AllTrails User Reviews

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  • No Tech support and app doesn’t always work

    We could not use the app to find the rail trail in Newport, Vermont because the map was so small that the start of the trail could not be found when we were sent somewhere that had a trail but was not the rail trail. Finding the location of the start of the trail was impossible. We were sent to a farm which had nice trails but were not part of the trail we wanted. When we started out on our bikes, the app showed us where we had been in a dark blue line but still gave no indication where the trail began. We ended up going to a Visitor Center in the city which had a map of the trail. What was supposed to be an 8-mile trek became a 16-mile trek because the app was not usable. We were in a city, so it was not a disaster. Had we been hiking deep in the woods, we would have been hopelessly lost with no way of discovering how to find our way out.

    I tried to write a review but got interrupted. AllTrails published it anyway (there is nothing to click to say you will publish). I tried to edit it. I tried to delete it. The app wouldn’t respond. I tried the Help menu. It was just articles on how to use AllTrails. I looked into “Connect with us” and it sent me to various pages on the web (Pinterest, Facebook, etc) but had no option to connect with a person for support. Finally, several months later, I was contacted to see if I wanted to talk to the developer.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there - Thanks a ton for the feedback. If there's any trail information you think is incorrect, on any Trail Details screen tap the button in the upper right corner with the three dots and select 'Suggest Trail Edit'. From there you can provide feedback for how we can improve the trail. You can also email with suggestions.
  • Great for hiking.

    Been a little while since I have used this on a wide variety of hikes and regions. Stuck in one spot due to health issues. They have done a pretty good job at updating and adding features to the app since first getting several years ago. I am pretty sure I reviewed it years ago. What prompted me this time? Well several months back revisiting some trails I waited until I got to the trailhead to start navigating. You would think if you were at a trailhead and tapped the “nearby trails” feature; you would have the trail you are at pop up? No, sorry, have to actually search for it. This morning? Tapped on it; my nearby trails are over 700 (seven hundred) miles away? 2 states to the left! Community knows where I am. It shows the nearest trail reviews. Long story short: it would be nice to show trails by nearest distance when you hit the “trails nearby”. Again, if your “community” section knows where I am, why doesn’t the “nearby“? It used to! Just didn’t actually show the trail I was at.
    I guess I need to add while trying to review, the page doesn’t scroll while writing. So if you get too detailed? You won’t be able to see what you are writing after a while.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there - thanks for the feedback and sorry to hear that you think the search function is horrible. We'd love to hear more about what specifically you think is bad and how we should fix it. This type of user feedback is super appreciated. If you haven't already please email Hope to hear from you soon!
  • Incredible app with need for bug fixes and sharing improvements

    I love using AllTrails. I use it to find trails, and lead hikes and bikes. The ease of finding and researching trails makes it a majorly great tool, where I could easily need to spend way more time searching around on the internet. The app performs well, and live activities make it convenient to use on trail without needing to unlock my phone all of the time. I also use live tracking with my trusted contacts in case anything goes wrong. I’m not sure how useful that is when also using Find My, but it’s a nice extra safety feature. The Watch app is a great way to easily track whether you’re still on the trail, but I find that it disconnects from the iPhone app pretty often during a hike and doesn’t reconnect until restarting navigation, which is frustrating.

    One area for improvement is in sharing with other apps. I use a Beeline for bike routing, and to get a biking trail onto my routing computer, I need to go to the AllTrails website, download the gpx file from there, then manually import it into the Beeline app from File. This would be so much easier if it was possible to share the gpx file from the AllTrails app and open it directly in other apps.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there - thanks so much for the feedback. We’ll certainly pass it along to our product team. In the meantime, thanks for your patience and if you have any other feedback please don’t hesitate to email
  • The free version is not so good anymore.

    Loved this app. But they’ve changed what’s free and it’s not as good as it used to be. Hoping they have another subscription sale soon!!

    So grateful they have so many trails listed and that people contribute comments pretty regularly. Some trails listed on the app are well-marked/defined (in person); others are not. I’ve had to use the app several times to locate the actual trailhead and to stay on trails that had forks in the path. So for trails not super well-defined, if you think you might go out of a cell service area on your phone while hiking, download the hike beforehand, so you have it for the whole hike. (It can be daunting to be mid-hike and have no idea which way to go, if the app stops working.) Also pay attention to the elevation gains shown for each hike on the app and read the comments. They give you a pretty thorough idea of what you’re in for. Keep in mind ‘Easy’ doesn’t necessarily mean the HIKE is easy. (That part depends on your fitness level.) It means the TERRAIN is easy. (Hence the need to pay attention to the elevation on a hike.) Anything with more than 100 feet of elevation gain PER MILE is going to be a LITTLE bit of a workout (from the perspective of a 125 lb., 50+ year-old female in decent shape). But have fun and KEEP ON HIKING!!
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    Developer Response

    Hi there - even without an AllTrails+ subscription there is still a ton of value to get out of the free app, including access to 400,000+ hand-curated trail maps, one-tap driving directions to any trailhead, the ability to create custom maps and access them in the app, access to the navigator to follow along the trail, and detailed reviews/photos/activities from our community of millions of active users :)
  • App is going downhill

    I’ve been a paid user of AllTrails for several years, but the last six or so months has seen the app lose features, become harder to use, or be outright not useful on the trail. I can no longer search my lists for specific trails and can only use map view or scroll (good luck with lists with more than ten trails)! Lifeline feature changed recently, and for the worst (can’t send to multiple individual numbers anymore, have to go back to enter end time, no customizable texts, and my partner said she had to log in to see a lot of info), after they kept moving where it was found in Navigate. Elevation profile is wrong when navigating and will frequently show elevation numbers increasing but the graphing will show decreasing. Pausing navigation reset all my stats mid hike. I am unable to click on park names on trails pages to jump to a trail list in that park. UX changes have option clusters broken up inexplicably. The new trail conditions info on the page almost never has useful options. And the classic: trail lengths are almost never right, usually short by about 10%. It’s almost as if there’s no QA team at all anymore, and the devs don’t use their app. Really disappointed in the changes in AllTrails lately and am now looking for alternatives.
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    Developer Response

    Hey there - thanks a ton for the feedback and sorry to hear that the app has been unstable for you. We'd love to figure out what specifically is going on with your device and get you fixed up ASAP. If you haven't already please email Hope to hear from you soon!
  • Love it. Have one request for developers.

    I’ve been using AllTrails at the annual Subscription level for several years now and it’s one of very few apps I subscribe to. It’s worth every penny. I hike a lot and frequent new areas and I depend on AllTrails to guide me. I have one improvement suggestion for developers: Create the ability to edit the length of a recorded activity. I often forget to stop the navigation recording and then realize it once I’ve driven home, thus adding many, many miles to my recording and distorting my AllTrails stats and adding wrong data to trails. Strava has this feature and I value it a lot. Although I don’t really care to use Strava I am often tempted because I can keep an accurate record of my mileage even when I make a mistake and forget to stop the recording. Keep up the great work!!

    Thank you for the response and recommended solution to my issue! However, as AllTrails is largely (and in my case, solely) used via the mobile app, the ability to edit the activity endpoint activity only via desktop or laptop web access (and not via the mobile app) still leaves a gap in the AllTrails functionality and I remain in want of this ability in the mobile app.
    🤞🏽I look forward to the development of this feature in the mobile app. 🤞🏽
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    Developer Response

    Hi there - thanks for your feedback. If you drove off and forgot to stop your activity, there is a way to edit that. Here's a short FAQ that details how to edit your endpoint: If you have any other questions, email We're here to help!
  • Incredibly useful feature removed :/

    There are a lot of great things I love about AllTrails, but over a year ago, they they removed the incredibly useful and logical (and in my case, most used) feature that allows customers to rearrange the order of trails within our saved lists. But the way it is now, if you have a list of 5-10 trails and you want to build or adjust a trip/trail itinerary based on current conditions, you cannot move a trail from the middle of the list to the top of the list. It truly makes no sense as to why this incredibly useful functionality was ever removed from the app. Please bring this back as soon as possible! It’s not even a feature request as it already existed perfectly within the app for several years before confusingly being removed. Imagine if you made a playlist of your favorite songs and you could literally never change the order of them ever again after they’re put on the list. Very frustrating. Updated response to developer: while I agree those search and filter functions can certainly be useful, it is still equally as useful to have the ability to have manual, individual control over specific list order (again, especially when designing a trip/trail itinerary based around current fluctuating weather conditions). Seems like having all of the options available would be the most beneficial to all customers, not just one function or the other.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for the feedback on this change! We've added a new filtering option within these lists, as well as the ability to search specifically by name. The goal was to simplify the experience by using these tools to rearrange and find content, rather than having to manually adjust the order. I'll be happy to share your feedback on this with our Product team.
  • Worst Update I’ve ever seen an app make

    The newest update renders this app nearly useless. Everything that was functional and handy about the recording interface is gone. The elevation profile redesign is awful, and taking away the recorded elevation/vs planned elevation feature was a terrible choice. I used to use that all the time to compare where I was with how much was left. You took away the elevation marker lines in the chart, and also took away the red and yellow grading to point out steeper sections. Why? To make it look “sleek?” I don’t use this app because I want it to be aesthetically pleasing I use it because it’s functional (or it was) on trail.

    I feel like the pause feature needs its own paragraph because this update BUTCHERED it. Why take away the hold-to-pause? That was one of the smartest features this app had, now it’s incredibly easy to accidentally stop your recording because the pause button is always right there on the screen and now all it takes is one tap to stop your recording. Thanks, now I have no idea how much trail I actually really have left because I lost several miles of my recording and didn’t realize it.

    All this while upping the price???? This is what I’m about to be paying even MORE for? How did nobody in your development team say “hey guys maybe we shouldn’t take away all the useful features of our app at the same time we start charging more for it?”
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    Developer Response

    Hello, thanks for the feedback. We understand we still have work to do and we appreciate your patience while we continue to improve our platform to better support our global community. Please reach out to with any suggestions for improvement or additional feedback you may have. Hope to hear from you!
  • The new version is terrible!

    What is going on with the new version of the app? I’ve been using the Pro version of this app for over 6 years and it seems to me that you keep switching features around catering more to a social media look, which is fine. But I am not sure where you get the user experience input because I can tell you that it’s not us, the long time users. I rely heavily on my history to find previously used tracks I built and hiked. Last year you put the historical activity on a different tab, harder to locate. Fine, I guess, more cumbersome but I have adjusted. With the version released a couple of weeks ago, you made it even more cumbersome to get to, not intuitive at all, it’s now under profile!
    To make matters even worse, you didn’t add a search feature on the activity history on the app!!! I had to read the FAQ’s and community comments (read complaints) to find out it’s only available on the computer.
    This is unacceptable. Especially after you increased the price of the subscription this year.
    Please fix the app and add the history back. To make it better, put the history back on a more intuitive and less cumbersome to find location.
    I’m really considering switching to another app if this is not something you will fix soon.
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    Developer Response

    We appreciate the feedback on this change. Unfortunately, there is no way to search for your 'Activities' or 'Completed' list within the new layout. We've escalated this feedback to our Product team and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Our teams will continue to improve the experience as we roll out the feature more widely, including the ability to search these lists. We appreciate your patience in the meantime as we work through this update. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is any additional feedback about this change you would like me to pass along!
  • Useful but not great

    Overall Review: I have been using this app for 7 years so can speak on a lot of the features that have come and gone. AllTrails is great for finding and researching trails. But keep in mind that its data is crowdsourced. Alltrails just uses tracks from other app users which is not reliable for navigation. I recommend using Gaia or any GPS app in tandem. Also, if you are going to navigate with Alltrails, DOWNLOAD MAPS for offline use. It is possible in the free version. You should not expect to have reliable internet in the outdoors. Most recent gripe: 1. Tracking (now “navigating”) has gone very downhill. Twice this year I had the app only track 3 miles out of a 10 mile hike. Because of this I no longer rely on Alltrails for tracking either, I also use Gaia and my Apple Watch. 2. What happened to the activity search? I really like to look back at my previous tracks (of which goes back years) but I find this feature suddenly missing. Why? Some Requests for developers: 1. Please bring back manual order in lists. It’s kind of a key feature. 2. Please add dates to the older reviews. Some people might want to read trail conditions from previous seasons to research and plan for the best time to visit that trail in the future (snow melt, seasonal road closures, etc). It would make that easier if the reviews had dates instead of saying “blank months ago”.
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    Developer Response

    Hello - thanks for the feedback and very sorry to hear you are having trouble with the GPS. Please reach out to so that we can look into this. Unfortunately, there is no way to search for your 'Activities' or 'Completed' list within the new layout. We've escalated this feedback to our Product team and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Our teams will continue to improve the experience as we roll out the feature more widely, including the ability to search these lists. We appreciate your patience in the meantime as we work through this update. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is any additional feedback about this change you would like me to pass along!

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