User Reviews: Pocket Call Sheet

Top reviews

  • Not working

    I used to love this app but now the cast and the cast times are not transferring to the email or call sheet PDF like they used to. Seems like an iOS update issue. If they can fix this, I will praise the app once again.
  • What happened?!

    More than 2 years and no updates? What’s happening with this app? There was so much potential here and then…nothing…
  • Great but need work

    The app has great potential. But It took me 30 to figure out how to include the the cast call time information on the sheet. And I still haven’t figure that out. Plus, there are lots of Manuel entry. And not an option that could allow me to duplicate so I can move faster. Lastly, sinking phone and the iPad is also not that obvious!
  • Good

    Ideal and easy to use. Worth it
  • I love it BUT NEEDS a Preview!!!

    I think it's great! But would love to see a preview of the call sheet before I send. Or instead of sending a few copies to myself before I send it out.
    Also I wish I could delete some of the positions off of the call sheet when working on smaller jobs! That would be amazing. And the only other thing in regards to smaller jobs... when I shoot EPKs I don't need all these options. It would be nice to be able to delete certain positions so it's customized for EPKs or Documentaries! Thanks though a great app! 👍🏽
  • A solid option , does what it says

    To be honest as an independent filmmaker I found this app to be more than adequate for seven dollars you get a lot for your money. For those people who whine and complain about the fact they have to load their contacts into their phone it looks like they already found a way around this on the new version. What I would like to see is for the program to remember things that you've already written so that when you go to a new day you don't have to write the information and over again that part is simple and should be addressed immediately. Anyone who is not previewing the CallSheet by sending an email to them self prior to the entire production obviously shouldn't be in moviemaking and doesn't understand the necessary procedure to make sure that things are correct before sending them out to the whole group. One feature I would like to see added to the app and I'm not exactly sure how they would go about doing it is placing the cast and crew phone numbers either on a separate sheet that is pulled from all the information that is entered into the other fields or somewhere in the table where it list the cast and crew. Having the title and the call time and the name of the person listed is great but on an actual piece of paper that's not gonna help someone who may need to call that person who doesn't have those contacts in the phone. I think this app was written with the assumption that the only person that would be contacting anyone in the production would be the person making the call sheets on a small independent movie that's not always the case.

    To those people who complain about it not having a lot of graphics and visual appeal while I do agree that a place for the logo would be a nice representation of the product I think that this no-frills basic sheet printed out and easy to read manner is exactly what we need.

    I don't really have any more to add to this we used it on the production last weekend and it was able to keep people organized dramatically better than when we were using other programs. I saw people complaining about how it takes time to enter the data in an iPhone and I do agree that if there was a way to get it onto like a website interface or even an iPad or tablet that that would be helpful however if people are too lazy to take the hour two hours to punch in the information to export what is an amazing amount of information in one spot then they probably shouldn't be a movie making.

    My congratulations to all the developers and my hope is they find someway to get the phone numbers incorporated into the CallSheet that is printed a workaround for us was using the notes section on each of the cast members to have their phone numbers however we alternately still did have to add an Excel spreadsheet with all of the productions phone numbers on it to our call sheet packet.

    I look forward to seeing what new features are released if any at all and will continue to use this for a very long time to come.

    For those of you who complained about the seven dollar price tag you obviously don't know that it cost a great deal of money to make a movie some of our low-budget production cost $100,000 and they're small short student films.
  • This FAILED ME!

    The app would have saved so much time if it actually worked. Exported the file after putting in hours of info only for it to disappear when exported. Costed me time and money. I want a refund.You guys really let me down...
  • I love this product!

    I hated using other software like Excel to create call sheets. This one is easy to navigate and send to your cast and crew. I will use this app from now on in my career.
  • Awesome Tool

    This app has saved me countless hours sitting in front of an excel speadsheet (which I don't know how to use) trying to put together call sheets.

    It does take a little playing with to learn but once preproduction is ready, just put everything into the app and create your call sheets way ahead of time making adjustments when the schedule calls for them.

    Gives your crew and cast advance schedules for days out on their call sheets once you put everything in.

    Best $10 I spent in film school for preproduction and has come in handy as an AD and line producer on over a dozen short films. Pick this up!!! It, combined with a few other basic apps (weather and sunrise), can help your workflow on a film go easily if you're in the production department!!! Well worth the $10.
  • Love this!

    Very happy with the app and have emailed customer service a few times... As I am not technology savvy... And they always get back to me quickly! Most of the issues that I thought were bugs are not. I just didn't understand how to use the app. Now that I figured it out and have used it for a few productions I am hooked. I would highly recommend!!! It's made my life as a producer much easier.

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