Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Glitched 10 seconds after downloading

    Hi, I’m a fan of Sophie and she was the first person I thought of when I committed to go to the gym. Downloaded the app and I only made it to the 3rd screen (10 seconds in) before it froze one the screen asking me how often I’d like to workout. It wouldn’t let me click ‘next’. I had to close out twice and reopen it. Not sure if I’m going to make it pass the free trial.
  • Wanted to love it but canceling my subscription

    I support Sophie and I really wanted to love this app but it keeps crashing and it’s just reset everything in the middle of my workout! Really disappointed.
  • Sound after time in between sets

    I like the countdown of time in between sets but I’d prefer not to have to check my phone to see if the time is up but just get a sound when it’s time to start the next one!
  • Love this girl but….

    Would love to continue doing this program but the app has too many glitches and constantly resets the work outs. ;(
  • wanted to love it

    love sophie but the app is terrible. logs you out and crashes constantly during workouts making it so frustrating and near impossible to use some days. also don't love that you can't adjust which days you want to do which workout. definitely regret purchasing the yearly subscription after having such high hopes for it. i've had it since the first week it launched and it's somehow only gotten buggier
  • Disappointed but grateful

    I really want to keep this app but it’s so annoying to use. On the one hand, I like the exercises and the small amount of guidance but it would. Be so much better if it had a little more explanation about things.

    For someone who doesn’t have a lot of knowledge of workouts, equipment or nutrition, it’s not very good.

    For the workouts, it doesn’t explain any kind of form or definition of tempo or reps. When following the workouts, it doesn’t automatically go to the next exercise (or give you a choice) so you have to stop what you’re doing and mess with your phone to go to the next set.

    The whole app doesn’t run smoothly. I have to reset it several times before it gives me the correct day. I also find it strange that when you start a program, it takes you to the beginning of the month. Wouldn’t it make make sense to have the calendar on the actual current day? It would still be able to keep track of the weeks you do your workouts but it wouldn’t be so hard to read. When it’s the 27th but the workout calendar is telling you it’s the 1st it’s kind of hard to keep track of your days.

    It’s a bummer because I really want to like this app but it really isn’t worth the workouts you could find other places if you’re someone who needs a bit more guidance.

    I will say that I am committed to finishing the program I started and because of the things I had to learn for myself to get use out of the free trial, I have learned a lot more about nutrition and health and exercise so I am grateful for that. I think if a bit more time and work was put into this app it could be really wonderful.
  • Buggy & Not enough variety

    The app is extremely buggy and it’s very hard to pick and choose which program you want to participate in (kicks you back to a survey). I’ve found that there is little to no variety in the types of workouts and I haven’t mad much progress with this plan compared to others that I’ve tried. Won’t be renewing.
  • New with lots of bugs

    Constantly have to refresh the app and restart for it to work properly / load / update
  • Cancelling subscription

    This app isn’t bad, I still think it needs improving but I decided to cancel my subscription this past weekend. I’ve been using the app since late November/early December and at first I really enjoyed it despite how horrible the bugs were but regarding the program I was doing, hourglass, I don’t really understand why only one upper body day was scheduled within that program. I’m looking to strengthen my upper body while maintain an hourglass figure and I just feel like only having one upper body day and 3 days for glutes doesn’t make sense. I ended up always creating my own 2nd upper day but I just don’t think this app aligns with my goal anymore. I also feel like I don’t need to be in the gym for almost 2 hours to get good results. I still think I learned a lot from being on the program and it definitely gave me the confidence to use the equipment in the gym but I think along with this and other things I feel about this app, I’ve decided to move on to another program with someone else. Thank you anyways

    I love Sophie and these workouts have been game changing. HOWEVER, I have resulted to writing them down in a notebook and taking that with me to the gym. It seems like whenever I’m about to start my workout, the app crashes, logs me out, or my days get all mixed up on (ex. I selected workouts on M W F and now they are T Th S). This is so frustrating. I thought the app would be more convenient for me but honestly if I can’t see my plan for my workout I just end up leaving the gym or doing excessive cardio bc I’m ANGRY lol. Please please fix this!!!!

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