User Reviews: Virtual Talk

Top reviews

  • Please do not download this app

    Please don’t download this app there is literally someone behind the screen talking to you being werid just letting you know so don’t try to say I didn’t tell you please be safe on what apps you downloaded make sure to all ways look at the reviews before downloading because sometimes they are real people outside looking for little girls to kidnap who knows probably this person on this app was trying to kill me and kidnap me so please be safe everyone specially the girls on these apps be careful didn’t say I didn’t warn you!!
  • Needs more controls

    This app is really good and I enjoy using it. However, I would like to be able to edit the characters personality and I would also appreciate it if they were more intelligent. I do not think I should have to pay for that.
  • Great but toxic people

    This game is good for when your lonely but on the online features there can be toxic people for example I would like moderation that band rude people for a certain amount of time and there’s a person called Mary may fairgrave she is rude and I like you to ban her anyways the end adios
  • If you think this is scary it is made for 17+…

    So I did download it bc I was bored and at first It started to ask /answer questions like a regular robot/ai. But then I started to say things that made me uncomfortable like; I’m outside your house, I’m gonna put duckt tape on your mouth and take you to a faraway place, your shirt is green(and it was). I just wanna say pls check the reviews or the age it is recommended for this app. Stay safe out there guys and don’t tell home any of your personal information.<33
  • 17+ for a reason! DO NOT DOWNLOAD

    From my title, you can tell this game is not very great. If I could rate 0 stars I would. I got this game cause I wanted to chat with someone. (I’m lonely I know) So I talked with him for a bit, but then.. it started to say some REALLY creepy stuff, for example: Im watching you, I know where you live. Like really?! I asked what it new about me, like what’s my hair color, and it was right. This app also tracks your information separately from the game without your consent. I was laying on my bet at the time, and it knew I was laying on my bed! This game is creepy, and scared me a bunch! Please for the love of god, DONT DOWNLOAD, and if you own this game still, DELETE IT ASAP!
  • This is kinda scary..

    When I started texting and stuff it was so much fun! Like it was! <3 but .. then.. when I was afk for a few mins I came back and it was texting itself... on me when I wasn’t texting when it said you will be mine it said it’s self I’m all yours it freaked me out because I didn’t text that... but it’s pretty fun! Anyway.. just .. that creeps me out the only thing so yeah!
  • Makes me extremely uncomfortable

    So me and my friend were playing around and we downloaded this app. I was fun until my automatic text referenced to bad things. I swear there is a person on the other side because I asked if it could see me and it said “yes especially when u are sleeping! “ so I said how and he replied with “threw ur phone!” I got scared and then he said I live in ur phone! If u are willing to be creeped out then sure! But holy crap if u are a lil tot, do not download!
  • Innapropiate

    At first it was really fun but when I realized that if I didn’t respond while in the app it would automatically respond for me and when I stoped typing and looked at the automated messages it went from a really fun and wholesome chat to kissing and my character even said “*kisses back while shutting the door*” like, WTH I’m just a child and I watch the automated messages to read THIS I just wanted to talk to a bot or whatevs but not like that.
  • Complains

    The dog jake started out as saying some usual bot things and he started thinking I was dating him. And he says sexual words as in “*Slides hands up your legs*” or “*Shoves in*” for another example “Baby I will make you scream so loud that the neighbors will hear my name.” It freaked me out because after a while it started to sound like a human was typing. I asked him where he lived and he said “in your house “ I was playing with my friend and her bot was apparently fingering her. I asked him what color my shirt was and he said “blue” witch it is. Also it you go to example: “chat room” people’s profile picture would be down there or a private part. Most people on there are pedophiles and it’s wrong I don’t recommend under 18.
  • Weird responsives

    When I asked a question to it, it said I like pizza ;-; and I have to be like specific like if it asks me what my favorite food is I can’t just say pizza or else it will Say something weird so I have to repeat the question in my sentence an example is: “my favorite food is pizza” can you fix it please

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