Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Still crashing

    This app is still crashing BADDDDDDD. Everytime I scroll through the meals it jumps right back to my Home Screen lol literally every time. It’s so weird because when I’m doing my workouts the app works perfectly but the second I scroll through the meals it pushes me out the app. I did update to the most recent one as well and it’s still crashing.
  • Awesome but a few bugs

    Awesome app, love the improvements over the past few months. But there’s still a few bug, one I see is workout days, they always seem to be one off. If I put Monday as a workout day, I’ll see it as Sunday. The date also seems to be wrong. For example today is Monday but in app it says today is Sunday
  • Not working

    It’s a day behind, for example it’s Friday today but in the app it’s showing me Thursday workout. When I go on the meal plan it keeps glitching and closes out before I even get to actually see any of the meal plan.
  • The workouts are great

    The workouts are great. The app has some glitches they still need to work through.
  • Awesome idea, needs some work

    I was so excited to get this app, but I am so disappointed. There was so much potential, but I think this was released prematurely. This app needs some work with seamless loading of content and actually displaying the recipes in full. It’s not cheap, so I expected it to work well. Unfortunately, the recipes don’t include a full comprehensive step by step list, you have to click through pictures to get through the whole recipe. The workouts don’t always load and there is no clear separation when you’re done with the warm up and transitioning to the workout. It would also make it easier if there was a way to view the workout on your apple watch in a list format with the tempo and reps included so there was no need for clicking on each workout to get the information. Even if it wasn't on the watch, this could have been an option within the app instead of having to click individually on the exercise to see the tempo. For people who don't want the video demonstration, it should be easy to just see the workout steps in a list format to check off with the tempo and reps.
  • App crashes constantly

    It looked like it was working at first, but after trying to load the app today - you can’t even scroll down the home page without the app crashing and exiting out, let alone try and view any of the recipes. When loading the workouts, they’re very slow to load and there’s no description to give a more in-depth explanation of the workout you’re doing. The functionality of the buttons and pages are not easy to click on/switch between, and it doesn’t make clear which workouts are the warm up and which are the actual workout. Other apps I’ve used had that feature and it’s 10/10. Whoever coded this app did a very poor job. I love Sophie’s workouts she posts on insta, but until she gets a better developer, I won’t be using this app. I would not recommend downloading this app until all of the bugs are fixed.
  • Love Sophie but app needs work

    I’ve been doing Sophie’s workouts for a while now and I absolutely love them , the only thing is the app is not very customizable at this point . I chose the transform program and gave it the days I wanted to workout and it chooses default days. I went in to try and change it manually and it won’t allow me to do so. It doesn’t save the changes . Going to try it out for a while anyway to see if they make any changes and updates to the app. Here’s hoping they do.
  • Has great potential and content but app has bugs

    I love that the app gives me work outs, helps me stay accountable and get back into the gym! One area for improvement I suggest is to account for modifications based off injuries and/or current state. For example, i’m a plus-size girl who hasn’t worked out in a long time. I obviously signed up as a beginner, but one of my first workouts was a running plan where I genuinely can’t jog more than 1 min. I tried jogging as much as I could and immediately failed and wanted to give up the rest of the work out. Thankfully I have a past experience with working out that taught me to use the elliptical as a modification, so I did that. Unfortunately the next day, my knees were in a lot of pain since I don’t have that built up muscle to support around my joints. To be clear, I still love that the app keeps me accountable and gives a workout plan! I’m smart enough to figure out my own modifications but it would be a nice feature to consider for future revisions.

    The reason I’m rating the app so low is because I’m disappointed with how not-user-friendly the app has been. I’m a Type A person who heavily relies on my calendar every single day. The app’s calendar doesn’t align with any other calendar I use. The support team is extremely nice and quick with their replies and are as helpful as possible while the backend team resolves the app’s issues. In this case, I even tried temporarily changing my personal calendar’s weeks to match this app’s calendar but that became even more frustrating and conflicting. There are a few unresolved bugs I’ve noticed this past month and have gotten the impression these were known issues before the app launched even though the team still enforced their target release date to start making profits for holiday sales.

    The team has great knowledge, experience and input. It’s also clear that once the app is truly complete, it has a LOT of potential to giving their customers all the support they’d need to be successful on their own. I don’t plan to renew my subscription based off my current experience but will reconsider if the app gets revised to the level of quality I expect it to meet.
  • Good app but customer support lacking

    The app has a good portion of workouts & I really like the trainer a lot. Oftentimes the workout days don’t load but it’s a simple click on another icon. I missed a Black Friday promotion and tried working with their customer support to get the 20% off but didn’t have luck after almost 2 weeks of emailing back & forth. I really love the programs & her workout style & I ended up caving in and bought the yearly subscription. The app froze & I wasn’t able to load my program until I forced a log out from my Apple ID. Now I find out that there is another 50% annual subscription but I’m afraid I’ll lose my progress in the app. Great trainer, good recipes but I wish they would honor the discount for returning customers or people wanting to switch from monthly to annual.
  • Love it!!

    I absolutely love her as a YouTuber and follow her on instagram!! Her app is great and I’ve enjoyed using the Transform program!!

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