GroupMe User Reviews

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  • Group. Me is awesome

    I absolutely love using Group Me as my messaging app, to connect my group of friends. You can add as many people to the group chat , you can use cool blue emojis, you can change your user as many times as you want, you can name the group and if you have a phone number or not you can still use this app.
    Now you do have to use a phone number as a verification, then it sticks with your account. Now don’t use the same number that you already used or it’s going to link the accounts together. Even kids can use it! My 12 year old sister doesn’t have a phone, but she has an iPod. All her friends that she played volleyball with has only an iPod as well. So they decided to have a group on Group Me which they love.
    Over all I love this is app!
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  • Great app! Missing ONE thing 🤞

    I LOVE GroupMe. I use it for groups at school, at work, and for one-on-one conversations as well. All around, it’s great. It has a clean user interface, it’s fast, in real time. I love being able to add gifs, polls, videos, pictures, etc to our chats. My only irks as far as videos and pictures go is the quality is LOW. I recommend taking videos or picture outside of the app on your normal camera and uploading, versus using the in app GroupMe camera. I’ve also found that pictures uploaded still lose quality, so if there’s any small text then zooming in on it is just not worth it since it will end up blurry. Outside of that, I have no complaints for the media, etc.

    The ONLY thing I wish this app would offer is PINNED messages. I run multiple chats for work, and being able to pin/star/etc important messages for everyone to access and refer back to would be AMAZING. I think this would be a great feature to offer to admins of groups. You can search most popular messages, but this is not always useful if the messages that need to be seen by new members, etc, are too far back in the chat to be relevant in the popular messages anymore. If this feature was added, GroupMe would take the cake for, in my opinion, the best group messaging app.

    Outside of this, the app is great, it does what it’s supposed to, and it’s reliable!
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    Developer Response

    Hey there! Thank you SO much for your review. We are happy to share that we now have your top request in GroupMe…you can now pin messages! 🎉 Thank you for all your feedback and for being part of the GroupMe community #)
  • Glitch with Notifications :\

    Personally, I think this app is pretty good. However, the thing that has been driving me absolutely NUTS is that when I open the app to read the newest messages, it doesn’t update afterwards that I read them, so when I exit the app it still shows that I have those same number of unread messages. I’ve tried clicking on each message on the thread and scrolling all the way up through every message to see if either of those things would fix it, but unfortunately it hasn’t done a thing to fix it. Been SO tempted to just delete the app to get rid of the notifications showing up as unread after I have for sure read them. Please find a way to fix this glitch soon! It is driving me absolutely INSANE!! I really want to enjoy this app, but it’s been so hard to with that glaring glitch constantly showing up. 😞 Please fix this!
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  • Setting group photos & cloning a group

    I’ve enjoyed most of the new features that have been recently rolled out with a few exceptions...

    Setting group photos, please revert the change - I recently noticed that you cannot do a search to set the group photo anymore which is very annoying and now I have several groups without photos because it is more difficult to set the photo now. Please revert this setting back so that you can search for a photo

    Cloning, restrict to admin and group owners - cloning is a great idea so that creating new similar groups is much easier, BUT I would recommend restricting this privilege to group owners and admins. I have been in several groups where a group member thinks it would be funny to create a duplicate group and causes more problems than they need to. If this privilege was restricted to admin and group owners, the useful tool would be used by the correct people.
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  • It’s not getting any better

    Make it more like Discord. And before you tell me to just go use Discord, I already do, but literally no one else in my family or community does, so I’m stuck on GroupMe for all the family and friend stuff like outings and parties and whatnot. Let us edit a message, or even delete a message we sent. What good is it to just hide the message on only my device?

    Another thing I want is to be able to delete a one-on-one chat with someone. That’s all. I don’t want to “hide” it. I don’t want to “clear” it. I want to straight up delete it. It obviously wouldn’t delete it from their device, just mine. And then what would happen if they messaged me again? Oh it would behave like every other messaging app ever made and just create a new chat with the person on my device. And then when we were done chatting, I could delete it again, just like that. I don’t feel like I’m asking too much, but then again I’m no developer, so maybe I am. Maybe deleting stuff is near impossible. Apple somehow figured it out. I can delete any conversation I want from iMessage. But then they are known for their “it just works” way of doing things. You guys should ask them how they do it. Send them a kind, humble email asking them how in the world they figured out how to delete a one-on-one chat in iMessage. Please, do it for me.
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  • Pretty decent app; has some challenges

    It's great to share experiences, pics, and vids with my family and friends x-platform, x-carrier, and around the world. Flexible app with reasonable functionality. Significant challenges include 1) can't delete or edit comments - just hide them, which only hides it on the individual side; 2) it would be very nice if tech support at least acknowledged that we send them emails, and responded within six months; 3) at times it's difficult to invite new GroupMe users to a direct message - can only add them to a group message; 4) impossible to search within a discussion/conversation without painfully scrolling back through the chat to find the reference you are looking for; 5) no exporting/printing capability which would be especially good from a family history or team dynamics perspective.
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  • Bugs

    I’ve always used group me and am happy with it, however, I have had a lot of trouble adding people to the groups. In big group chats that have been around a long time, people do not want to leave the group me or create a new one usually because there are good memories in the group. On multiple occasions I have been unable to add someone back to a group, either because they have left in the past or because they were removed. I have experienced this issue as an admin and a normal user in a group, and if it happens to one person, nobody in the group has the ability to add that person back. If that person is a vital member of the group, the entire group chat gallery and messages are lost because we have to create a new one. This has happened enough times for me to write a review about it. I am unhappy that our previous groups’ memories have been lost and become inactive and wish I was able to start the old chats again by adding the previous members back.
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  • Messages Not Showing. Edit. Edit again

    I haven’t had a problem with this until today, but today I got message notifications for a group and could see the messages. But after a while, I was getting notifications but not seeing them when I opened the app. The time stamp shows the time of the most recent message (that I can’t see) in the group. Other than this, I have had no problems and enjoy the app.
    Edit: I deleted then re-logged into the app, and now I cannot see any of the messages in that group. However, I can still click on the group info and see the images, group members, etc. Also, other group messages and individual chats are unaffected by this.
    I would really appreciate it if this issue could be resolved soon. Thank you!

    Edit again: after this update, nothing happened. I still cannot see any messages in the one group (still other groups/messages seem to be unaffected). I get notifications for the group and can click on them, but it brings me to the “group chat” where it says no one has sent anything yet, even though I have gotten notifications. There have been some images sent and I can see those if I click on the button that lets you see all the images others have sent. Please fix!!!
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  • Yas Queen🥳👑🔥

    Group me is one of the best apps I have been using to contact people. This app lets me contact people, it has its own emojis, and it’s perfect for people who don’t have apple. However, this app deletes messages that you are not really active in. It does help if your inbox is filled but if you want to save something it’s not really good. But on the other hand it makes sure that you are actively talking to people so that’s great! I recommend this app seriously unless you not into that “deleting” thing. I don’t even know if that is true but when I first tried it that is what people told me to be careful about so.... Also, GroupMe lets you see the messages that happened before you got into the chat. That’s great so you can catch up on what’s been going on. It also lets you change what people see your name as so your name can change depending on you not other people unless they are the ones putting you in a chat. But overall, GroupMe is a great app. I totally recommend. Bye! 👑👑👑🥳🥳🥳🔥🔥🔥😏😏😏💋💋💋💋💋
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  • Connecting

    I just wanted to say that I love your app first of all. It’s a great way to communicate with people. I just started using it matter fact it’s the only one that I signed up for I don’t use the computer that much anymore matter fact not at all during thing I use it for is to look up stuff I need for work and I’ve always was against Facebook and all the other stuff I thought it was too much but now I have your app and I use it to be connected with families for church and it lets me communicate with those people when I’m not at church and I love it for that. awesome company give up the good work I know people complain about certain apps they have where it they fail they are down they don’t work right well since I’ve been using this app never had a problem with anything nothing but five stars for me and two thumbs up...
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