Ticket to Ride User Reviews

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  • Fix Your Broken App and Servers or Stop Selling It!

    Why did I just pay $10 for this app? The app and servers are completely broken, it’s virtually unusable! I figured with 21k 5 star ratings that it would be fine. I didn’t even notice that the app hasn’t had a version release for TWO YEARS. Playing online is so bugged it’s broken. Every time I start a game the app just hangs, meanwhile the backend and the other players think I’m just sitting there letting the clock run down. I literally have to close the app, reopen it, and rejoin the game every single time. And it’s so slow, it wastes two minutes of my clock time easily. I know I’m not the only one having the issues either because every game involves other players disconnecting and reconnecting at least once. Meanwhile as I’m busy rebooting the app trying to get into the game, a robot has taken over to make dumb decisions on my behalf. Absolutely ridiculous. I’ve never had to get a refund for an app but I guess there’s a first for everything. Not even sure how to go about doing that??

    Oh, and sometimes it simply hangs on “Authenticating” and you just can’t play.
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  • Fix Your Broken App and Servers or Stop Selling It!

    Why did I just pay $10 for this app? The app and servers are completely broken, it’s virtually unusable! I figured with 21k 5 star ratings that it would be fine. I didn’t even notice that the app hasn’t had a version release for TWO YEARS. Playing online is so bugged it’s broken. Every time I start a game the app just hangs, meanwhile the backend and the other players think I’m just sitting there letting the clock run down. I literally have to close the app, reopen it, and rejoin the game every single time. And it’s so slow, it wastes two minutes of my clock time easily. I know I’m not the only one having the issues either because every game involves other players disconnecting and reconnecting at least once. Meanwhile as I’m busy rebooting the app trying to get into the game, a robot has taken over to make dumb decisions on my behalf. Absolutely ridiculous. I’ve never had to get a refund for an app but I guess there’s a first for everything. Not even sure how to go about doing that??
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  • Way Past Due for an UPDATE

    This is my favorite board game and app, but this app hasn’t been updated in ages. I recall an interview with the development team for the Ticket to Ride app saying there would be more maps added way back in 2020; over 2 years later here we are with the same maps, it’s getting a bit stale.

    Wish we could have some more of the physical boards added like Rails and Sails, Great Lakes, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Old West, etc. It would be more engaging to have seasonal events too like for Halloween, Christmas, etc., while implementing some of the existing add ons and expansions like the Halloween Freighter trains, Alvin & Dexter, Depots… It would also be nice to have more customization, such as being able to use stations on any map.

    I would think there would be more frequent updates considering this app is near the top of the chart in board games in the App Store.
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  • Good, Not Great

    I love this board game, but this app gets annoying at times.
    - First, I don’t need you to stop the game and inform me every time somebody closes their app for a second to check something on their phone. Just switch them to a computer player and keep going.
    - Second, why don’t we know how many players are in a game until the game starts?
    - Lastly, put a shorter time limit on making moves. Players should have 20-30 seconds to use their turn or else they get switched to a computer player. If players are taking 1 minute + to make a move, I just close the game. I care nothing about what it does to my player ranking.
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  • Dodgy Local mode ruins gameplay

    We like the board game, but having a computer help with counting and cards is so much easier. My family has tried to play in Local mode for years, both over Bluetooth and WiFi. Most of the time the game ends in a disappointing stalemate because one player gets disconnected and cannot get reconnected into a playing state, so they have an infinite turn.

    I have no idea why this happens. We have had it happen at the beginning of games as well as near the end of them. It is quite frustrating because you never know if this is one of the rare instances where you will be able to complete a game.

    What happens is this. All players except one get a message that a player has disconnected and the game is waiting for them to reconnect. That player might have a similar message, but without indication of who is still connected or sometimes some other message. We have tried rejoining and force quitting the game, relaunching and rejoining, but a typical best case is that the game recognizes that the player has rejoined and removes the message from the other players’ screens, but the player who was allegedly disconnected is unable to take any actions except to leave the game again.

    Other game modes are still fun, but we would like to use local most of all.
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  • Fun game, terrible app.

    Ive played this game for about 2 years now and was introduced with the board game version while playing with family. I thought the board game was a ton of fun so I downloaded the app. Originally everything was great with the app and there were only some minor bugs, but since the past year everything is terrible. The chat option has been shut off for forever (I understand it’s a family game but their should be an option to turn on or off chat according to an individual player basis) and worst of all the game bugs out and crashes every other game!! One game (online that is) will go by with no problems, and then all of a sudden for 5 games straight it’ll pause in the middle, with no warning to me, I have to refresh the game and by the time I refresh either the game is done (and the computer finishes it for me) or the computer has ruined my game by playing 10 moves that I never asked for!! The game almost always crashes mid game and it’s so frustrating as I’ve been playing it for more than a year on the app version now. Extremely dissapointed. A fun game, with terrible execution.
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  • Enjoyable game, but needs some updates

    I really enjoy playing Ticket to Ride online, but there are a couple things that need updating.
    -Too often someone leaves a game and you have to wait their timer to run out for them to be replace by a bot. It’s frustrating. Please correct this with either a turn time limit or have them replaced sooner, maybe 2 minutes.
    -The bots in online play need to play smarter. They often don’t complete routes and seem random in their moves.
    -As for the chat, glad you disabled it. I suggest you leave it disabled. It serves no purpose. Just add some more fun emojis and an easier way to access them during gameplay.
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  • Fun game but persistent crash starting a solo game

    Hi, I've played this game for years, it has ALWAYS had a crashing bug.

    When you finish a solo game and choose Rematch, it crashes bringing up the new board. You crash three times before you can start a new game without crashing. It's not every time, but most times. I play every day during breakfast and it crashes every day. It has done this across at least three iPhones and multiple versions of the game.

    Super annoying for a game I've paid for (paid two or three times when it had to be redeveloped with newer iPhone versions). It is just lazy to not fix a low hanging bug that your customer is going to hit EVERY DAY doing something so basic as starting a game.
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  • Game constantly crashing when trying to restart

    I’ve tried twice to have this resolved with no success. In solo mode when trying to rematch or simply start a new game after completing one, the game crashes. It started happening every once in a while a couple years ago. Then got worse, to the point it does it more times than not. I have to open the app 3 or 4 times and try to start a game before it will go forward without crashing. I had an older iPhone but I got a 12 pro earlier this year and same problem. Always current on iOS and updating app. Tried many times to delete and reload app. I stopped for months at a time hoping it would get resolved but just tried again and same problem. Nothing works and no help from creators to date. It’s a great game but unplayable like this.
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  • Monitor the chat pls

    Super fun game, and very addictive, however. . .

    The chat isn’t monitored at all in the online version, nor is there a way to turn the chat off. Sometimes it’s all friendly chatting, but frequently, there is a bunch of really gross sexual harassment and obnoxious politics. It seems like it would be very simple to hire someone to monitor the chat, but currently, the only option is to report the offenders through a long and complicated process that nobody can remember how to do and nobody has the time for. I’m an adult playing, but I’m appalled by the fact that this game is listed as a 4+ game in the App Store. I am not conservative, but I would not want my children reading this, and frankly, I don’t want to see it either!

    Other than that, the game is fine other than a few occasionally glitchy updates.
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