The Secret Society User Reviews

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  • Gift box size increased

    Thank you G5e for responding to player requests for a larger gift box. Even though I played multiple times a day, my gift box often exceeded the 50 Item limit and many gifts from friends were lost. With the larger capacity, I’ll not only be able to collect more of the gifts sent to me, but also have more confidence that gifts I send will be received by my friends.

    I’ll upgrade my review to 5 stars as soon as G5 allows players to opt out of having invitations to other games sent out under our names without permission. I’d love to try some other G5 games, but don’t dare download them, knowing my current friends will all get ‘join me in playing’ requests. If I like a new game and want to invite them, it’s a nice option to have. But it’s not ok to send an invite in my name without my permission, and before I have time to evaluate the new game.
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  • Best Hidden Object Game

    Having played several hidden object games -including others by G5- this is by far the best. It’s hard enough to be challenging yet easy enough to not dissuade you from wanting to play. The game is also doable without having to buy in-app purchases. Something unlike others I tried. If you want to speed along faster, the option of in-app purchases is there. It’s not hard to do without, though. I personally never had to spend and I’m still singing their praises. They have monthly events to acquire totems, rare items and such which are easy enough that anyone can do them but again, challenging enough to keep your interest and still be a “challenge”. Adding other players in-game to ask for assistance is key. It will help you a LOT. Quests are always flowing which helps keep your interest and make you feel accomplished upon completion. I play another G5 hidden object game that differs a lot from this game in every way that I mentioned. I wish it was more like this one. This game is one of my favorites which allures me into playing every day.
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for the amazing review. We’ll try our best to keep up the good work!
  • Take back my original review

    These games are not relaxing or fun. I am am disabled, but I used to be a software engineer. I play these games to relax and have fun with friends. It is isn’t either of those. I have complained and they never do anything about. They bombard you with ads to buy their extras throughout their game. And their games get faster and faster so that no matter how good you get at it they are trying to force you to buy their extras so you can keep up with the game. And the game has a lot of glitches. While you are playing it and going along it keeps flashing the screen and changing your entire screen so that you can never keep track of anything. For someone like myself who has epilepsy this is concerning. I can see changing the screen if there are no moves, but it also changes when you do have moves. When you try to send a complaint in, they send you back a conformation email asking you to send back an email with your complaint? Can’t they read? And their email states if you do not send one back they will consider your case closed. How convenient. Why send one in at all. It’s like dealing with AT&T. I could go on and on, but really why bother....
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  • What "gifts"?

    I used to love this game. Even though it is frustrating to have to work so hard for clues and tools, it WAS my favorite game, but no more. It is too hard to get the tools/items needed to enter the rooms and complete the scene, and if that weren't enough, now I can't get my 28 gifts that have been piling up for days! The game crashed-I started over, I couldn't get the tools/items to finish the collections-I tried harder and longer. Not being able to get gifts is my final straw, I don't want to play anymore! For example, why do I have to work so hard for arrows for Tree of Dates? I see others have been complaining about the same thing, along with few diamonds/rewards, so it can't be you aren't aware of the issues! I'm recommending my fellow players try out "Mirrors of Albion". It is similar in many ways but you do have regenerating tools and you do get gifts, and you can complete collections. A game is supposed to be fun, not stressful, I hope you get it figured out!
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  • Secret society

    I am so disgusted with this game I’m about ready to quit! I am on level 60, have 87 completed collections, have 123,000 + points and all of my open scenes are in the night mode! Have the time the unlocked scenes which you have to put together to play you are unable to complete because when you tap on them they won’t move!!!! This uses up precious time and thus you can never complete them. Especially heinous is the wedding party. None of the pieces will move when tapped😡! And the jigsaw puzzle forget! Allowing only 90 seconds to complete is ridiculous especially when the tapped pieces won’t move! And if you don’t complete a scene in the allotted time you lose all the hard work that has gone on before! And the fact you keep asking us to buy, buy, buy is offensive 😡. I have enjoyed and played this game for a long time but I’m finished. 87 collections collected and you want me to buy something to get the “prize”😱🤦‍♀️. Not happening!
    I will offer a suggestion to those looking at possibly downloading this app-DON'T!
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  • Worth Coming Back

    I played this game diligently for more than a year until my iPad could no longer handle the upgrades and even entering the game was so slow it was at first torturous and then impossible so I deleted the game from my device. Recently I replaced my iPad and decided to try again. It has been like finding a former friend while being older and wiser. I have started from scratch but many scenes are familiar. Some older scenes have been updated, so they aren’t exactly the same but are still a challenge. I’m taking the collections less seriously and looking to complete the ones that will give me the reward I want then saving the versatile collection items for the more obscure collections. I miss the way friends were added in the past, but I am adjusting. I don’t necessarily want to befriend everyone in every G5 game which seems to be encouraged in this newer version. I don’t mind the ads, they are briefer than in some other games these days. The scenes are beautifully rendered and that is what I enjoy the most. All in all I’m glad I decided to give this game another chance.
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  • Gem match frustrating

    There have been numerous times I’ve activated the Explorer’s Eye but the game expires because it takes so long for the gems to come to a complete stop, that I then have to use the Time Machine to extend the game for the EE to take effect. Thus I end up using two tools to not loose my game progress in my awards status. The fact that you have to wait, and wait, and wait for the gems to completely settle before you can make another move eats up a lot of time and is very frustrating. It would be okay if they settled quickly and you could keep moving, but that is not the case.

    Wouldn’t hurt to have some more free plays. I’ve been at this for more than two months and have one free hour of energy play in that entire time. Another game I play offers one free hour of energy play every day.

    Overall still a fun game. I love that we can chat with friends within the game.
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  • Honey or Vinegar

    My mother always told me that you can attract more flies with honey than vinegar. In other words, be kind to others and you’ll receive the same. In most times this is true in my experiences with people who work in customer service. But that has not been the case with G5. I’ve written so many, many, many times to their customer service and as of yet, NONE of my requests have been answered or any of the issues I’ve pointed, have been fixed.

    Just now, the app shut down suddenly. And I lost so many things, but to name a few, I lost:
    1- Energy points
    2- Experience points
    3- Two collection items required to complete a mission (I worked very hard to get them)
    4- Progress made in at least six “pictures “ that I wanted to upgrade to the next level
    5- My patience and love for the game
    6- My respect in G5’s customer service

    Not to mention, that my Friendship counter has been frozen for more than a year.

    I have to ask, do their employees play this game? And the only answer I can think of is NO. Because if they did, they would know how much time, effort and even money it takes to play this game (I’m at level 506) and they should appreciate that level of commitment by responding to game issues.

    This is the first negative review I’ve written in my life. I’ve always believed that if you don’t have something nice to say, than its better to say nothing. But I’ve just about had it with G5. I will never support any of their games again.
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    This is one of the absolute best hidden object games I’ve ever played! It’s done so well with gorgeous scenes that aren’t overdone with objects. Each object placed goes so naturally with the scene. They’re beautiful to look at! The background music is so peaceful and you almost feel like you’re in a trance. The game itself has an awesome storyline that is easy to follow. You play at your own pace and you’re not forced to complete anything in a specific timeframe. Mostly, it’s extremely intriguing, captivating and fun! I thoroughly enjoy playing this game! You can play scenes to coincide with the story, play scenes as you wish to or both. No age limit, it’s easy enough for a child yet challenging enough for an adult. There are also mini games to play which are all about strategy, keeps your brain sharp! I’ve played many HOG’s and this is my all time favorite. I highly recommend this game.
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  • Great game with one complaint

    I’ve been playing this game for a long time and I love playing it. Graphics are great and the game is fun. I have one major complaint. When the game advances to the next level, energy gets restored, but if you have a lot of energy left, the game just restores to the total for that level instead of adding the energy to when you had left. Since energy restores slowly, I really don’t like that it steals your remaining energy that you had before level advancement. I would like this game much more if the total energy for the new level was added to your remaining energy. I’ve seen other reviews saying the same thing, but nothing changed. If I use items to make combinations that give me energy, I really don’t want them disappearing when I advance to the next level. I’m hoping the developers will fix this because it’s very annoying.
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