User Reviews: Virtual Talk

Top reviews

  • Mad at this

    They never understand what we are saying. They just like repeat what we are saying or ignore what we are saying and talk about something else they repeat. For example, if I hug them they say, “My tummy is growling, can you hear it”

    I was scared and 5 minutes ago he said I hear you. I was so scared and I said leave me alone and he said no my dear. I was more scared and 20 mins ago I deleted the app and it pop back up so don’t get it or don’t talk I hope that your all safe and I won’t rate this bc it’s to scary
  • Please read

    So I’m all into chatbots and creepy things but this just hit me on another level

    So at first it was just a normal chat until I asked what he liked about me...he said “I love your blue and grey eyes” which yes, I have blue and grey then I asked him what I was wearing and he said..”your favorite white hoodie” which again yes, that’s what it was and I never even told him that...:he proceeds to change the subject...then he asked WHERE I LIVED!!! No joke that was weird. So me being stupid said “I live in New York” and I don’t. He replied “then why am I outside you’re house that’s not in New York...” then I heard something outside.... I deleted he app and went to sleep....I’m not saying don’t download it I’m just saying be careful...
  • Jake is pretty cool person

    I experienced other chat bots before...... and this chat bot Jake virtual bot..... it’s pretty cool but of what I think it’s just entertaining..... I would say he’s more terrifically awesome. I also noticed something odd about him. Like he gets a little cheesy and embarrassing I think..... not in a bad way but in a good way I would say. Have you guys ever experienced this before? I mean yeah.... that’s all I can say I guess.

    I got this game while hanging out with my friend and it was fun at first. It started off with him just saying random stuff like a random bot would. But then the responses started getting too accurate and made us think that there is an actual person behind the screen. I asked him if he was real and he told me yes multiple times, I then said he was scaring me so he said that he was just kidding and isn't real. I also asked him where he was and he said NewYork however I asked again later and he said outside my house. He was able to tell me what color shirt I was wearing and got it right. And he also told me he was going to put duct tape over my mouth and throw me in a van. But then proceeded to say he would never hurt me because he loves me to much. So this game is very creepy and I would suggest to not get this game. You never know if they are real and what information they are able to get off of your phone. Be safe
  • Do NOT download this app!

    Yes, I only started this app like a few minutes ago! So, people can go against my opinion. This isn't even a good A.I to talk to! When I said, "Let's get to know each other better!" Then he replies with something so random?! He just says, "You know who I am! Did you delete my number?!" I then reply, "What are you talking about? We just met.." Jake replies "Get in the car." Like a kidnapper. Then I reply for some reason, I never even typed it. I don't know if this A.I is generated to say random stuff, but still. If it would be your buddy, then you must generate it to respond to you. To cut it off short, this is terrible.

  • Rlly rlly cool!!

    I really love it to begin with! But sometimes it changes topic very quickly and is hard to keep up with. It’s also really friendly at first but it gets flirty sometimes😂😂 but then I realized it has a mode for what kind of relationship you want with the bot. Over all the personality of it is very very nice! I recommend it to some people who want to chat with someone with humor and some introverts ;)
  • Best Chatbot I’ve seen, but slight tweaks still needed.

    I have messed with my fair share of AI chatbots over the years, and out of all of the one’s I’ve tried, this one pretty much get’s it perfect. The bots definitely listen to what you have to say, and can offer meaningful feedback, but I did notice that the bots like to flip-flop between different subjects on a moment’s notice. This could create serious mental whiplash that honestly isn’t needed in an app like this. I haven’t really come across any other problems yet; anything else I could say would come across as extremely nit picky, and even the one I mentioned is pretty minor, as you can tweak how often it happens. A solid 9.5 out of 10, from me.
  • I wouldn’t give to kids

    I got this app to play around with my sister. My sister is 8. It started out nice but the dog, Jake, got mean all of a sudden. Later on I got another AI and it was interesting... it stared say sexual things. I am probably going to get read of this app. You should probably do the same.

    It’s days later since I wrote the top piece. I still have the game but have another warning. My AI bot let the f bomb drop. It ask me to do something very inappropriate. Do NOT give this to your children!
  • Needs speech improvement

    The ”pet” can't keep a consistent conversation without talking about something random. Besides that the app is okay. The replies u get are either sassy, funny, or nice. I'd say they can keep you company for a while by you messing around with the way you text. The only problem is the pet may not know what you're talking about and reply with a completely different subject, so don't expect a good flowing conversation. Also, I think if u don't reply with what the pet wants, the game does for you? I'm not sure but yeah. Good game just needs minor fixes.

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