User Reviews: To The Trenches

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Gold does not holdover mission to mission

    I have lost a bunch this way before I noticed. I got 25ish one mission and knew I had a decent amount saved as well, but when I pressed the home button, all I had was 25gold. Didn’t spend cause I wanted 50 for an upgrade. Played another mission - 12 gold. Pressed home, all I had was 12 gold total.

    Confirmed this several times, I am unable to save up any gold at all.
  • Great game but it’s almost impossible to play on hard mode with 1.3.49

    Hello when I first discovered this game it fulfilled my love for sim battles right away I paid for the ultimate version i always find my self looking for a good simulator game and when I stumbled across To the trenches it was outstanding there’s been many updates since my time owning the game and I was excited for what they already had and I can’t wait to see what comes next in future updates I love to challenge my self in games so I try to play on the more hard modes but there is a difference between hard and impossible with the last update I think 1.3.49 I tried playing my old and very long save and before this update my soldiers could put up a fight and they were well upgraded and after this update the enemy was COMPLETELY destroying my men and there was nothing I could do I thought to my self maybe in the update they made some changes to hard mode to where the enemy ended up being coincidentally better than me so I decided my save was broken so I started a new one and found out no matter how much I upgraded my men I had almost no chance of victory it almost felt like the upgrade system broke there’s no way to match the skill of the enemy in hard mode but other then that great game with even greater things to come keep up the hard work and thank you for making a such a fun game
  • Changes in gameplay

    Hello Devs! I really enjoy playing this game, especially with the addition of more content for F2Ps such as myself. I hope to see the new content you introduce in the future, and I have a suggestion to make. In certain battles, I would certainly enjoy it more if each side had a designated role, (i.e. attackers and defenders) to open the door for new tactics. For example, the side assigned the attacker role could get more squads and firepower, whereas the defenders could get more obstacles on their side (barbed wire, broken tanks etc,) so that they could stay in their trenches and mow down the enemy, as that would (to my knowledge) adhere more to the actual strategies used during the war. The additions of Russian and American soldiers would also be a nice touch, and unlockable tanks that you could assign to certain places similar to artillery could also add some interesting mechanics to the game. Finally, having designated squads with special abilities, (i.e. machine guns, light troops, anti-tanks) would be pretty cool as well. I know that these are a lot of suggestions, and possibly too ambitious and rushed, but I think this is a great little RTS, and one that could really grow. Keep Up The Good Work! I look forward to more updates in the future!

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review! Us at Dad Made are always reviewing community feedback and are committed to improving the experience for all of our players. With the release of Update 1.3, all Free-to-Play users have complete access to the current Officer Tree as well as the ability to upgrade Platoon stats to max! We hope you continue enjoying To The Trenches and encourage you to join the TTT community via our social platforms accessible via the Settings page within the game. - Spencer @ Dad Made
  • Ok to start

    It's a great concept and very fun until you figure out all you need to do is send troops as fast as you can to overwhelm the enemy. After that it's pretty repetitive and becomes frustrating when you lose due to half your troops getting stuck behind a barrier or forming an infinite conga line around a rock and getting annihilated by enemy artillery. Not sure if it's a pathing issue or structure overlap but really takes the fun out of an otherwise good match. Hope it gets fixed soon!
  • Cool idea, Neat presentation, but flops on delivery

    Downloaded the game, went through the quick demo, and then initiated my first battle as instructed. It was thrilling seeing my men charge at my order and fun calling n artillery, frustrating seeing it miss badly so often, but oh so satisfying when a shell connects! It was the first level, so my guys inevitably overran the enemy and it was on to the next level. I was actually having a blast to this point, but here is also where it began to turn. Level 2- just needed to press the whistle button when it appeared- same for level 3, 4, 5 and so on- I played through 11 rounds with ZERO change in difficulty or the need for tactics. I’m certain round 12 would have been the same, but I was done at that point- started to feel a bit like a monkey pushing a whistle button to see the same boring scene play out every single time. And, yes- I understand I described the gameplay as exciting at the start of this review, but trust me, it went from exciting to boring just as quickly in the game as it did in this review!

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review! Us at Dad Made are always reviewing community feedback and are committed to improving the experience for all of our players. With the release of Update 1.3, all Free-to-Play users have complete access to the current Officer Tree as well as the ability to upgrade Platoon stats to max! With this, you can now experience the game as it was intended, and hopefully deliver the excitement you expected. We hope you continue enjoying To The Trenches and encourage you to join the TTT community via our social platforms accessible via the Settings page within the game. - Spencer @ Dad Made
  • It’s a fun game, $2.99 barrier but likely worth if you enjoy the free experience.

    Starting with the good, the game is enjoyable, the styling of the game is great, good upgrade mechanics, overall it’s a good waste your time commanding an army game. I see only 2 downsides, the pay barrier of $2.99 (but if you’re aware of that it’s likely worth it), and I wish there was maybe an “extreme” difficulty or a 1-5 or 1-10 slider for difficulty. Maybe I havent played enough rounds to see the true difficulty, or maybe I’m just very good with my artillery, but I seem to always win, I like a good challenge, but I seem to struggle with success in this game.

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review! Us at Dad Made are always reviewing community feedback and are committed to improving the experience for all of our players. With the release of Update 1.3, all Free-to-Play users have complete access to the current Officer Tree as well as the ability to upgrade Platoon stats to max! As far as difficulty, Update 1.3 completed redesigned the difficulty curve as well as added a new Difficulty called "Brutal". We hope you continue enjoying To The Trenches and encourage you to join the TTT community via our social platforms accessible via the Settings page within the game. - Spencer @ Dad Made
  • Great, but needs more content.

    At the moment there’s only the platoon upgrading, the officer/tech tree, battles that are pretty similar, and weather. They’re all nice, but after the first 10-20 battles it just seems to be the same thing.

    Suggestions: Campaign mode. Diversify the nations and maybe add more like the US, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, and Russian Empire. Challenges for extra content for those who beat the campaign. More unit types like snipers, machine gunners, raiders(shotguns/flamethrowers), and officers(to reduce cooldowns).

    I don’t know if this counts as a bug or not, but sometimes the troops get caught on some of the obstacles and keep trying to go forward. It does make the game interesting when I don’t see a whole platoon of enemies that got caught and can only be freed when they are attacked so they start moving backwards.

    Love that there are no ads.
  • Path finding

    It can be a fun a game and i actually do enjoy it but one thing that could help the game out a lot is the Pathfinding. I have some games where half a platoon will get stuck going in a circle and not fighting back. And if i use all 5 platoons about half of the platoons will get stuck in the same circle causing me to sometimes restart because those will be my only guys left. If this is fixed i will buy the full version but its just this little thing that is keeping me from it.

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review! Us at Dad Made are always reviewing community feedback and are committed to improving the experience for all of our players. We understand your frustration about the circle of death. It is definitely a pathing issue that we strive to improve on. We hope you continue enjoying To The Trenches and encourage you to join the TTT community via our social platforms accessible via the Settings page within the game. - Spencer @ Dad Made
  • Game is great

    I love this game been playing it for a couple days now. I do wish I could tell the difference between my platoons like give them different colors to wear like cosmetics or different uniforms that would be dope also more platoons would be cool, but I really like this game if I was a kid again and I found this game I woulda played it for months on end very good time killer
  • Fun game, lacks free content

    It’s a very fun game and a cool idea, but there are a few things that could make it much better in my opinion. Having more variety in the units could be nice, like a flamethrower, for example. I also wish there was a way to control your units more. I have the free version, and the only control I have is the artillery strike and choosing when to deploy a platoon. Speaking of the free version, it seems like there’s not much content. You can upgrade your platoons and fight battles, and that’s it. I think a separate tech tree for the unlimited version would be better for players not looking to spend money, so they can add more to their game. A campaign mode or objectives would also be super cool.
    Overall this is a very good game but a lack of variety and how limited the free version is makes it only 4 star.

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review! Us at Dad Made are always reviewing community feedback and are committed to improving the experience for all of our players. Soldier Movement Orders and Platoon Specialists (Flame Troopers, Sentries, Sharpshooters and Trench Raiders) will be implemented in To The Trenches in future updates! We've also received a lot of requests for a campaign mode, and it's something we've started brainstorming, so be on the lookout! With the release of Update 1.3, all Free-to-Play users have complete access to the current Officer Tree as well as the ability to upgrade Platoon stats to max! We hope you continue enjoying To The Trenches and encourage you to join the TTT community via our social platforms accessible via the Settings page within the game. - Spencer @ Dad Made