User Reviews: IQ Test Classic

Top reviews

  • Pretty good.

    Well it could've been better with hints because it's pretty random during the second half of the test, but maybe it's just me because it took me a couple tests to get a total of 111 iq. When I first started off, I was just terrible starting with 79 iq, then I realized that it gets easier every time I take the test because I learn from my unsure or clueless answers, and pick the more related ones. Thanks alot anyway, It's a pretty cool iq test.
  • Don't be sad if you got a lower score

    I originally received a 89 when I first took this test and I immediately started crying, it was a bad day in general, this was just the icing on the cake. So I began to practice, like trying to find geometrical shapes in unarranged objects and trying to find out if a group of objects were even/odd just by looking at them, I even listened to Mozart, and when I retook the test I got a 115! No one is born great you have to work at it. So don't feel down if you got a low score because you can improve your score, if you have the willpower to make it happen!
  • Not an IQ test, just a mediocre game

    I got this app knowing that it would be fake. No tests on the Internet are accurate. The only accurate IQ tests are done by psychologists for hundreds of dollars (stanford-binet test.) I come from a background of geniuses (father with a 163 and brother in the 170s.) I figured I'd try this app for fun. I got a 93, which is below average. Curious (because I have never met anyone more
    Intelligent than I am,) I visited a psychologist. I was classified as a genius, and it was more than 160 (I don't feel comfortable saying the exact
    number...) Point is, this app is asinine. It's 33 questions all about patterns. My actual IQ test had much more than just patterns. I guess it is somewhat entertaining, but not even worth the download
  • Doesn't give actual IQ

    IQ is based on age. Those comments referring to their above average grades and average score on this test are comparing apples to oranges. IQ gives your ability...not performance. If you score lower than the grades you are making....good for you. Means you are doing better than you should be. Again, the numbers given as a result are not to be considered as estimates of actual IQ. Mine was 32 below and my friends was 42 below his actual IQ. Don't be discouraged by a "low score".
  • Fun app

    The app works as advertised. Many other reviewers complain that the app is inaccurate. I agree as I scored a 139 but I know that my real IQ is around 120. The questions are biased to be easy for computer programmers as they have a strong basis in number theory and computer graphics.

    Do read the other reviews. Many of them are quite funny.
  • I enjoyed it!

    But even more than the app, I really enjoyed reading all the hilarious responses from:

    A) people claiming a 150 iq that haven't mastered spelling
    B) people claiming that ALL the other iq tests they have taken were 80 points higher
    C) people saying it should test "knowledge" (hello- that's not what an iq test does)
    D) people infuriated because the app said they were low iq

    I am also amazed at how many "geniuses" are out there! Sure doesn't seem like it when you get out in the real world!!

    And, of course I liked it; it said I was a 126. Maybe if I had gotten a 56 like all the other "geniuses" I would rate it poorly too!

    Hey, smarties- if you want a REAL iq test, maybe you should look somewhere besides your smartphone?
  • Fun App

    I'm sure that how people rate this app is based entirely on the IQ score they receive. I thought it was fun. It's not timed, so think the questions over before you answer! It's mostly pattern recognition. 33 questions.

    And, to all the reviewers who feel the need to explain how smart you are in spite of your below average score- Your results are not posted anywhere! So calm down! We don't all need to know how many honors classes you took in high school!
  • Totally Invalid

    I am a psychologist who gives IQ tests for a living. The nice things about this app are that it is free and kind of interesting. That being said, the test itself has very little in common with an actual IQ test and the scores don't actually tell you anything. Intelligence is a concept that encompasses far more than your ability to recognize visual patterns. Also, IQ scores are supposed to be based on data collected from thousands of people, broken down by age (because your cognitive abilities develop with age, to a point, then diminish when you're older). In order to get a valid score on this test, you would need to look at the average score of a lot of people and see how you compare to them. Since it makes no sense for developers to go through this trouble for a free IQ test, they probably took a shot in the dark at what your score should be.

    If I can find a better free IQ test for iPhone, I'll let you know.
  • Wow very shocked at the inaccuracy of this test, being a Mensa member it gave me a iq of 104... Lol.

    I was intrigued at the games initial algorithmic pattern test of numbers. Throughout the game it tests your Fibonacci skills and your geometric pattern observation. In all the game is heavily sided towards mathematical logic which is only a portion of the brain so realistically this app is very minuscule in terms of judgement of your iq, even though it does a minor analysis of mathematical logic. Sort of fun to see how your brain is judged in aptitude based on someones test, but this test is fairly poor but does an okay job in some aspects. I hope everyone else does well!
  • I'm with boothead21

    The test would make a psychiatrist cry. A good 60-70% of the test is visuospatial, making useless to anyone with asperger's syndrome or something similar.
    The pattern recognition part is also ridiculously easy, to the point of the patterns could only be more obvious if the test actually told you what they were.
    Also, these days visuospatial cognition, pattern recognition, logic, and arithmetic only make up a portion of an individual's intelligence quotient. Other things to consider are social competence, language reasoning abilities (think riddles), complex processing (open ended riddles), and emotional maturity. This tests none of that.

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