This math app is about visually exploring how percentages and decimals are just special kinds of fractions with their own notation. There are no tasks to complete or problems to solve. The purpose is to build conceptual understanding.
By painting different grids and circles with one or more colors students can see how their coloring changes the fraction, decimal, and percentage amounts of those colors. Grids and circles can be very simple and have only 1 square or sector, or very large with up to 10,000 squares or 360 sectors.
Common Sense Media: "Use Visual Fractions Decimals and Percentages in the classroom to support math lessons. Use a number form alone (just fractions, for example), or use multiple forms together for older kids learning about the relationship between these three forms. As an alternative to creating paper and pencil models, kids can use the app as they complete assignments that require representations of numbers using models."
Reviewed by a teacher in a classroom setting - Teachers With Apps: “There are no problems to complete or solve, this app is designed as a handy tool to help student’s build conceptual understanding of these three related concepts. From the expressions on the faces of the students we worked with this Visual Fractions Decimals and Percentages provides just that in a very user friendly format, this app can make all the difference in establishing a better understanding for all future work in this realm of math.”
-Grids with 1 to 10,000 squares
-Circles with up to 360 sectors
-Exploring multiple units with up to 9 grids or circles
-Art grids and circles with 7 different painting colors
-Drawings can be saved
Video of the app
Please visit to see a video of the app.
Other iDevBooks math apps
iDevBooks math apps have been reviewed and endorsed by,,, Teachers with Apps, and other respected sites and organizations.
Some of the other 40 iDevBooks math apps are Visual Multiplication Table, Decimal Rounding, Whole Number Rounding, Column Subtraction, Column Addition, Long Division, Long Multiplication, Lattice Multiplication, Fraction Math, Partial Differences Subtraction, Partial Quotients Division, Partial Sums Addition, etc.
Feedback and requests for new features
New ideas to make this app better are welcome. Please visit to give feedback.
This app has no ads or in-app purchases and it does not transmit any data during the operation of the app. This app also does not contain any links to other apps or the web.
Great for students w/ autism and other visual learners
Few apps are as elegantly simple as Visual Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. As the name implies, this app provides graphical representations of fractions, decimals, and percentages. Numeric values can be represented in a grid or circle format and are available for either one unit or multiple units. On each screen in the V F & D app, an interactive visual representation is provided as well as the fraction, decimal, and percentage equivalents. A number line is also presented to provide additional visual support. The app itself is easy to use and provides a powerful tool for students to explore the relationships between the many ways a number can be presented. For our students on the autism spectrum, visual processing is usually the preferred learning style. The V F & D app appeals to our visual learners and provides them with a much needed tool for helping to understand our numbering system. V F D P As an added bonus, V F & D includes an “Art Grid” and “Art Circle” activity for students to explore and create colorful designs. Each design will show a detailed calculation of the fraction, percentage, and decimal representation for each color used in their design.