Week Calendar User Reviews

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  • Again? Do not buy this app!

    I paid for this app but it seems like I am being shaken down repeatedly to upgrade to the Pro version. First, I no longer had access to ad free Month View which is primarily what I use. Then after complaining, got that fixed. Til it happened again. Complained again, got fixed again. Support responded, but why am I having to put my precious time into contacting them? This is some weird Munchhausen's by Proxy nonsense!!!

    Now out of the blue, all of my custom colors that I painstakingly created and rely heavily on disappeared. So now I can't create new events with these colors without re-creating them one by one. Support is zero help. They send irrelevant and unhelpful links until the most recent one saying they are "investigating" and will let me know. No timeline. Meanwhile, my calendar is a mess and is not efficient at all (why I bought the app). Waiting. Not patiently.

    I do not recommend this calendar. Sad because I was a total fan and used to recommend this to everyone.
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  • I was upset about pro

    I don’t know why after so many years of having bought this app I thought I was entitled to more updates. This has to be the best calendar app I’ve ever seen. I always come back to it. No matter what new-fangled calendar app comes out year after year after year. I’ve had it with my current app and so I’m coming back to this one. God the things I went through just to avoid another subscription! I’ve bought like 2-3 calendar apps recently so I could pay once and be done with it. Not going through that has to be worth the $15 dollars a year lol.

    If you asked me to invent a calendar app and come up with as many features as possible to add with no limits, I couldn’t come up with everything that’s in this one!

    Thanks for updating with the UI for us lowly peasant users who don’t have pro yet. I’m glad to be back, will soon subscribe.
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  • This will app will replace Informant 5 when

    I was a long time user of WeekCal until Informant 5 was released. At the time, I5 had reminders support when WeekCal did not. Now that WeekCal has added reminders, I would switch back in a heartbeat when:
    - I don’t have to have the native calendar notification on just to get event notifications. Yes, I know the developers address this on their support page stating that they can’t get around Apple’s constraints, and the Calendar notifications HAVE to be on. But that’s nonsense. Informant 5, Awesome Cal, and other apps do not require both notifications to be turned on. I don’t want two apps notifying me of the same event.
    - In mini month view, when in dark mode, PLEASE make the day number font white. Honestly, if there was one single reason for not switching back, it’s this one. And please don’t say it’s an Apple constraint. Other apps do this flawlessly.

    Thanks for reading.
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  • Tired of surprise subscription upgrades...Goodbye

    Wonderful. Yet another developer gives a big upgrade but, oh by the way, disables features I’ve long used.

    This is a great app, but I don’t need those features bad enough to pay for the “Pro” version. This is the third app this has happened with, and I’m up to $60/year if I choose to have the full featured versions (I don’t.) I don’t need to spend over $50 a year top be able to put colors and icons on my entries.

    I understand developers wish to make money. No problem. And I don’t mind paying for an occasional significant upgrade. I have a weather radar app I use a lot and I don’t mind $1.99/year for one extra feature, but they have not (yet) disabled previous big features (that I already paid for) and said I now have to cough up a larger amount every year for the “exciting new features.” It’s obvious that this is the way developers are going, but as it’s their right to use that model, it’s my right to go elsewhere. I shall.
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  • Was the best...

    I use my calendar everyday, especially for work related appointments, reminders, and personal use, etc. When I first began using Week Cal, it was the best calendar app I've used. Very intuitive and customizable.
    UPDATE: I recently updated the app. The main reason I loved this app was it would search my ENTIRE calendar for past events (unlike the native calendar on my iPhone which only goes back or forward 12 months). After the update it only goes back approximately 6 months. I used to be able to hit a settings button and change how far back or forward to search for events. It now appears the settings button has been disabled as I can’t click on it. Has this feature been moved to only the “Pro” version? If that’s the case, I’ll use a different app. To do an update and not tell us we’ll be losing certain features is not cool. Please advise as I would love to give a 5 star rating.
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  • Perfect as is

    WeekCal has some features that makes it much more useful than the native iOS calendar. First and foremost: the ability to quickly and easily place an entry onto multiple calendars. That makes it *perfect* for managing multiple calendars among multiple individuals. And having the calendar based on the native app is actually a HUGE benefit (despite other reviewers complaining about it). With the calendar information residing in the native iOS function, I can share calendars with others and they don’t have to have WeekCal installed on their device to receive appointments I’ve entered. They get all the changes, updates, deletions, and adjustments I make in WeekCal right in their native iOS calendars. How great is that? Please, please, please don’t take that away. I would actually remove WeekCal if it didn’t work that way. Finally: I don’t want all of the “features” in the Pro version, so I’m not going to buy it. I’m actually happy to pay a little more for the regular version because it’s a great app and the developers deserve to make some money for what they’ve created and support. But please quit bugging me about the Pro version.
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  • Great app

    This calendar makes life much easier and far exceeds the native apple calendar. I link it to my google calendars so all changes made on the phone show up on any other device I sign into google on and vice versa. Two of my favorite features are rolling events and agenda view. Rolling events eliminate the need for a separate "to do" app with the added bonus that your "to dos" show up on the calendar (hint: make them all day events and they will be on top of the day) and keep showing up until you mark them as completed. They can be made to repeat as well. For example, if you need to to a certain task on the 5th of each month, the task will show up on the 5th and subsequent days til you mark it completed. It will do that each month. Slick! Many other features too numerous to mention.
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  • New update no good

    This was my favorite and only calendar from day 1 of having an iPhone (maybe 10 years ago?). I am a obsessive-compulsive planner and with two kids and all the school events, extracurriculars, and a full-time job I have to be. I tried so many different apps for to do lists and calendars and I always enjoyed the look and feel of this one. BUT I feel like the latest updates have ruined a good thing. First of all, I can no longer view my work calendar events on this (my work uses google calendar), and when I create an event on my phone through this app it no longer syncs to the google calendar I use on my work computer. Also I can’t figure out how to view events more than a few months ago. One of my calendars is completely blank (maybe because they stopped syncing??). I had to download google calendar on my phone to get everything to sync in one place again and as much as I dislike the layout of the google calendar app I have no choice because I would definitely prefer this one. I am very sad about this.
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  • Excellent app which does what one expects

    This is the only calendar app I use for both work and personal scheduling. My primary view is the Month view which gives the days agenda and allows immediate access to other days of the month. The repeating function covers every situation I have encountered and the rolling repeat is great for tasks which may not be addressed on the desired day, but can't be forgotten. I make extensive use of the note section of each event for meeting agendas or for pertinent technical data I want to have at hand. Attaching files to events can also serve a similar purpose. If asked, I would be hard pressed to come up with a new feature request. I have been using this app on both iPhone & iPad for years. It syncs well with the Apple calendar app which syncs with my employer supplied MobileIron app, so all of my calendar activities are available in WeekCal.
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  • Need Apple Cal for full functionality?!

    This app has pretty much everything that I’m looking for except this deal breaker; you have to have the native iOS calendar app installed if you want to receive event notifications. So when you get a notification, it’s from the Apple Calendar app; tapping on the notification takes you to the Apple Calendar app, not Week Calendar. If you don’t have the native iOS Calendar app installed, tapping on the notification takes you to the App Store to install the native iOS calendar app!

    For a paid app, with a subscription plan (a subscription plan that, by the way, removed a few features that were in the paid app and now makes those available only if you subscribe and pay monthly) not having app specific notifications, etc. is ridiculous. Week Calendar explains the reason behind using the native iOS calendar for notifications on their site, but I call b.s.! This is just lazy programming! There are myriad calendar apps that all have their own app specific notifications. I’ve tried dozens of calendar apps and all the notifications worked fine; I didn’t miss any notifications, as suggested in Week Calendar’s explanation.

    Their support is weak. I emailed them for support...no response. So they want to take $8 a month from me, but don’t offer support and lack some important features? I don’t think so. They should change the name of this app to Weak Calendar!
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    Developer Response

    We are sorry to see hear you are having problems with the app. The performance of the app is a priority for us and something we will continue to optimize. Please provide us with feedback, we are here for you. Please send us an email to support@weekcal.com.

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