Pump Log® User Reviews

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  • What a lifesaver!

    This app has been instrumental in facilitating my ability to track the timing and volume of my pumps. A note to the app developer(s)/creator(s) - it would be so helpful if we could choose mL or oz in the window logging the pump itself instead of having to go back to settings. What ends up happening is I log my volume in mL, but then I switch in settings to oz because I prefer to interpret my output that way, then I go to create my next log and realize it’s still set to oz, then I have to go back to settings and change it to mL. Seems minor, but it’s a bit of a hassle and would be so nice to interchange with ease! Update: this suggestion was actually implemented in the app update that was released the same day I wrote this review! Amazing!
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  • It’s motivating

    I know this app is for exclusively pumping but I use it to keep track of all of the milk I have store. I wasn’t able to pump early on after my son was born so I just fed on demand and also supplemented with formula because he was a preemie and the doctor was worried my milk didn’t have enough calories. So here I am 8 months in with a shortage in formula pumping and getting great results. I love that the app automatically coverts from ml to oz. I also love the stash option. I wish i could go back and edit a session into stash if I forgot to do so. I also love the timer. I notice the longer I pump past 30 mins the more milk I get also. It’s so simple and straightforward but so wonderful at the same time.
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  • Understanding your pumping Journey to a T!

    I wanted to breastfeed and pump on the side, but I unfortunately can only get my son to latch for comfort nursing. I started pumping heavy the 3rd day in the hospital, but I didn’t understand how it really worked or how I could make the most amount of milk for my baby. I’ve been a ‘just enough-er’ and have had to supplement with formula very little when I slept through a pump or had a bad day.
    This app recommended me a book to read, which of course I hate books and online opinions about this kinda stuff because everyone is different BUT, it has taught me SO much. Provided facts as well as many different woman's opinions. Since I have started using this app religiously, I have enjoyed pumping SO much more. I know how much I’m making! I know how much my baby is eating, when he eats less or more etc. Pumping would not be the same without this app & Im so grateful It’s here for my exclusively pumping journey!
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  • Saved My Sanity

    I discovered this app through a Facebook group and boy do I wish I knew about this sooner!! I started tracking my pump sessions at 3mpp when I was having supply issues. As an anxious person this app has helped lessen the stress of knowing how much I am getting each day and knowing if I'm producing enough for my little guy. I ended up paying for the full version of the app because I felt like having all of the data to compare was interesting - it sort of makes pumping seem like a game. I love is that this app will remind me when to pump/how long it’s been since my last. I also really like how I can keep track of my freezer stash and receive an estimated date on how many more days I need to pump in order to reach my pumping goal. Although it costs more than I’d like I appreciate that it’s a one time fee and I can use it for future baby’s as well.
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  • Love it!

    I’m a first time mom with a baby in the NICU and I am EP. Someone recommended this app a week into my pumping journey and it’s the best. It’s very easy to use, no unnecessary frills and perfect for keeping track of pumps and outputs. I am able to easily switch between ml and oz. It’s well worth the one time price to upgrade to unlimited pumps. I love being able to look back on my outputs to compare between times, etc. I am able to write notes for each pump and also in the stash section which helps confirm where the stash is (NICU vs home). I have nothing to compare it to but have never felt the need to try any other app out.
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  • Such an awesome app to track my milk

    I got this app almost a year ago; and have been using it consistently since. I love how much milk it says I have pumped; in gallons, which makes me feel super awesome. Like wow, I have pumped 90 gallons worth of breastmilk 💪🏻all for my baby! I feel so freakin awesome.
    Its super easy to use too. Has a timer for your pump sessions, a reminder, that lets you know more than once, that it’s pump time. Over all I just love this app. And when the time comes for me to stop pumping, I know I’m gonna miss logging it. I honestly just might keep it as a keepsake. Because it shows all my hard work and dedication ❤️ because all us mommies should know, exclusively pumping can be exhausting sometimes. But it’s all for our babies.
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  • The first app I’ve paid for in years, 0 regrets

    If it wasn’t for this app, I could’ve never boosted my supply. I love this app. Everything ab it is the motivation and reminder I need to keep pumping throughout the day. It almost turns it into a game how many pumps I can get in. I used to be an over supplier, then got sick and wasn’t pumping nearly as much as I thought I was and when I started seeing it laid out in this app is when I realized I needed to step it up.
    The only thing I dislike ab this app, one small tiny thing, is that once you hit “add new record” it uses the “start time” as when you first started pumping, thus as soon as you click done it already will say you’re 40 minutes into needing to pump again. All you have to do to rectify this however is change the start time to whatever time it is when you got done pumping, and no it does not affect the record of how long you pumped.
    That’s the only criticism I can come up w. Ehhh maybe w choice in color schemes would be nice.
    But other than that, this is the first app I’ve payed for in 10 years and have 0 regrets. It gives you 50 free records to try it out, so there’s absolutely no reason not to.
    Happy pumping mamas!! Xx
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  • Works like it should, needs more customization

    It works like it should. You’re able to log the amount of time you spend pumping, when you start, and how much you pump. You’re able to set a reminder for x amount of time after you pump. But sometimes the reminders just don’t go off, even if they’re set. Which is horrendously frustrating when you’re trying to stay on track and build your supply because you’re a low supplier. Also- it gives you 3 notifications when it’s time to pump. They’re at weird intervals and you can’t change when the second two are. They’re also dumb messages with stupid emojis, and you can’t change that either. I don’t want a message reminding me to pump that looks like a 12 year old with their first iPhone wrote it. You should be able to change when the notifications are set, AND what they say.
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  • NICU Mom lifesaver

    I love this app! It truly has been a lifesaver as my son was born 15 weeks early and I was thrown into pumping unexpectedly. I was writing each pump down and how much I produced to track so I always had to keep up with a paper and this app made a huge difference in tracking my supply. I love the notifications, the ability to adjust the notification timeframe, the visual for minutes/amount of pumps and how much was produced. The notifications were extremely helpful especially since I didn’t have my baby near to notify my body that it was time to produce.

    A little tip to help moms just starting to use this app, enter the amount pumped before moving the stash button. I tried to be proactive and set the time, stash and enter notes but it back fired as it saves what is currently entered for the amount pumped so many of my early pumps had a stash of “0” and I have to go back and edit those pumps.

    I would highly recommend using this app to all pumping moms especially those back to work.
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  • So perfect and worth the money for an exclusive pumper

    The app has all the features I needed (set reminders at a certain time, logging of time last pumped, widget with time last pumped and time next pumping, notification after you’ve pumped for a certain amount of time). More importantly to me, it didn’t have the million extra things to log or read or whatever that every other app I tried had. For me I just needed the simple yet essential things this app has. I of course was just going to use the trial version but after using the 50 log entries I honestly felt like this app is worth the money.
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