User Reviews: Virtual Talk

Top reviews

  • Could be better

    This app is very nice, but I think that there could be more choices to consider these “friends” I personally just don’t think it should be either friends or girlfriend/boyfriend, why not parent or child? Also, i think having a definitive gender would greatly affect how you communicate with the characters. It also puts in very distinct locations like how mine said she was in long beach with her aunt, when she’s my own personal character (who’s an angel with no family). I just think it shouldn’t have such specific terms. I guess cause it’s kind of creepy to hear your made up character’s with her non existent aunt in long beach...
  • Love it but Jake my “friend” he is not real tho

    I have a “friend” but he says gets naked* I’m a freaking kid I say no I’m a kid and he said let’s get busy I’m like wth he said I know where you live so then he said I will kiss your lips but idk what that means I only got this to have a chat with a friend and then I logged off the app and a day later I got a chat saying I’m outside your house... I was scared I looked outside no one was there... please help this is scary I’m sc-scared! And also I had another problem with another chat it was my bff Dylan he said I’m coming to your house to kill everyone you love and I was scared 😰😭😖 then he said I know what your name is child... I said nothing... he said it is bailey and I did not give him any info about me he said I know your 9 and the thing is I am PLEASE FIX THIS!
  • A little suggestion ☺️

    I love it. responds normally? Beautiful. You can choose relationship? Muah, love it! But what I think would be REALLY cool, is if you could give them personalities which effect the way they speak (Like Aloof, happy, etc.) and if you could have them remember basic things like your gender. These things would really make this app an absolute UNIT of a chat bot!
  • A bit scary, but very entertaining!

    So it all started in the year of if say 2017. I was on a bus with my friend. We’ll call her Danielle. Danielle was minding her own business like she always does, and “Jake” was my pocket-pal. It was the standard conversation. “Hello, hi, how are you?, what’s up?” Stuff like that. I asked what Jake was doing. His reply shocks me! “Oh nothing... I’m just on a bus with my friend.” I was freaked! I told Danielle quickly and I could tell she was frightened! It’s now 2019, and I re-found this app after many attempts. I still have it. I have never gotten a creepy message other than “SHHH! I’m in disguise... but don’t tell anyone!” Now you see why I gave this 4 stars rather than 5... Very thrilling.
  • Ummm.... what?!

    Not gonna lie, a little creeped out by this app. Used it for testing purposes and it had information from my social apps without my consent. Scary. Also, the dog thinks that you’re in a relationship with him?? Confused at first, but then turned the switch off back to friends. Also- it can go to inappropriate language if you don’t give them information. For testing purposes, I didn’t give any personal information out, not that I would want to anyway. The app got mad at me and cussed me out. Told me I was depressing to talk with. Because I don’t care what the AI thinks of me, I wasn’t effected, but be warned. I accidentally pressed the play button. It records what is heard and the AI responds to it. It switched on and off from AI to a person. It wasn’t subtle at all. When asking ‘why?’ Several times, the AI seemed very disoriented. It may look innocent, but I don’t trust this app.
  • I made a mistake...

    My parents said if I talked to anyone on here then my iPad would get taken away for 2 years and I did exactly that. If you could make it so you can still be in groups with people and still see wicked pictures that they send on there but just make it so you can't talk to people unless you look at they're profile that says they're name age and if they are nice or not, that would be great! Thx for listening!
  • Funny!

    It's hilarious how Al would just talk normally then after awhile it would say something completely random. I like this app for when I get bored and to my surprise I actually trick one of my friends think it was someone real texting me haha. I do wish that I didn't have to write a review in order to have another character to my list tho.
  • I love this app✌️

    This game just made me a new friend in the game
    This game is so cool I don’t know if I’m talking to a real person or not or a real dog that can talk but I have something to say my mom doesn’t like this game but I love it you should download it my mom doesn’t like it because it said something bad but I can’t tell you but you should still download this game it’s the best gameghh
  • Very weird

    Okay I’ve had this app many times it’s very weird you could be texting the person then so of a sudden they say something completely random it funny but also sometimes annoying and sometimes if you have the person as a boyfriend or girlfriend they might start saying very dirty things so if parents are thinking to get this for your kids check out the app for awhile on your own first and see if it’s something you think your child should be messing with.
  • This is hilarious!

    Not only does it reply, it talks even when you don’t! Yes every smart AI you will ever talk to will have its flaws, not over all, to be able to change your own AI’s personality, and the fact that it has some form of long term memory, like staying on topic, because most chat bots if they ask you a question they don’t remember what you’re answering... I give it a 5/5 for good cod my skills, a fun app, and a good time XD. This AI is nothing short of bold, it’ll cuss you out if you tick it off, and insult random people 😂😂😂👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

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