I know this is a deliberate money making pay-per-click thing.

    I understand you gotta make your money somehow but this is excessive.
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  • Gesture Support for iPad trackpad

    Great app, been using for 10 years. Now I use on my iPad Pro with magic keyboard, and wish there was a better way to navigate without having to reach up to the screen. Maybe a two finger swipe left or right, some sort of minimisation gesture to exit a story. Only option at the moment is hunting for tiny x ‘s and the little tiny dots at the bottom to flip pages.
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  • Excellent on iPhone, iPad app could be improved.

    Please give more options for the iPad version like automatic reader view and switch to scroll, the overall experience on iPad feels to iphone-like and not the mostsuitable for larger screens.
  • Flipboard was my fave iPad app years ago… but

    it’s been downhill very gradually over the years. Here are my reasons for using it less…
    * The app has gotten unstable and spontaneously quits for no reason.
    * Every article now has a firehouse of adverts that make reading impossible. If you click on the no ads option below will not carry most of the images in the ad ridden version
    * There are paywalls in front of many articles, even from sources I already have subs for like the NYT and WaPo.
    * Rarely do videos actually run when embedded in an article. No action when you click on the play button.
    * You cannot refuse to get articles from a single source, only a board category. So if you don’t want Fox News in your feed, tough luck. You can’t turn it off. You have to give it all up to lose one.
    * Clickbait and really bad sources are all over your feed. Lots of sponsored articles.
    * You cannot curate your select sources. Flip only offers it all, whether you like it or not.
    * Clicking on the “mail to” icon when you want to send the article will always fail to populate the To: section. No other iPad app fails to make use of the send icon this way.
    * If you have set your iPad to “dark” mode get ready for Flipboard to fail to give you readable articles in many cases. This will persist through many OS changes.

    There’s more, but this should be enough to let Flip know they have gone downhill. Hope the monetizing at all costs is going as you hoped, mo munnie, unhappy user.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback. Really sorry about the experience you have had over the last few months. We are actively working on improving the iPad usability and functionality. Would you please contact from within the app, there's not enough room here. Thank you!
  • Lagging and Slow

    I have been using flipboard for at least 5 years or more. You can say I am a experienced user. Unfortunately the last week it’s terrible, articles loading very slow and the app is lagging. I now need to wait for several seconds before I can read an article. Sometimes articles show and then disappears.
    I have always been a huge fan and I have told many friends about the app, but unfortunately not the case anymore. I will have to look for a new app.
    Come on guys fix this issue, it is not a pleasant experience anymore.
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    Developer Response

    I'm very sorry to hear about your disappointment. Have you tried clearing data and reinstalling the application? If the issue persists please reach out through "Contact" at flip.it/help (http://flip.it/help) and we can further assist you.
  • Ads, Ads & more Ads

    Have had flipboard since it debuted in App Store. I used to enjoy the different articles and topics. But, in the last several months, it has gotten much worse (to point of thinking of deleting the apps on both my iphone & ipad).

    Main Issue: Ads after each article or every 2 articles. Then the constant pop up videos. It makes the experience infuriating and exhausting to read and scroll just for a few articles. Flipboard, like many apps, can't understand, nor find the balance in advertising. Flipboard, clearly, is trying to maximize (advertising) revenue to the detriment of losing many (& majority) of their long-term consumers.

    I hope flipboard corrects and alters the amount of ads. I read flipboard responses to bad reviews that you can X out pop up ad etc. That is a ridiculous response. You think us consumers want to spend the majority of time trying to minimize your advertising so we can read articles?
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