User Reviews: Baldur's Gate

Top reviews

  • Almost as good as it's sequel. Play this one first.

    I originally played BGII as a preteen, and enjoyed it immensely. But never got around to playing the original. Now with the Enhanced Edition, I can take my game with me. On an iPhone 6S Plus, the screen *is* a little small to see occasionally, but over all its still very manageable. The iOS has a small button in the corner that allows you to highlight containers, doors, and NPcs, very useful for the format. My favorite enhanced feature is the ability to long-press on the Quick-Save button to export your save to BGII, Dropbox, or your email. Makes it super easy to play the same save on PC and iOS if you know what you're doing.
  • A huge mess

    I never played this game before. But I was very much anticipating doing do. On iPad Pro it's a disaster. The interface is klutzy, clumsy to navigate, and leaves new places completely in the dark. You have no idea what icons mean and navigating is ungainly and awkward. Clicking on tiny things is near impossible for simple tasks of combat and looting and talking. A shockingly poor version. I really expected more. Clearly the game wasn't tested on ipad by new players for the developers to make it work properly. Even the tutorial is ridiculously and unnecessarily confusing!

    The tutorial continually messes up, doesn't it actually tutor you on things, and unless you're already deeply familiar with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons v2, you can't learn it while you play.
  • supurb!

    this is an excellent remark of the original Balder's gate. it has everything the original had but with the addition of more locations, new npcs from the second one and characters polish. i never did play the original when it came out so the power of the greatest pc game to ever live is not portable on my iPhone. its also worth it to pay for the three new characters and new voice additions since this is a 60+ stroyboard.
  • The nostalgia is real

    All the glory of the old BG game. Played this game growing up and it is everything I remember. Still super difficult yet fair. Controls took a little bit to get used to but generally very friendly controls and pausing. If you are a fan on these kinds of games, this one one of the originals and one of the best ever made. Best app purchase I have made! Shadowdancer for life!
  • Nostalgia, Does this generation really have more ADHD than me?

    I read a couple of the reviews, and I will preface this one by saying I played ( although didn't finish ) the game when it originally was released on PC. There was not a tutorial at that time, and the game was an awesome experience. Apparently, today it looks as if most the poor reviews are from people that did not play the original ( and likely were not alive when it was released ) as the beginning area in this game provided more guidance than I remember of most games at that time.
    Ok so I have rambled long enough, if you played games in the mid to late nineties, you will like this game whether you ran across this one or not. If you are accustomed to more recent games with integrated and in depth beginning tutorials, you will find this game difficult to get started with. I recommend buying it, and sticking with it. I find it is much easier to play on my iPhone than it ever was on my PC.
  • Perfect.

    I played through Baldur's Gate when it was originally released many years ago and played it again five years later and then yet again five years later. Unfortunately, my old computer went toast and I swore off PC gaming forever because of the ridiculous costs and hassles of keeping a computer up to date. I had long thought the iPhone and iPad could make perfect platforms for some old classic games.

    And here it is-- Baldur's Gate, in full iPad glory. Zooming made easy, click with a finger, and you can see all containers easily. I just finished it tonight and I'm a completionist, which means I look in every container and in every nook and cranny for content. There were zero problems and many old bugs fixed. [I do wish they would've fixed the old character scripting issue for thieves set to "Thief Aggressive" where pathing is interrupted whenever the thief automatically attempts to hide in shadows and/or a failure of shadow hiding, but alas...]

    A friend bought this game for me... I didn't know of its existence on iPad prior to then. Now I'm downloading BG 2 and then Icewind Dale. I do hope Icewind Dale 2 AND Planescape: Torment are in the works!!
  • First Impressions

    After reading all the "rave reviews" on this PC to ISO port, like an idiot I bought into the hype and purchased this title. One review hit the nail on the head. While graphically stunning, the game is harder than it should be to understand what the Tutorial is actually trying to make you do.

    Without an image of the "icon" we are being instructed to use I found myself clicking on everything to find what they were talking about. But after several failed attempts the NPC was kind enough to explain it a little bit better. But it's just not good enough and really talks away from any enjoyment one might expect to get from such a great game.

    I highly recommend that no one purchase this title until the Tutorial has been redone so that you can move on and learn as you go.

    Do you really think telling us to do one thing after another, for God only knows how long, that we would remember all that stuff? Teach the game to it as we go... Show us as we need to know it.

    Very Disappointed.

    Oh, and only because I am forced to give it atleast one star, which should be against any thing that resembles a moral, that's all I think it deserves right now. The uninformative tutorial just ruins what should be an awesome beginning to an Epic Quest.
  • Made for the Fingers

    Any old school top down RPG or point & click style game feels right at home on iOS! Instead of dragging a cursor around it feels very intuitive to simply point and have your commands met. In lieu of keyboard shortcuts, I actually find this method more enjoyable. The writing here is still the best aspect of the game; funny, engaging, and deep. The entire game has depth, don’t expect to be godlike your first time round - but the fun is deciphering the D&D gameplay mechanics! The only feedback i have preventing BG from getting 5 stars is the lack of iTunes File Sharing. Yes, you are able to export saved games to play on computer & iOS interchangeably. However, on the computer I have several custom portraits I’d like also transferred to iOS. Its not a deal breaker, but sometimes it does pull me out of the story not seeing the characters as I see them in my head. I’ve already purchased the portrait pack, but I like to have NPCs looking unique as well. This was enabled pre 8.3 update, but since it’s been blocked. Enabling the iTunes File sharing for this would be amazing! Overall, thank you Beamdog & Overhaul for giving us the ability to play on the go. Prepared to get hooked, & good luck in Faerûn!
  • Awesome Port! iPhone 4S

    Classic RPG in the palm of your hands. Extremely entertaining, and overall good port. Be sure to increase the font size for better experience, and set the pause settings to however you like. One problem is when trying to tap the top character portrait, you may close the hero panel and won't be able to reopen. Save frequently! Otherwise, it's a great game and works well on iPhone.
  • Enable File Sharing With PC Already

    This is a great game. I have both the pc and ipad versions of the game. I want to be able to play the ipad version while I am away from my pc and transfer my saved games between the two. Please enable file sharing so I can do this. This is 2015, so this should be a standard feature for a game of this nature and with this much depth. The way is it right now, you have to choose between the two versions instead of embracing both of them at the same time. Come on Overhaul/Beamdog, fix this for us.

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