The Secret Society User Reviews

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  • Downward trend with recent updates

    March 2019-I’ve played this game for at least 2 years and the major updates lately have been bad. Useful talismans have been removed from several scenes, several scenes have been redesigned to make the objects unrecognizable, and the rewards upon completion have been reduced. In short, the company is clearly looking for more $ to play to the point that it is now ridiculous. DON’T FALL FOR IT. Let’s send a message by not paying another cent.

    2016:I've paid money more than once for this game so I find it very irritating that both a uTube and regular splash ad launches each time I play the game. Paying customers shouldn't be interrupted by intrusive ads. Both ads need to be cancelled to return to the game. The game play itself is fine and I will raise the rating if ads are removed.

    Update 7/18: the ad splash problem described above was fixed but the latest update has created a new problem. Zoom has been restricted so you now can’t zoom in closely to find hidden objects. Talisman rewards are hard to get. I enjoy the game overall but dislike how updates constantly seem to push users to spend more money. I have spent enough.
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  • What happened to the game I loved?

    I played this game a few years ago and loved it but it was too hard to see on my iPhone. I recently bought an iPad mini and was excited to be able to play again. After three months I am frustrated to see that it’s impossible to play without spending money. 100,000 coins to open a room - Really??? Repeatedly the items I need to find in order complete a collection can only be found in rooms that can only be opened at a much higher level than I am currently on. Today I decided to check out the reviews as I couldn’t believe people were happy with the changes. The reviews are all negative and I agree with every complaint. There are plenty of free games out there and I don’t make a habit of throwing money away so I’m deleting the app. It is a shame because it has great graphics and can be a challenging past time. I hope the creators will listen to their customers- unless they don’t think of them as customers but “suckers” and of course there is one of those born every minute.
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  • The good, the bad, the ugly

    I have played this game for over a year. The graphics are good, updates on a regular basis, scenes/ objects challenging, etc. It’s possible to play without pay if you’re patient. However, during this same year there have been constant update glitches, lost progress towards rewards without cause, and changes to scenes resulting in cluttered graphics. In addition, the new quests have become impossible to complete without buying your way to the end— which, from the developers’ perspective, is probably the point, but from a players perspective just plain aggravating. G5 has 64+ games and their response to customers issues has gone downhill. The latest update, January 28, 2019, has caused multiple cases of load and crash. G5 in general states they are aware and are working on a fix. To individuals, G5 blames the crashing on either lack of storage or IOS systems not current (an excuse when players state this isn’t the case). Check fan forums for all the glitches on this game before you start playing. If G5 repairs the crashing problem, I may keep playing a bit longer. But I confess I’m at the delete point—- this is supposed to be fun, not another source of frustration in the chaos of daily life.
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  • Items in pictures

    I’ve enjoyed playing this game, but recently after an update, the Venice picture and Buddha square have acquired more items and the ones you look for have changed. The picture looks so cluttered and I can’t find what I used to in these pictures. I’ve enjoyed going into these pictures and they were challenging enough but now it’s impossible to find what I’m looking for because there’s so much other junk in there that don’t relate and the pictures look cluttered to the point that the objects might burst from the picture. There was nothing wrong with how it was because it was still challenging, but now you’re making me not want to visit the pictures I enjoyed. Either this temporary for the holiday or planning to become a regular thing to the other pictures, I’m just stating my displeasure with it as it has become frustrating for me to find things amongst the clutter. I have enough problems with that in reality, I don’t need that in my game!
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  • What happened guys?

    I’ve been playing this game for a few years now. So far, I’ve lost all my “pictures in a row without a loss” TWICE! I was pretty mad as you can imagine. But that really only lost me some bonus stuff so I let it go. Now the new pictures they keep coming up with are so difficult that it’s not possible to even do them without using various little cheat tools. I’ll be the first to tell you that you can’t play this game for free and expect to progress. I limit myself to about $10 a month on this game. It’s getting to not be enough. But now with these new pictures and quests I’m about ready to find a new game. I mean who really thought in a “finding hidden object” game that it would be fun for the players if the developers wrote the new scenes so that instead of a “scale” being just a “scale”, it could be one of about a dozen or so different kinds of “scale”. You know, just to be sure that the players don’t even know what it is in the picture they’re actually even looking for!!! It’s crazy and it’s super-frustrating.
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  • 8/8/18 Frozen wishlist and progress

    New glitch since last iOS update affecting all iOS players! G5 won’t respond to me any more and all our friends cannot gift items we currently need! Our progress is frozen and our friends think we are not playing! Also the percentage progress in the new picture cheats you out of 20% of plays while using up the items needed to play the room.
    It has been over 3 weeks since the update that caused all this and g5 has no customer support! They send a form letter, then nothing for weeks or months!
    Fun to play when it works but impossible now! Spending my time and $ on other games now.

    The server glitch is fixed and another fix that really helped me was adding a second chance to the cancel button on the puzzles! It saved my streak when I hit it accidentally, so hanks, G5! It's still hard to play the game when you're on a fixed income and can't buy very much, but it is possible. I know a lot of us complain about the glitches so I wanted to point out an improvement!
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  • Secret Society

    Do not download this game. It is full of problems that the developers either don’t care to fix or unable to fix. Used to love it. Not now. They really need to fix this problem with the inability to connect to friends to receive the gifts. The timers are off in all aspects of the game including any hard earned special talismans you activate. They will just disappear and you can do nothing about it and no help will be given from their support team at all. It has gone on long enough. Maybe time to put in some overtime to get it done. The game has even frozen before after I had activated several talisman. Really not happy about being unable to play although its timers were counting down. Support teams need to improve. With so many varied glitches in the game throughout the year it makes it almost impossible to participate in the events or advance in the game. Will probably delete this game very soon. With no answers to the multiple glitches and no one in their support team able to solve them the game is just using up my iPad memory. I was at level 323 on my iPad 2 and 188 on my iPad Air 2. It used to be a great game but with each new update the problems worsened. Apple should not even allow this game to be offered in their App Store. It reflects badly on them too.
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  • Changes made over time have been uniformly negative

    I started playing this game over a year ago. In that time, the game has gone downhill with each new update. It used to be easier to gain rewards after each completed picture; now I can have multiple items active to increase my chances of finding rewards and still get nothing. And playing one room ~10 times in order to find enough of a special item just to be able to play another room once, in hopes of finding a reward that is needed to continue a quest, when the chances of finding such are going down with each update...well, that becomes an interminable grind, not an enjoyable pastime.
    Add in the fact that the last three rooms added have the unpleasant feature of having multiple versions of each object, and the game becomes an exercise in clicking randomly. “Find this dog that is shaped nothing like the silhouette displayed, and also looks different from the dog shown the last time you played this room.” No thank you.
    The graphics are still lovely, studying settings is still immersive; if you download it, my advice is, ignore the quests and “storyline” completely, and just enjoy searching for stuff. Since the game is obviously intended to be a money sink, I won’t be buying anything more from the developers.
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  • Fun Game BUT...

    I HAAAATE THIS NEW UPDATE!!! I've enjoyed playing this game for a couple of years now. The graphics are beautiful and the puzzles are challenging. However, I do get a bit frustrated at times. Each update brings a new "quest". The achievements in these quests are virtually impossible to attain unless you spend money (which I do not do because well... I'm cheap) to buy items needed to play the new boards. Then when the time period is up for the new quest, you can only get a few of the needed items from one or two other boards and that takes FOREVER. I think once a quest is over, we should have unlimited access to all the boards while we wait PATIENTLY for the next update. It's bad enough to have to wait for the correct "mode" and then not get what we are hoping for time and time again. I also think the items should stay the same and not change each time you play that picture. A dog is a dog, not 4 different dogs. Especially when the "silhouette" does not even come close to resembling what I'm looking for! C'mon!!!! But overall, this game is challenging enough to help me escape my circus of a life for a few minutes throughout the day! But the "quests" are just too stupidly impossible to keep my attention. I'm just sayin'...
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  • There are better games available

    As an experienced Hunter in these types of games I am sorely disappointed in this one. The amount of energy you are allowed lets you play one maybe two games before you’re out of energy and have to buy more. The prizes you’re supposed to get for completing a puzzle are nonexistent. At least 50% of the time you get nothing But I message saying “better luck next time”. The puzzles themselves, while a good concept of having to complete a puzzle in order to open a puzzle, have made the objects you’re supposed to find too small and too difficult to find so that you end up running out of time and then you have to buy something to help you complete the puzzle. The puzzles should be challenging, not completely impossible to complete without having to buy something. And everything you have to buy is way more expensive than whatever it is you have in your cash so you have to go to the store and buy more rubies or coins or something else. I understand making money. I’m an accountant and very pro business. But there ARE limits. This group is simply too greedy for my taste. Too bad because I tend to spend a few hundred dollars a month on puzzles I like. But I don’t feel that I should have to spend a few hundred dollars every time I want to play a game. The creators need to wrap their heads around the concept of small profits over a lot of people. Coca-Cola has managed to become a multibillion dollar company by making $.02-$.03 on every can of Coke.
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