Le Havre (The Harbor) User Reviews

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  • Hard to learn, fun to play

    Took me a while to learn...the tutorial could be better. Playing using hits has been most helpful. Really challenging, great strategy game. Love the options for offline and online play. Ran across one bug- when the last bldg is purchased and built (has only happened in 1 game) a popup comes up notifying that there are no more blogs avail to build or buy and it keeps coming back after dismissed and locks up the game. I had to shut down app and reopen to get to main menu. Error reoccurred when I went back that game so wasn't able to finish it.

    If you are patient, don't mind reading directions and love challenging strategy games, you won't regret this purchase.
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  • Tiny on iPhone, great on iPad

    This is a fun game if you like serious board games. The app is a little rough around the edges but the gameplay is good I haven't seen any bugs.

    I'd love to see animations for online player moves because it's very hard to tell when it becomes your turn in an online game even if you're closely watching the screen. Also, the arrows for the shipping line and many other UI elements are a bit clumsy, but once you figure it out, they do the job.

    The real star of this app is the great Uwe Rosenberg game. The UI is the bare minimum to make the game playable and it succeeds well enough to enjoy the game.
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  • Fantastic - But still some bugs

    Great game! Awesome ipad implementation! However, I've played several games on my ipad now and experienced several crashes: 4 player (3 AI and myself), in the last couple of turns - it simply crashes back to the icon folders.... try to restart & it does it over and over again.... same with 5 players on about round 17 or 18 (not all of the time though). Then today, playing a 2 player (one AI player and myself) - on the "final Actions" with all of the buildings purchased - a message stating "all buildings purchased" just kept repeating and I couldn't finish the game..... very frustrating!
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  • A very good port of an excellent game

    Le Havre is the second game in Uwe Rosenburg's complex games series (some folks referred to it as the "harvest trilogy" until the number of games went above three). All of these games would make excellent iOS apps, and, hopefully, we will eventually see all of them in this form (the original game in the series, Agricola, has been slipping back in PlayDek release schedule for over a year now - hopefully, it will make it out soon).

    The transition of Le Havre to iOS has been handled well by Codito and I can really only fault them on one minor thing: the notifications in Game Center do not persist (in other words, if you have turns pending in several different games and go into another app first, the turn reminder for Le Havre will not be there when you get back to your home screen).

    I honestly have not dealt enough with the AI to get a feel for its skill level, but everything else is really nicely done. It even works well on my iPhone, which is not something I expected would be possible.
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  • Bravo!

    This is a wonderful game. I love that I can play it on my iPhone 3GS. It's not nearly as clear as on a retina display, but it is more than playable if you have good eyes. On the iPad it is simply a joy. The AI could probably be more difficult, but i can't complain because I'm new to Le Havre, and I enjoy winning :-D

    Only problem I have with the app is that the music always comes on at full volume every time you restart the app. If it would remember the last setting, that would be nice, though I think the way it works now is pretty normal for other apps too.

    There may also be a few typos in the detailed information for the cards. Wrong amounts for construction costs for example, but I can't remember which card.

    All-in-all this is a great game on iOS and well worth $5. Be warned though, this a not a game for the faint of heart or someone new to Euro-games. It is one of the more complex games I've ever played.
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  • Great Game, Great Implementation, a little slow and not good for iPod 2nd generation

    I loved that there's a guide for you as you play, and also a game tutorial. Both of those allowed me to quickly settle into this game with hardly any previous knowledge of it.

    I am playing on an iPod touch, so perhaps my opinion is lower simply because of that fact, but this game is hard to see and read with so much going on and so much space being required and so much being shown all at once on the main screen. Hopefully this plays better on an iPad and more group play friendly. Also, having an old generation may contribute to this factor, but the game seems sluggish. To take back a move takes about 8 seconds, when it should really only take 1 second to adjust one, two, maybe three graphics, and a couple of pieces of information.

    There's a couple of things that seem glitchy--like moving a stack of 7 items. For about 2 seconds it shows there being 1 in the stack it was added to until it updates. This seems unusually slow, but again could be my iPod. I do not like the cluttered feeling of the game for the iPod, but that's pretty unavoidable for a game this size. Still, I find it seems to do a great job rendering the game as it seems it should. So I give it 4 stars, 5 for the excellent game and good implementation of it, and 3 for the actual gameplay/size on an iPod touch 2nd generation. Still, not many applications work for the iPod touch 2nd generation, so I love it.
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  • One of the best board games on ios

    Very well done. I bought this without ever playing the board game and I love it. Be sure to give yourself time to learn it (and be sure to understand when each phase will end).

    There are minor issues, but no major defects. Game crashes on iPod touch every once in a while, but it always picks up where I left off. Computer AI seems pretty dumb most of the time, regardless of difficulty set. The game is complex so I understand it may be hard to program a strategy. Lastly, even with speed settings on fastest it seems like it is slow on games with more than 3 players.

    The only other thing I could ask for is a way to customize the number of rounds. Many times I've played just feel like they are getting going on the last round (very suspenseful, but sometimes I wish I could accomplish more).
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  • wonderful

    I'm a big Agricola fan and was looking for a game to play on a long car ride (until playdek's Agricola app comes out...) and I found this. I had never played it but thought it looked interesting so I got it and do not regret it. this is a great game with just as much depth (if not more) as Agricola. when I first picked it up I was playing on my iPod touch, and let me tell you, don't try to learn how to play on an iPod/iPhone. it's just too small unless you already know all the symbols and cards. on the iPad I had no trouble picking it up and learning how to play. people complain about the easy ai, but I keep getting beat by the second best ai on difficulty 2... so I still have a lot of strategy to pick up, but that's part of what makes this great.

    I would suggest that the graphics on the iPhone/iPod are changed. they are pretty small if you don't know what you are doing. I feel like it would be easier to change them rather than just shrink down the iPad graphics. the font is also pretty difficult to read on both platforms.
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  • IPhone Version

    Never played the boardgame, but the core game is great fun. As for the implementation, i'm impressed that they've fit so much on the screen and made it work, but I wonder if having everything there at once is the best approach. Regardless, the only truly negative feelings I have stem from apparent bugginess with online multiplayer. My friend and I have to retake turns every so often, and the game doesn't always update properly. These may be sever issues that can be fixed without recoding the app itself, so hopefully they get it done. Doesn't stop this from being a GREAT game and a worthwhile app.
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  • Never the same game twice...

    This game takes several plays before you can really get the hang of it. Once you do, you realize there isn't really an optimum strategy to play in order to win. In other words, you have to adopt a very fluid strategy based on the situation - depending on what plays are blocked, you may find yourself doing a 180 and taking a different path. And unlike some games where one false move means you are done, this game is a little more forgiving.

    It is somewhat confusing at first - play the tutorial, then play a short game and take advantage of the hints when it's your turn (hit the ?). Then play another, taking fewer hints, and then once you have it figured out, play a long game.

    There is a LOT of game here for the money. I don't regret it for a second. I haven't played online - but that is next.
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