Launch 2024 program
It has explained to me a lot of the science behind Human Behaviour and as a result I understand myself better (and others - oh Let Them!!) and more importantly not having to justify myself to anyone.
I have so far had a very successful career, have (mostly) always had self confidence in most aspects of my life, no issues speaking up, going after what i want, being consistent, almost never quitting but had reached a point of stagnation in both my relationships and my career.
This program has kept me accountable (to myself & to my fellow Launch team) and has given me back my energy, mojo and lifted my confidence to achieve whatever it is I choose next.
I never liked the idea of routine (I am a true Aries in all of my signs), however I have realised the importance of this, especially setting my self up for greatness , every single day.
As I have also struggled with being present (my job & my headspace was always planning for the future & the next Big adventure) I am now practicing some form of mindfulness daily and enjoying the small things daily that add up to a happy, peaceful existence.
The Iceberg model has given me structure to my purpose and personal growth.
Am so looking forward to the Let Them theory book. I have found the courage to let go of a personal relationship (or situation-ship) that was living rent free in my thoughts and my for a very long time. It’s now time for me to Let Me be the best version of myself.
Extremely grateful & Divine timing for Launch with Mel program.
Gx ❤️🚀