User Reviews: FamZoo Family Finance

Top reviews

  • Great for kids all ages

    We have used this app for the last year to help our kids keep track of their allowance, chore money and spending. We don’t use the features for the actual debit cards because our kids are not old enough, but I would like to add that feature in the future. This has really solved the problem for us of never having cash to pay our kids their allowances and makes it easier when we are out and about to debit their account if they want to buy a toy or souvenir. We always used to forget when we tried to use cash and this app makes it so much easier.
  • Helpful

    This card has been so helpful by allowing me to get money to my son. He lives with his father currently and it’s not always easy to get him cash, there FamZoo card has made it so much easier.
    The only inconvenient thing I would mention is the time it takes to transfer money into the account from my bank. The deposit takes days... I wish it was a little more instantaneous like Venmo or others like that. I have auto draft set up on my act to transfer money every week, this last one for example was withdrawn from my act on the 25th and it still has not deposited into my FamZoo act as of today, the 29th. Only draw back is the lengthy transfer of money in. I understand the security though so I appreciate they are working to keep the accounts safe.
    It has been such a big help. Thank you FamZoo.
  • Our family loves FamZoo!

    We have 2 boys, ages 14 and 17. We joined FamZoo a few years ago, before my older son took a school trip to Florida. We were mostly interested in the card aspect of it at that time, so that he wouldn’t be carrying cash. But FamZoo has made our lives easier in so many ways, I regret that I didn’t know about it sooner! Paying allowances and setting up paid chores are very easy in the app or on the website. We used to have a whiteboard filled with who owes what to whom - no more! We’ve made allowances automatic, and the boys can transfer money to one another for shared expenses, like video games. They get hands-on experience with budgeting, and we are able to oversee their accounts at a glance, to intervene if needed. Best of all, FamZoo has wonderful customer service. They have answered any of our questions quickly and thoroughly. I have no complaints!
  • Not just for kids

    I love this app and the cards. It just me and my SO and this has really helped us get our spending and budget under control. It is easy to use and has as many and as few features as you want. The allowance feature as well as checklists work for adults too. Have a chore or task you don’t like doing and procrastinate a lot? Your SO forgets to do his chores frequently? Use the checklists to motivate and remind the whole family. It really is a wonderful system. We will be exploring the savings and charity features next.
  • Love love love FamZoo

    What an awesome tool for our family! I love the peace of mind of knowing that in an emergency I can instantaneously transfer money to the kids’ cards. Back in the pre-covid days when the kids used to go to school, I gave the kids a weeks worth of lunch money on
    Mondays. They learned to budget to make it through the week. I love getting messages on my phone showing me their purchases in real time, which lets me know where they are. Also, FamZoo customer service has always been exceptional. This card has all kinds of features I haven’t tried yet - opportunities to teach your kids about managing money. I definitely recommend it.
  • Teenage responsibility & convenience!

    Any parent with young teens beginning their life of independence this is the perfect solution for them, and just as First, it’s so easy and convenient. Second, it has saved me countless times when money was a need for my child and I wasn’t available. Third, it’s your kids who build up their balance and manage it, so it’s a life-lesson. And lastly, as a parent you can see the items your child has purchased. So you also can continue the life-lessons and manage expectation if purchases are not in line with agreements.
  • Fully automatic allowances and savings

    I use the FamZoo credit card with cards for each of my children. Using a debit card instead of cash is much easier for my 14-year-old, but my 9-year-old also is happy (though he must be with me to use it).

    Where FamZoo is really useful, however, is automatically paying allowances and automatically transferring out the portion for savings. I kept forgetting to one or both weekly before we had FamZoo. I also am able to pay interest if they keep their money on their cards, encouraging my children to not spend all of their funds.

    Last, my teenager can runs errands for me, using his card to pay and I can pay him back, or in advance, instantly. He is happy to have the autonomy, and I am happy to have help with errands.

    It’s a great system. It take a bit to read everything to set it up, but it then can be fully automatic. I set up recurring transfers from my bank account to my FamZoo card, which then goes straight to their allowances. And I can give them funds to their cards instantly when I owe them for something. (And they can pay me back too instantly.) It is a great system.
  • Convenient and helpful

    I opened an account for my two children a few years ago. Giving them an allowance was important to me but I often didn’t have cash in hand when it was time and the accounting of things (lending, giving, taking back when chores weren’t completed) got complicated and inaccurate. Having the cards and the app means I can make updates in real time and don’t have to worry about having cash. My kids know what they have at all times (I do too) and can plan, save, and spend. They’re learning great habits and I feel much less stress!
  • Great for adults w/ ADHD & kids too

    This app and the program it represents are a fabulous system that provides very clear boundaries about money, but also a lot of flexibility. My kids are 5, 10, and 15, so I’m getting a full experience of FamZoo across the various development stages. My teenager loves her independence, my 10yo loves how she can’t lose her money (esp. compared to keeping her money in a box), while my 5yo likes being like “the big kids” and I am the keeper of the cards. We aren’t anywhere near using this system to its full potential, but when I have a new task to do, the blogs, Facebook group, and the quick customer service will be what I do

    This app is also fabulous for me and my ADHD. Folks with ADHD can have serious problems with money, keeping to a budget, etc. FamZoo is flexible enough that I was able to set up different cards for each of out budget areas, like grocery , kids’ clothes, pet care, etc. I can always look up how much money we have in a given account. My ADHD issues with money are now much better managed, thanks to FamZoo.

    Update, a year later: we are still really, really happy with FamZoo.
  • Awesome service!

    We have been using FamZoo for over a year. I am highly impressed with the quality of services and the customer service is exceptional, personable and quick! We use the debit cards which is great even for my adult kids away at college and not here. I have setup allowances and it makes funding their accounts easy because it is automatic and easy to update. I have had kids call me during emergencies and I could transfer on the app and funds were available immediately. Highly recommend!!

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