User Reviews: IQ Test Classic

Top reviews

  • This app is extremely buggy

    After trying the same tests over and over again I continue to get around about the same IQ score but just on a whim decided to randomly hit whatever keys I felt like and I got a 20% higher IQ than what I was getting originally. I then decided to only hit the first object that showed up on the test and got a decent score then. I seriously question the validity of the test and answers that are given. Not to mention the fact when you look at the very end of the test and it gives you the option to view correct answers it gives you the same answer every single time. It doesn't just randomly select correct answers it selects the same one over and over again. I am deleting this app
  • Good App

    This as a good app. I've seen some reviews with people claiming to have 160 iq's bombing on this. I have tested in 140's years ago and I did fairly same here. This is one more accurate apps I've come across. Those who reviewed it low had trouble with it, or don't like finding patterns. That's the point this shows you were possible weakness is will help you strengthen it. I liked it because there are questions that require you to think...
  • Very much doubt that anyone taking this test has an IQ of 140

    I love how everyone reviewing this app claims to have a verified IQ of 140+. If you took a real IQ test and scored in that range, you wouldn't need to use an inaccurate IQ test app to validate your sense of superiority. While I have never taken a legitimate IQ test, my friend is a school psychologist and has showed me the types of questions that are asked. The questions this app generates are similar to some of those that one would find on an actual IQ test, but as other reviewers have said this app only tests two areas of intelligence whereas actual IQ tests are more comprehensive.
  • One of the worst IQ apps on the market

    As mentioned before by someone else, this test only quizzes on patterns. Like that someone else, I am also in a gifted program, and have an IQ of approximately 167. Well, I usually am pretty okay in patterns but marginal if they are extremely complicated. I got a 47. There is no way my IQ could have gone down that much in just a few months from the time I took a REAL IQ test! These patterns weren't really too hard, either. I wouldn't even give this app 1 star if I didn't want to warn everyone about the poor quality it displays! Do not download, unless you just want a game to toy around with. Very inaccurate!
  • Hilariously inaccurate, not a real iq test

    So the way the reviews work with this app is if people get a lower iq then they want they give it a bad review and if they get higher then they want they give it a good review. The reason this app is inaccurate is it only asks you to identify patterns with numbers and shapes. A real iq test has a lot of other questions then just patterns. If you happen to be great at patterns, then you'll probably get a good score even if you're bad at everything else. If you're bad with patterns you'll get a low score even if you're good at everything else. I'm gifted and my iq is somewhere around 140, and the first time I took the test I got 120, which is kinda accurate but pretty off. Then I took the "Mensa test" and got 57. I was laughing for 10 minutes because I thought it was absolutely hilarious. If you go on Mensa's official website and take a real demo test you'll see that it's nothing like this one. It's fun to see how off it is though.
  • For entertainment only

    If you score well, it's five stars. If you score poorly? One star.

    The truth is somewhere in the middle. The accuracy of this test is questionable, as it only scores users based on how well the identify series of numbers and shapes.

    Considering you can't measure a person's intelligence based solely on their ability to recognize patterns, this is a very poor tool to measure overall intelligence. It's also worth mentioning that several of these questions have more than one answer, yet the app has only one "correct" answer.

    With that said, it's a fun app to run through once. Those who tout their super high IQs can't have their scores validated as the app encourages you to take the test more than once to unlock the "better" test. And, as the reviews would indicate, people are much more likely to report high scores. As you can see, the majority of the world has IQs in the 150 range.
  • Reality

    This particular test is just basic problem solving skills. It is the type of thing that burst a lot of people's bubbles because it doesn't just ask you basic question, it asks you to figure something out on your own. Which telling by the comments, most people are not very good at. Sorry if you are upset that you can not figure out basic puzzles, but reality is most of us are not geniuses like we want to believe in our minds.
  • Big disappointment

    Honestly if I could give this app a rating of zero stars that would be the reality. According to this test I am mentally disabled... Gee thanks. I have taken another test which gave me a substantially higher IQ rating. Don't waste your time with it. Also, for those users who are complaining that the people who got bad IQ scores and are giving the app bad scores are just fact smart, well I happen to know that I am not severely mentally disabled and this test is just plain and simple wrong. Hate to break it to you but your outrageous score is probably a bit off as well.
  • Well...

    First off, I don't want you to think that I'm giving this app a bad review because I got a low score, because that's not the case. But, I do find it a little hard to believe that a girl who skipped a grade in school and still brought home straight As in gifted would have an IQ of 25. Aside from that, most of the questions were not a 'right or wrong' type question, and the creators of the app decided which answer was the set-in "correct" answer. With a few different questions there could easily be multiple answers, even some that the told me I got "right". It's all about the way a certain person thinks. Just because you don't think the same way as the developers doesn't mean that you're stupid or that you have an IQ of 50. Even if I had a low IQ I find it hard to believe my IQ is 25. This app is incredibly inaccurate, don't waste your time.
  • sequence and pattern biased

    Questions and results are totally biased and therefore disappointing and discouraging. I have a high intelligence level and excel in languages and communication. However, these questions were ENTIRELY pattern/sequenced based (which I am not good at), with NO verbal/ comprehension- type questions. The result? Apparently I have an I.Q. of 45, which is about half of Forrest Gump's!

    I am giving this app 2 stars only because the app itself is functional without any glitches/ crashes. More types of intelligence testing would be nice, along with more questions.

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