Werdsmith User Reviews

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  • Great mobile word processor!

    I’ve used Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and other mobile word processors. This is the only app I’ve been able to stick with for more than a few days (it’s been a few months). It’s simple; which I like. If you want bells and whistles, you might have to look elsewhere. But I find that’s what makes this processor far better than the others. You simply jump into a document and start writing. There’s very little to distract yourself with. You can write and save multiple documents—they are well organized on your dashboard. It has a dark-mode, which is key for me. The idea generator (which uses AI to either create a writing prompt or auto-complete a section of your own writing) is pretty good. It definitely keeps you writing if you feel stuck; even though you will most likely end up revising the suggestion it gives you. It does what it sets out to do. I personally feel this is the best word processor for writers like me—easily distracted procrastinators, who struggle to sit down and focus. You will find it much easier to “face the blank page” while using this app.
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  • i love it except for one small thing..

    so, im someone who loves writing and stuff and this app makes it so easy. i recently started using the ghostwriter ai thing that will help you finish sentences and write the next one in case your stuck which, if youre someone like me who is terrible with words, it comes in HANDY. except, the ai is so sensitive, like im trying to write something that is just cuddles and adorableness and it censors its response. now, i understand that werdsmith cant really help this but it would be helpful if they gave people advice on what could trigger the ai to censor itself. also, it uses up a prompt when it does censor itself or doesnt work. this is so annoying to me, because it doesnt give any prompt or anything yet it still uses up one. other than that, this app is really good!
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  • Great, but sad theres no more passcode

    I really enjoy this app for writing and journaling alike. The former passcode feature was especially a +1 from an app I already enjoyed because I share my iPad with another person and I’m an extremely private person when it comes to my writing. However, I took a break from writing for a while and when I returned, you can imagine my absolute horror when I opened the app and it no longer required a passcode!!
    I really hope you guys consider adding it back for those like me who share their device with other people. I had to backup all my writing and save it elsewhere on a less desired app because I no longer feel comfortable writing digitally on a shared device with no passcode protection. Though, I’m not very savvy with Apple technology, so maybe there is a workaround to not having this app be snooped through by others because I really want to keep using this one.
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  • Quite the App for an author

    The app is great it has a very nice way of letting me store my stories and ideas, it’s neat and dandy and I didn’t have any problems with loosing any progress.

    However, whenever the app lets me select a project it seems to exit out of the whole app when I choose to cancel the project type. I think it’s a small bug that doesn’t really bother me.
    The bigger problem that I have is with the ghostwriter. It’s understandable for an app to be able to have breaks for a month(even though it seems like a lot of wait to help cure writers block) but to me it seems a bit unfair that the prompts get used up even when I select the choice for another prompt. It’s simply annoying when I end up using up all the prompts because they didn’t fit the narrative of the story.
    Other than that the app is very easy to use and thankfully doesn’t shove ads in your face.
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  • Great app. Something I’d like to point out tho.

    This is a great writing app compared to the others ones I’ve seen. I love how organized you can be. The stats things was also an amazing idea, it lets me know about my story. But there is something I’d like to point out. The thing is about the prompts, there a great idea but there are some changes you should make to it. First, I’m really annoyed with the fact that sometimes, the prompts don’t work and you loose the prompt even though it hasn’t written the sentence for you. It’s wasting my prompts and I hate it a lot! You should really try to fix this, it’s getting on my nerves. This might just be me but, other times, I unintentionally click on the prompts and they get used. I think that for this, you should put a pop-up saying “Do you want to use a prompt” or something similar to it.

    Thanks for reading!
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    Developer Response

    Hi, we're very glad you're enjoying the app and thank you for your feedback regarding the prompts. We will consider this for future updates. Thanks - Nicole.
  • Large font size in update hard to read

    I’ve been using this app for four years and I really love it! It has been useful for me to organize my ideas and to write the stories I’ve always wanted to write. I have to say, though, that with the new update the size of the font makes it hard for me to read. Larger text is incredibly difficult for me to read and I stumble over the words. I much preferred the old, smaller font size. I tried changing the font size in the settings app on my phone, but that had no effect on the font size in this app.

    Edit: Thank you for making a smaller version so fast! Appreciate it!
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  • Vastly improved!

    I've always liked this app over other writing apps. It looked better, flowed better, and was most friendly to those who just wanted to write simply. However, the bugs were completely maddening, to the point where I would actually write my story on Notes in chapters, and paste it to Werdsmith to save it as one novel.
    I love that I can now edit in Werdsmith without it freezing up on me, as well as exit the app to do some research on the side and go right back into my story and edit without having to find my place again. I wasn't going to rate this app before, I'd been using it for a year and wanted to give the devs a chance to improve it. Now I am happily writing this five star review!
    Thank you for listening to us free users!
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  • Great overall, UI changes on iPhone are a step back

    Loved the app to write on my phone when I just needed something user friendly and helpful. The new UI changes in version 5 put a damper on the mobile experience though - the font size is huge to the point of being counterintuitive and makes it difficult to proofread and navigate. If it was a feedback point in the past, I wish there were more formatting options instead, like for font size or spacing between lines. I only use the app’s basic features so these details get to me. Werdsmith is probably the most helpful and reliable writing app for phones overall, and the free version is actually free.
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  • Scared to update

    I’ve been using this app since 2016 and use it to write every single day. I would be absolutely devastated if anything happened to everything I’ve written in that time. Since I first downloaded it, there haven’t been many changes to the layout or anything major. I’m sure the new changes are for the better but I’m just really nervous about how they may change all the ideas I’ve written so far. I love this app and rely on it so much you have no idea. I’d just like to know if there’s any major changes to how ideas are organized that I should worry about before I update the app. Thank you for your time. Truly love this app, would just hate to see it change completely after using it for so long… ^ also will there still be a passcode? That’s a very important feature for me… ^ sorry, my last review I think you responded to was from a while back…

    Thanks for your responses! I feel a lot better about updating now knowing that it’s nothing too major. Although I will miss the custom passcode, that’s understandable. Maybe it could make a comeback in a future update lol. Thank you for your time and patience, sorry to be a bother lol. Really love this app <3
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! We believe this version is a big improvement, but totally understand your concern. The major change is that your projects list is now on the top of the main screen for faster access (rather than in the second tab). There's also a search box to find older ideas and projects. If you'd like to be extra safe, you can back up your work before you update - just go to Profile > Settings > Archive > Export. Please keep in mind the custom 4-digit passcode has been removed (it was an unpopular feature that caused some issues) but you can still use Touch ID/Face ID or your device's passcode. All that said, if you'd prefer to stay on the old version, the update is completely optional! Get in touch if you need more help -Nathan

    Ok so even if your not a serious writer and want to write fan fictions, Ghost stories, etc. etc. I HIGHLY recommend this app. 1 it’s free. There is a plus version that gives you more options, but I use the free version and it works wonderfully! Plus if you have friends that want to see all the stories that you make like fan fics or ghost stories, if you put them on a portfolio (which Werdsmith graciously provides) just give them the website that they give you and they can see your works! You of course get to choose what you put on the portfolio.

    Yes I’m aware this sounds like an add but I just really like it! If your looking for a good writing app I recommend this one.
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