Paper by WeTransfer User Reviews

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  • Very good app…if it would download my stuff

    I payed for the subscription and i really enjoyed it I had fun making a journal, but then I left the app alone for a month or two without using it and when I recently tried to work on it again it was gone, in the top right hand corner it says it’s downloading 24 items which sounds like the right amount of pages I had in my journal so at least it wasn’t completely deleted. But I’ve left my IPad alone for it to download for over 20 minutes and there’s been ABSOLUTELY nothing downloaded or accessible to me. I don’t mind waiting for it to download but I’ve waited so long that I’m starting to lose hope for it to work. Is there anything I should be doing for it to download? I have enough storage, my wifi is fine, it’s the only journal I have and it’s around 24 pages. If I can’t get it to download there’s no reason for me to pay for the subscription since I won’t be starting over I’ll just bitterly delete the app.
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    Developer Response

    We’re sorry to hear that you’re experiencing issues with Paper. If you’d like to open a ticket for assistance, please send us your Diagnostic Report. In Paper, tap on the Settings icon top right then “Support”. On the next screen, tap on “Send Diagnostic Report”. An email window will pop up. Please add a detailed description of what’s going wrong in the body of the email. Once we’ve received your email, we’ll be able to dig in. Thank you for your patience.
  • Excellent but there seems to be a new and VERY problematic bug.

    I have used paper for many years and I love the application. I use it for note taking, drawing, scheduling, and forming ideas. Recently however (around a few days ago) I have noticed something off. Sometimes when I’m trying to write (whether with the pencil or with my finger) the app seems to randomly undo or delete what I just wrote. Sometimes when it does this it “makes this default” by not allowing me to use the undo arrow in the top right. Sometimes when I glue and paste it has caused me to lose the work I wanted to edit, and this happened today with a college class schedule. I won’t delete the app because I have many ideas, drawings, and notes here, but I’m concerned about using it until this issue, assuming it’s general and not particular to me since my other apps work just fine, is addressed and resolved. I really hope it is fixed soon. Paper is too good of an app to stop using due to a bug.

    I hope this gets to the Paper team, thank you sincerely.
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    Developer Response

    This unfortunate behavior is a known issue, and we have a ticket open with Paper Engineering. Turning off Journal Sync while you work and then turning it on and letting Journal Sync complete when you're done is letting people continue to work in Paper while the team works on resolving the issue. If you would like us to add your information to the ticket, please send us your Diagnostic Report. In Paper, tap on the Settings icon top right, then “Support.” On the next screen, tap on “Send Diagnostic Report.” An email window will pop up. Please add a detailed description of what’s going wrong in the body of the email. Thank you for your patience.
  • Won’t let me restore my previous purchase to new device

    I’ve had this app for a number of years now and I like it, but I can’t give it higher than 2 stars for the inability to restore my premium purchase to a new device. I don’t use the app all that much so I haven’t been keeping on top of the updates, but I got an ipad pro months ago and decided to move my sketchbooks over this new tablet. Turns out the option to restore from older versions will no longer work without having to pay for the content all over again with their subscription model. Thanks but no thanks. It’s ridiculous for a sketchbook app to put their tools and syncing behind a subscription paywall. I used to use this app and the Bamboo sketchbook, as I liked both, but now I guess it will exclusively be Bamboo since they haven’t yanked the rug out from under me.
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  • A teacher’s best friend

    I have been using Paper for a number of years at this point. I was an early adopter of this amazing program and have lived through all of its growth (I dream of an Apple Pencil sheathed in a carpenter’s pencil like the Paper by 53 stylus).
    As a teacher who has been at it for well over two decades, I can confidently say that without the use of Paper, my work would suffer greatly. It is just so versatile and useful!
    Off the top of my head, some of the fabulous ways that I use Paper are: the ability to organize lesson plans, create presentations for projects, mock up digital progressions of project examples, allow students to digitally edit their projects before they commit to a physical change, and ideation spectacular!
    Each of these uses, and there are certainly many more, is quite valuable individually. All together, though, is a dream.
    I simply have never encountered another application that is as flexible for everything that it does! I’ll be honest, I would pay much more than the current subscription price to support its continued development. Without it, and I am not intending to fall into hyperbole, my teaching would suffer to the point of destruction.
    Take it from a veteran visual arts instructor, Paper is as good as it gets; it is very underrated in my view.
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  • Awesome so helpful!

    This app has been above and beyond amazing and so many of my friends love it too! I would say there are no problems and it doesn’t feel so overwhelming like in most of the sketching apps I have downloaded because they have so many tools.
    My favorite part is that is gives a variety of options for starter books and introduces how to use all of the tools the best way possible! I know i said that there was no buts and this is not a complaint the app is already amazing but if it had two more features I would love it even more, the first thing it should add is a feature to lock the drawing or photo in place so that you are unable to zoom in or out! This way is so if you want to focus on one specific part you won’t have to worry about getting distracted and accidentally drawing on the wrong part of the page!
    The second thing that they should add is oil paint so that if you want to do some abstract art or something else you won’t have to improvise. In conclusion I think that you should definitely download this app and as a person who has, I have used it everyday since.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you very much for your wonderful feedback on features you'd like to see in Paper. We'll share them with the team for their consideration. If you have additional feedback that you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you:
  • Better than some other apps, but….

    It could be much better. The app simulates a book, with pages, but when you open a page, it is really two pages, the left and right leafs … that is fine if you plan on ignoring the book idea and want to draw and the entire screen, but if you want to take notes, you have no idea where the center of the page is (the virtual binding) so you can’t really treat it like a book, at least not easily. The app gives a good selection of tools and colors, as long as you pay for the premium service. The developer changed the pay model. In the past the basic app was free, and you paid, once, for more tools. Now, they want you to pay forever and ever. Also, the tool bar is _huge_ which means you lose a good chunk of paper space at the bottom. You can get around this by zooming in, but then your scale is off. All in all, it is nice to be able to write on something that acts like paper, but it is a little awkward getting around and having an idea of scale and position. The app is available on iPad and iPhone, but it doesn’t work the same between the two devices. In the end, it’s a good idea, but not very useful for anything. The app Card flow seems to be much more practical.
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  • The Perfect Blend of Digital and Organic

    I have been using the paper app since 2012, and since then have used it for about everything; the simplicity of the UI is just so versatile. I used it to take notes (and doodle) during my college classes, make art for the internet, keep track of my schedule, interview notes, my to-dos, my packing lists, plan furniture layouts, etc. While I can certainly use purely digital tools for the calendars and task lists, I’ve noticed they never really helped me remember what I needed to do the same way as writing it down does, and with Paper it’s without all the added clutter of “real” paper. And while I can (and do) use apps specifically for making art on an iPad, the simplicity of Paper helps me focus on just sketching out simple ideas and concepts before diving into the details in the “heavy duty” apps.

    10/10, have literally documented a good chunk of my life with this app alone.
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  • Bring back MIX or fix the cut tool glitch.

    Mix was amazing and thanks for the data allotage- Paper. Okay, The cut tool, still works well, but it was changed in the update so that your first paste of what you cut goes back to the original form before the cut is spread out. It sometimes takes 3 or 4 attempts to get this to work right.

    So- UH, it was working much better the initial way you designed it and now this is a bit cumbersome. Is there anyway you could bring the cut tool back to its previously designed fluidity? It’s just that very first paste - for no real good reason goes back to the original and doesn’t make the cut. I have a few solutions to this issue, but I don’t at all see why you made the change as it is to a degree JUST GLITCHING what is otherwise impressively a smooth process. Idk, you’re the experts but that would make my day to see fixed.
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  • Already paid, now asked to subscribe, crashes ipad

    I was an early adopter of Paper. I paid the $ to unlock everything way back when. I really feel like the practice of changing the monetizing method should be illegal or at very least not allowed by Apple... app developers should create a new app so those of us who already paid can still access the software we purchased.

    I know it’s a tricky issue and I do want to support developers. Problem is that when I buy something, I feel like it should be mine forever unless there’s a clearly stated time limit. Otherwise I can spend $ today and lose access tomorrow... that’s definitely not right. This trend of moving everything to subscription is turning me off to spending $ on apps in general. Seems extremely unwise to pay for something without any guarantee that it will remain accessible as purchased.

    In addition to the previously stated issues, this app is now causing my iPad Pro to crash completely - as in turn completely off despite being plugged in and charged. It is an old model, but similar apps do not cause this much crashing. Not all of us can afford to buy new devices every few years, but it seems clearer than ever that developers just don’t care about making stable apps with fair pricing.
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    Developer Response

    As a Legacy Paper user you will have access to the Diagram, Cut, and Fill tools when you sign in to your Paper account associated. Tap on the Settings icon (sliders) top right, then "Support", and "Sign in to your Paper Account". Once you sign in, the Diagram, Cut, and Fill tools will be immediately available to you. Please feel free to reach out to us at if you need assistance with your Legacy status or using Paper.
  • Best Diary/Doodle App

    I have searched for many apps that would allow me to doodle and draw my ideas out. I love the Apple Pencil , but felt like there was something to the tilt that wasn’t utilized and began to believe that there was just limitations to it. This app actually uses the full capabilities of the tilt, making the pencil tool feel and draw around like an actual pencil. This helps tremendously get a feeling for what I’m drawing.

    A lot of other diary/book drawing apps seem to lack a few things: smoothing,pages that do not take several seconds to load, a mix of both raster and vector tools, and templates to customize your experience. You can even customize templates per page.

    A fantastic feature is allowing you to zoom in and have the tools resize based on how far you zoomed in to give you even greater ability to detail. Overall, when I want to sketch out ideas, I go straight to this, I have not had any complaints with the tools, they all fill what I need, with no faults. My only gripe is not being able to customize the tools, but I feel that would just complicate the experience. When I feel the need to really refine something, I just export it to Procreate and take it from there.

    Love the app, this is awesome and itches that doodling need.
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