Tody User Reviews

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  • Helpful for Large Families!

    We have seven children, and Tody lets me assign tasks to everyone in the family. I can see who has done (or not done) their chores, pause tasks when when we have events or illness, easily edit priorities... it’s a fantastic tool for our family!

    My only reason for not giving 5 stars is that it seems to reset the timer for tasks based on a clock instead of calendar. For example, I have empty trash listed as a daily task for one of the children. They marked it off yesterday after school, and in the “To Do” list, it shows up that it is “due tomorrow”. I’m assuming it will refresh and say “due today” around 4:00 this afternoon. This doesn’t prevent you from marking it off early, but it does make looking at the tasks coming up a bit wonky. I would love to see this issue fixed, but Tody is still being used and appreciated daily in our home!
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  • This is a great app for depressive people

    I honestly thought housekeeping was very complicated because I’m not great at organizing. This app helped me lay things out where I didn’t feel totally overwhelmed. I was able to set it to where I had a certain amount of things to do every day and it reminds me about the stuff I wouldn’t do without reminding. I was even able to set the chore list from times when I just needed the bare minimum to when I felt like I wanted to be totally accomplished.

    The set up took me a little while (not in a bad way, no app like this is going to be personalized to your own houses first!) but it works great with the reminders and little charts of when things should be done
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  • Amazing App to Help Clean!

    Like many, I hate cleaning. I didn’t get my moms obsessive compulsive cleaning gene. But, I like a clean house. However, I often feel overwhelmed with the many tasks that need to be done. This eliminates that issue. I scheduled a millions tasks (mostly custom but I also used many of the built in ones that reminded me of some tasks I usually forget) and did them based on room of the house. I also scheduled things like home services that need to be done occasionally such as service heater/air conditioner, get taxes done, get Fireplace chimney sweep, change blue Apple filters in fridge (to keep fruits/veggies fresh), change air filter, clean vacuum filter, and so many more). I scheduled myself to dust one item (bookshelf, tv console, etc) a day to keep up on dusting so it’s pretty much always clean. This is my favorite app and pretty sure the only one I’ve ever reviewed lol. Thank you!!!
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  • Worth It! Better than a Spreadsheet!

    I purchased this App based on the reviews and love it! It took a bit to input all my tasks and the time/schedules. After the first couple of days, I would add tasks as I did my cleaning and maintenance.
    After a couple of weeks, I discovered that my home and work did not require me to do the Tasks as frequently as I previously thought. Throughout the last month, I have made adjustments which have freed my time ( much less stress about what I “thought” needed to be done.) I also increased the frequency on tasks that ended up being weekly and not monthly tasks.
    Everyday the App presents what is “due”. When those Tasks are finished, my Day is complete!😁
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    I would just like say this App is probably my absolute favorite App I have ever found. I have been using it a very short time but I am IN LOVE. It has lessened my stress level just by getting all of my To Dos out of my head and into a world where they always live. That was just the start. Then I noticed my stress level going down more and more each day as my tasks were consistently being accomplished. If your tasks are not done or overdue they range in hues of orange to red. If they are done you get to look at a list of tasks in lovely shades of green which is super rewarding, as if having a clean home were not rewarding enough! It is super personal and you can create your own specific tasks while it also prompts you with common tasks.

    I do have one request for the developers. It is great to have the option of sorting by area (or not) when viewing your entire to do list. I would really appreciate the ability to see all tasks (completed and not) sorted by the frequency of the task. This would make it much easier to plan out what I need to accomplish.

    So far I have no other comments. Thank you again for such a fantastic product.

    PS To those who try this product, check out Kondo. Same App just not for cleaning. Good stuff 😸
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  • Good App but not Great

    I do like this app. However, for $7, I feel that it definitely needs some improvements. For instance, there isn’t a way (or, perhaps, I have not figured it out quite yet) to just show your daily tasks. I don’t need to see everything that is “due” in the coming weeks. I just want to filter what I need to get done today. Also, I feel like this app automatically lacks a lot of general things that need cleaning around the house. Sure, you can enter it all manually, but who can remember all that. Something as simple as “Clean windows, baseboards” i.e., other areas that are often forgotten are not automatically included on this app. If this app were cheaper or free, I wouldn’t feel as disappointed. However, there is a lot lacking here as you are not getting a lot of bang for your buck.
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  • Most useful app EVER

    I’ve been using Tody everyday for over a year. It helps me to prioritize chores as a working mother—since I can only do so much in a day! I never have that feeling that I don’t know where to begin because it shows me what needs my attention the most. And then once I accomplish that, I often end up doing the next item on the list, then the next and the next. I also love that it shows my progress over time and I am always challenging myself to keep the level lower than before. My house has definitely become consistently cleaner over time and I spent 0 time thinking about it.

    And for those days that I’m exhausted but could maybe accomplish “just one thing”... I know what to do. It manages that “overwhelmed and don’t know we’re to start” feeling because it shows you exactly what needs your attention the most. And it gauges my progress over time so I’m always trying to challenge myself. It has improved my home and my attitude over housekeeping and takes the thought process out, which is usually the very thing that keeps from getting started at all.
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  • Cleaning made manageable

    I downloaded this app after hearing about it on The Lazy Genius Podcast. My cleaning style usually consists of: 1) realizing my house is a disaster 2) downloading Martha Stewart cleaning checklists to CLEAN ALL THE THINGS 3) after spending 6+ hours per week for a few weeks, realizing it will never get done. This app only tells me the most important things to clean right now, and since they are all task based, they each take less than 10 minutes. It’s great for doing one or two chores before or after work. If I find myself with extra time and ambition, I can work ahead. My house always FEELS cleaner now, even though I’m spending way less time cleaning. Totally worth the price.
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  • Life Changing for the ADD afflicted!

    It sounds too good to be true, right? How can an app make that much of a difference? I took the plunge and spent the money based on the reviews and it was so worth it! Like so many of us, I am crazy busy and my housekeeping told that horror story all by itself. I was so tired of living with the mess but couldn't afford to have a housekeeper. Tody is the solution for those of us afflicted with ADD. It breaks down what seems insurmountable into small tasks that you can fit into your day. It provides the structure that you need to be able to break all of it down into one easy to use app. You feel a sense of accomplishment in checking things off your to do list and it makes you want to keep up with it! It can be a little rough in the first week, but stick with it. Once you get everything on a schedule, keeping up becomes a breeze! Thank you for this wonderful app!
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  • Yes, worth every penny!

    I like free apps, but I'm 100% satisfied with paying for this one. I don't have to think about when I last did this or that house chores I didn't do because Tody keeps me accountable. It's so intuitive, easy to use and simple but aesthetically nice. It suggests tasks for me so I don't have to come up with my own and all the basics are covered. The color meters, day countdowns and subtle details of disarray on the room graphics gently gross me out into staying on top of the cleaning. Ex each area of the app has a line drawing. As time passes, the bathroom shower curtain starts to look grimy, wall pictures tilt and bed linens become squiggly. It's cute and a soft reminder that, hey, it's going to get gross/ugly in here soon.
    Bottom line, it's easy to use and it works!
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