Runaway User Reviews

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  • Faulty

    The game stopped working all together twice. Had to reinstall it once already and do the first chapter from the beginning and now it's done the same thing again right at the end of the second chapter it's very frustrating
  • Glitch after glitch

    Can't play every time I try to move, talk or look at anything game spits me out.. Looked good but you can't play a game that won't let let you. Have reached screen 2, can't move from there.
    No choice but to request a refund :(
  • Amazing

    Great sets/artwork, great background music, great storyline, great puzzles. This is a full production value game. I had no issues on iPhone 5.
    A complete walk through is available on gameboomers. Funny, clever and well thought out. These guys are talented. Thanks for hours and hours of fun.
  • Gets really annoying really fast

    I think this game could be good but it falls flat with the storytelling.

    I played older games from the Runaway Series on a DSi awhile back but ever since I started using iPhones/iPads [iOS], it's all I play on & this game "A Road Adventure" was the 1st from that series I've played on iOS.

    I truly love these kind of games and hope this isn't really the last Runaway game because I've thoroughly and completely enjoyed playing them all (Most I mean)... Except for that "hidden object" one....I soooooo dislike hidden object games and must be TRULY EXTREMELY bored to even attempt to play one...and honestly....I genuinely cannot understand why most game sections are overflowing with hidden object games!?!?!

    Anyway, as for this game ["Runaway: A Road Adventure"] however...
    I wish he could walk faster or just get from point A to point B much faster like he did on previous games in the series.
    I haven't had any crashes thankfully ....but ....and this is a MAJOR BUT....

    I recently went to play this game after not playing for a few weeks or so & keep in mind, nothing had changed since I last played this game. Same iPad, same iOS version, I hadn't updated or made changes of any kind.
    So I clicked Runaway game icon, it loaded same player icon as always....I then clicked PLAY and that's when I freaked!!!
    I see Brian doing his INTRO and I was like
    "Wh-hat...Wh-hyyy? What Happened?!?!?" ...I restarted it & same thing. Checked my settings & showed that game was listed in backups....but there was no was gone! 😭😫😭
    ALL my progress...ALL those hours of gameplay.... GONE!!! for no reason!!! I had gotten SOOOO far in the game & really was devastated about having to START OVER!

    Even worse, is that there really is no way to actually save your game progress or even just make sure your game is being saved at all, which ALWAYS bugged me but I've never had trouble with that... until now.😔 much as I loved and wanted to finish this game, I just haven't been able to motivate myself to go thru such a LONG and VERY SLOW moving (especially with the new speed challenged Brian) portion of this game AGAIN after I'd been so proud about getting through so much of it already [without using hints no less].

    On top of it all, I'd be constantly worrying about losing it all over again and that would just make me crazy.

    I'm over being angry about it and now I'm just disappointed really and can only say that it might be because I do not buy apps or games easily but this purchase was a rare no-brainer for me. I already enjoyed all the other Runaway games (except u know, hidden object one lol) along with "Yesterday" and now "Hollywood Monsters".
    I was actually REALLY excited to find this game SO LONG after EXTREMELY enjoying all the other Runaway games ...then relentlessly searching for ANYTHING similar to play, with no luck. Only to become sad again finding out that this may finally be the last game from the Runaway series and I can't play it.

    I'm hoping maybe after a very very long time I'll forget what I already played & may become interested in starting again and finally finishing it....of course trouble-free then!
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  • Game?

    This is far less a game than a tediously long narrative story, and way too long before any game interaction. The latter of which I still haven't even gotten to, yet. I can't believe I actually purchased this.
  • Crashes

    I paid about $10 (I think it was about that much) for this game when it was new ages ago but never got around to playing it much. I have now recently started playing it properly and it completely crashes at the end of the second chapter, I quit it and tried again but the same thing happens! 😡
    It's pretty poor form of you to take people's money for a game that doesn't work!!!!!! Please fix!
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  • Not playable on iPhone

    This game is not suitable for the iPhone screen. There's no way you can hit anything from the first tap, not even the inventory button. Don't waste your money unless you've got an iPad.
  • Seemed so good!

    This seemed like a great game! But I got to the second act and it froze. Every time I reopen my saved gamed all I get is sound and a black screen. So for over $6, I got a game I can't play! I'm on an iPhone 6+ with the latest iOS.
    If you don't want to update games so that they run properly on newer systems, take them off the store. Either fix the bugs or refund the $$$ that people have forked out.
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  • Awesome!

    This is probably the best game of the adventure genre that I have played on the iPad. No bugs that I could see, just sweet game playing fun! I'm currently downloading all the other games made by Numeric Pipeline. That's a good enough statement of how good this game was!

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