Ticket to Ride User Reviews

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  • Great but some suggestions

    I LOVE this board game! I’ve enjoyed playing the app version as well but have a few suggestions. One, it would be wonderful if you could fix it to where if someone doesn’t make a move during their turn within a certain amount of time that it skips them. The ‘bot’ does take over for a player if they actually exit the app- however, if they leave it up on their phone but stop playing, the other players can’t do anything except sit there until the entire time for the game runs out. I’ve played games where I’m about to win and the other player just stops playing but doesn’t exit the game. So I sit and wait for the clock to end to get my points. Or, I just leave. It’s very very frustrating! Second, it would be good if the ranking system was easier to understand. And the game does freeze on me and suddenly restarts from time to time. Fix these things and it would be perfect!
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    Developer Response

    Points taken. We'll look into this. Thank you for your feedback
  • DO NOT BUY THIS GAME in its current form.

    Edit: after 2.5.14 update the app is still clunky and slow. A huge downgrade from how the app performed for years.

    To their credit the developer has followed up the December version that first introduced these huge regressions. But arguably that was a version that never would have been released if the proper amount of quality control and play testing had been done. Asmodee Digital only gets a certain amount of credit for what amounts to fixing the huge mistake or error in judgement they themselves made.

    DO NOT BUY THIS GAME in its current form.

    To Asmodee Digital, who is replying to some critical reviews with requests for users to post bug reports to a private bug tracker:
    Have you played your own game? Were you avid players of Ticket to Ride? Because you don’t need detailed bug reports for the vast majority of problems you introduced. Just install the version prior to the 2.5.11 update and play that version of the game. Then play this version and it will be glaringly obvious what you messed up.

    Edit: removed a star after the 2.5.11 update made the app and gameplay feel way slower

    Original review:
    Great game. Online play is useless to me as I'm red-green colorblind and can't tell certain opponents apart. App needs a colorblind mode.
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  • Love the game, but Santa Bot cheats

    I have the US, Europe, Asia and Nordic Countries versions and play them all the time. The AI players seem to vary in ability, like the female bot can do stupid things, often doesn’t complete her routes, while the male bot is much harder to beat. And then there’s Santa Bot, available in the Nordic version. He cheats. He always takes the bonus route first, worth 27 points, then somehow magically has all the cars needed to complete all his routes, and then goes out. I started counting cards and see that he cheats. When he claims the bonus route worth 27 points, that should take 36 cards, which is all the cards in his hand. He should need to draw additional cards to complete his routes, but he doesn’t. He never draws again, just lays out all his routes and goes out, usually beating everyone else.
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  • No XR support/Online play is broken

    Update. So I found out that the screen could be reduced so I could see all game play but it’s like looking at it on a screen of an iPhone 4 inside an XR. Online play is completely broken on my XR and on my 5th gen iPad. WiFi/no WiFi, it doesn’t matter. Sometimes it acts like it’s going to work and then it just quits again. I have re-installed and restarted and contacted the developers through review and the help/contact button in-game and have heard nothing back. Solo mode works fine if that matters. Otherwise, very, very disappointing.

    I can’t play train cards half the time because the stupid multitasking button is in the way. The cards become smaller or bigger based on how many you have and I can’t place them on routes to win the game because every time I try to grab them my phone thinks I’m trying to exit the game. I just bought this game and an expansion pack and they are unusable. I’ve played this game before and it was great but it is unplayable as of now. Update your game people!
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  • Great Game, Sloppy Update

    This is easily one of the best board game adaptations available on mobile. Unfortunately, the most recent update has introduced a slew of unpleasant quirks/bugs. The game stalls almost interminably when transitioning into the final scoring after the last round of turns. Exiting back to the menu from a finished game is another spot where the app can’t quite seem to figure out what it’s meant to be doing.

    The new animations are sleek, to be sure. But they’re also wholly unnecessary & ultimately do little more than slow down the gameplay experience. And even though I am playing on an iPad (so no issues here with accidentally exiting the app, as so many other players have bemoaned), the new larger graphics of my hand of cards fanned out often blocks the bottom of the map. I have to tap a card to make them reduce down in size on every turn, which results in the game’s error buzzer sounding *every turn.*

    Does all of this make the game unplayable? No, not for me. It does, however, make playing the game unnecessarily tedious, almost to the point I’m inclined to uninstall & save myself some storage space until I hear the kinks have been ironed out.
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  • New improvements prove cumbersome

    I regularly play this game and my app updated yesterday with the new improvements and so far I am unimpressed. The new card animations puts the cards at a slight tilt making them difficult to see and on a iPhone nearly impossible to select the cards to drag them to the desired track without the iPhone screen settings being initiated due to the proximity of the cards for the edge of the board. The animation of the trains to lay down on the tracks keeps glitching and freezing the game. Even when train cards are not selected I’ve had over ten different games automatically give me one card when then ruins my turn and forces me to draw cards that I may not have wanted. I am disappointed in this “improvements” and think the designers need to change them so this game is actually functional again.
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  • Somewhat disappointed🙁

    Our family loves the board game so we went ahead and bought this a few days ago. When the game works everything is wonderful But we do get booted out quite a bit because we like to play with other players online we lose our points.

    The biggest complaint is a personal one. This game is rated for years and up but unfortunately there is live chat. I have an eight and a nine-year-old who enjoy this very much but unfortunately they’ve been coming to me asking me what certain words mean. It doesn’t matter what race you are some of the vulgar words and conversations that are going on right alongside the game are absolutely apalling. There is no need for that in the family game😡 sensor or filter for that vulgar language
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  • Why so nasty or stupid? Great game, poor app

    Just updated hoping it would be fairer. It's not. Computer seems to know where I plan to go, even when I'm not picking up a specific color and it's not on their route. So I miss 2 routes because they go out just after I pick two routes that I can easily finish with two cards. I don't like cut throat playing. Never is is random cards either.

    I usually play against the computer, if using the app. But at times the computer players are so stupid (forgo any easy connection that would give them a route and put their cars randomly about the board) or they seem to know what I'm going to play and take the spots I need. When nasty they end the game just before I can finish my routes or just quickly put down large trains. I play for enjoyment I don't enjoy cut throat tactics.

    I play the board game with friends and enjoy playing the app, but at times it is way too frustrating!
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  • Definitely like!

    Nice picture and proper sound notice makes good presentation of the game. Brought me much fun and is a good pass time. There’s still a few problems:
    1. Please fix the glitches with pass and play on iPad. I was never able to launch the game that way. It quits unexpectedly every time, making me and my friend pay twice if we want to play together even in the same room. I hope it was meant for people together to play on one device. Otherwise we can’t really persuade everybody to pay 6 dollars and get involved.
    2. Cannot choose icon for myself. Always the green boy if I’m host player(But I’m girl) it doesn’t mess with the game, but allowing choice with icon is definitely more fun. Same thing for multiplayer’s locally. I cannot tell my friend from robot player unless asking his color
    3. I’ve played board game and there was this concept of building a station, where you could use all routes directly connected to the station to complete your path cards. Would you be able to adapt this function? Currently it’s nothing challenging but drawing cards by luck and predicting robots routes to act accordingly. (They are pretty weak though after you’ve played a while)
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  • Fantastic app!

    This is a wonderful interface for a fun, classic board game! I've played TTR for over a decade. I downloaded this to play online with a friend who lives a couple hours away, and it was as fun as playing it live. The new version with all the expansion boards is much better than the older "pocket" version, loads quicker and I love the challenges of the new boards.

    A few glitches needing to restart the app because of an incoming call, probably due to my cellular data connection, but the game picked up right where it should. It's sometimes hard to tell who's turn it is-- the Germany board has a nice feature of the active player's banner dropping down a bit-- it'd be nice if this happened on every board. Otherwise there's a tiny little clock moving next to the avatar of the active player, a very tiny, very little clock tucked away in the corner of a very busy screen. It's a pretty minor issue though, overall this is a great app!
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