Pulse User Reviews

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  • Great game mechanic... BUT

    I've played through the first couple of stages. VERY NICE work on those (they're great introduction levels) and you really get a good sense of a fresh new idea. This all holds up... Until -

    About stage 4, definitely on 5, the music is just OFF sync. This is a problem that occurs in other rhythm games that end up frustrating the player to an insane degree. And if you have any sense of rhythm (ie. You're a drummer like me) then you know what I speak of.

    I did go through all the levels and this occurs on levels 5-8. So, the later half is harder not because of difficulty of notes but because of the difficulty of separating what you're playing from what you're hearing? In time?

    Level 8 being the "hardest", SHOULD have the most precise tempo but it doesn't. It's as though the devs figured no one cares about timing. Go back and gauge the tempo more carefully on those levels and perhaps I'll come back with another star or two.

    An otherwise great, new game with a frustrating problem, if you're able to forget about timing. Which musicians can't and never will.
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  • Music games are always brilliant, Pulse is no exception.

    This game is incredibly fun! I can't wait to see some updates in the future. I have had a few problems with the application so. I'm a big fan of DDR, Elite Beat Agents, and Tap Tap Revenge, so I can usually pick out timing issues easily if there are any. The first problem I have is that Cinder gets off beat throughout the level (the ring gets ahead of the music near the end making it incredibly difficult to play to the beat; I did better when I muted the song and just played the notes based on the location of the ring). Also, there is a series of four notes that need to be played very quickly but they don't line up with the music at all (the music plays a triplet and the game is asking for four input dots). The second problem I had is that I cannot score higher than 99% in Low Tide despite a perfect score (I have played the level through several times and every time I get the "New Score" message, it remains at 99%. Other than those two issues, I have nothing else to note.

    Great application, I wait patiently for more!
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  • Exceptional

    This is one of the few applications that has brilliantly design, exceptional gameplay, well chosen sound tracks, and excellent execution. Though it may seem at first overly simplistic I am challenged to conceive of another rhythm, music game that is as fun, challenging, or addresses multiple inputs, (movement, rhythm, positioning, timing) as well.

    Very very well done.

    I would like the second set, of what I hope to be many sets of songs, out quickly.
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  • Not bad...but it's nowhere close to MuBlip

    Not a bad game by any means...it looks very polished and the songs are pretty good. Unfortunately, this is not MuBlip (which is a far superior game, in the same genre).

    The game play is fun, but there are definitely times when you must hit a note noticeably early in order to get it correct...there are still timing issues..

    The lack of options for gameplay should be fixed (ie color)..

    the lack of game center integration annoys me, bc I can't compare my scores with others.

    also, $5 for only 8 songs? If they include more songs for FREE with future updates, I would most likely give this 4 stars..

    At the end of the day, MuBlip still blows this game out of the water, and for almost half of the price...go purchase MuBlip, until pulse finishes this game properly. Also, the name 'Pulse' is already taken by my favorite RSS reader...
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  • Not a bad start

    Pulse definitely has potential. I'm having fun, but I feel like the difficulty goes up a little too fast. On one hand, I was pleasantly surprised to see multitouch and more varied rhythms enter the mix, but I felt like I hadn't yet mastered the basics yet. 2-3 more super easy songs would have been nice to give me confidence. I don't mind playing the first few songs again for practice, but getting that practice in with songs that I haven't tried yet would feel much more rewarding.

    I hope to see more songs, of all difficulties, in a future update. Pulse is a good time as-is, though.
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  • Beautiful and Entertaining!!

    This game is simply awesome. The colors are vibrant and the songs are unique. I could play this game for a long time just trying to beat the songs. There are only a few songs, but I'm sure there will be more in future updates.

    The only problem I have is that when I play, I have a hard time figuring out which line the note is on. When you miss enough notes, they turn white and it is even harder to find out when to press the notes since the notes turn the song's set color when it is time to press them.

    All in all, I think this game has tons of potential and is well worth buying. (^v^)/
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  • Fun!

    Very fun. However, despite my musical background, I find it to be a little bit difficult. Sometimes it is very hard to figure out what the rhythms are and it is picky about exactly where you touch the notes. Hoping for a lot more songs in the future so it really is worth the $5 and a few updates to make it even more playable. Also, if you like these types of rhythm games, I recommend muBlip. That one is also very fun.
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  • Awesome concept, gameplay almost there

    Love the idea, the visuals, and the music. Less love for giant timing windows combined with really finicky touch mechanics, making this less about the music and more how precisely you can poke speeding dots. Also, dots placed close together often get poked together by accident, which can be needlessly frustrating. It'd also be nice if there was always some visual response from touching the screen, maybe a small ripple.

    I've also found the sound effect and more so, the flash from missing a note to be distracting and it sometimes causes me to miss more notes. If each of these could be toggles in an options menu that would be fantastic.

    Don't get me wrong, the game is decent fun as is and I've been recommending it to friends; it just needs a little more push to become as stellar as it looks and sounds.
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    The app capitalizes on the multi-touch functionality of the iPad, with users challenged to keep pace with the app’s music, and “tap notes as they are crossed by the pulse as it expands in time with the music.” The music is provided by local Philadelphia artists and supports “genres from chip-tune to nerdcore to death metal.” The only features missing at this point are social sharing abilities. It would be excellent to see Facebook, Twitter, and Game Center support to compare your scores with your friends. Sharing is certainly an omission, and one I hope Ciper Prime adds in future updates.
    That said, Pulse: Volume One showcases what makes the iPad an incredible device. The music, graphics, and multi-touch, immersive, gaming experience is second to none. If you desire an app that will not only provide you with hours of joy, but will make you the envy of all you show it to. Keep those updates coming fast! :)
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  • Great first step!

    Pulse hits the iPad when few music games of note exist (on the US Store at the very least - people have jubeat, Taiko, etc. from other regions). Taking the biggest strength of the iPad for such games - multi-touch capability - and running with it is Pulse's greatest strength outside of the sleek presentation. However, my rating is actually a hopeful one, and could change in the future with enough support from the small indy dev team. If this were from any larger pool of talent, unproven or otherwise (and Cipher is quite proven given Fractal and Auditorium), my rating would actually be 3 stars, unfortunately.

    I love the control, the look, the sound, but it's technically Pulse is rough. With nothing in the way of options, there's no way to toggle the notes for what players in the genre are used to - red on beat, blue on halves, etc. Harder to sight read, but it's not a giant complaint given the music is quite good. Difficult to overlook, however, is the anemic setlist, which includes some songs barely over a minute long. The promise of more free content on the future IS promising, but the price for the product is out of balance in its current state.

    When you buy Pulse, buy it half for what is here - beauty and terrific gameplay - and half for what the future has in store. Don't let us down, Cipher!
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