Google Docs User Reviews

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  • Good, but some issues

    First of all I would like to say that I love that you can attach it to your different google accounts. I got the app a few days ago on my iPhone, but I attached it to my iPad account. This app is super useful but I do have a few complaints. First of all, when you delete something in the app, a little gray banner will pop up and ask if you would like to undo your action for a few seconds. I thought this was a good feature, but if I am trying to organize or clean out my docs, the banner will block me from hitting delete on other ones which slows down the process a lot. Another thing is is that there is no selection tool, and there is also no way to put your docs into folders. I know that you can get the Google Drive app to organize everything, but in this app in particular, you can not organize it into folders. Sometimes I will be going through my old docs, and I will want to delete or move multiple items at a time, I can not because there is no select tool. Please take my offers and consider updating the app to a better quality. And for those who are reading this, I really recommend this app, especially if you are a Google user. Thank you!
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  • Hello Google!

    Hello Google, I use Docs a lot and I would like to recommend some stuff to improve your app. Docs is a lovable writing app/website that thousands if not more use on a daily basis. The mobile app has its issues with delayed writing sometimes and the text colors mess up and overall look the same dim color so new color options would be nice! The website has a wide variety of colors you can use while the app is just every color but dim so it looks the same, I’m not saying I don’t like the color but it seems kinda repetitive when I like to change the words on my doc.

    My second issue with the app is it’s overall lack of fonts, the lack of fonts really break my game’s heart compared to the website which has a large selection that you can choose from. The fonts all look the same with barely any changes which isn’t bad but you know… I just would like a more open variety to choose from. I enjoy docs as a writing platform so being creative with things is something I quite enjoy, I like using fonts to spice my things up to make them look interesting. I love fonts, I like how creative you can be with them so adding more is a definite thumbs up.
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  • ITS LIKE REALLY REALLY (i would write more really buttt not bothered/lazy) GOOOOOODDDD

    I think you should DEFINENTLY but this if you need to like take down alot of notes and plus its really fun to sometimes send things to friends or family. I REALLY love the fact how there like a comment section and that makes it you can have a friendly chat about the doc. But i would also love it if there was more fonts like can you add the font bradley hand itc or kristen itc pretty please with a nightmare on top?

    But either way I LOVE IT I LOVE THIS THING and i hope continue to produce this doc and add amzing features✨
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  • Great for short writing; struggles with longer works

    I’ve been using Google Docs on my tablet ever since back when Textilus (now named Notes Writer + I believe) had a full makeover and became too hard to use. For further reference, my primary uses for Google Docs have been for various essays, idea jotting, and poetry, but mostly writing long fictional works for fun. Google Docs works well for the first few categories. However, it is very disheartening when I’ve been working on a story for so long only for it to be nearly impossible to scroll through and work on it without serious lag and crashes. Works around/above 10,000 works tend to struggle the most. Typing words can take several moments, with it lagging a few seconds between each letter being typed. Using Search and Replace on things like names I decide to change quickly causes it to crash. Selecting (executed with double tapping on my tablet) and deleting can be finicky as well. This, plus the lag that Google already gives me due to an overflowing storage (which I cannot seem to fix outside of its constant begging to get a subscription), makes writing not fun anymore.

    Google Docs is not a bad application. It is very good for what it is mostly meant for; business writing, joint writing (which worked well most of the time for when I used it), and short writing. I just miss being able to write lengthy stories, with the means to edit them in complex ways, without consequence.
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  • I don’t like giving 1 star but I’m forced to

    All I wanted to do was access a long document and read it without the web browser refreshing and losing my place. So I got the app to see if I could put a bookmark.
    Practically been impossible to do that, but then I thought I’ll just screenshot the place and use the ‘find’ function. Well it crashes. And not only that, I now can’t even load Discord after the last crash. It seriously bugs out my device to the point it’s now affected other perfectly working applications. I have raised this with Google and unfortunately the issue has gotten worse.
    I actually like all the Google products I use but this is ridiculous. I can’t even read the ONE DOCUMENT I downloaded the app for!! The two functions I downloaded the app for have either crashed my device or not been possible to use.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there. We suggest you refresh the app: Settings - Docs - Background App Refresh. If that doesn't help, you may post your query in the Docs Community and get help from our experts: Thank you.
  • Unstructured mess

    I’ve been having to use Docs for about 10 years. Still find it a great challenge to find anything - stuff I created myself is mixed up with shared files. Seems to be no useful way to search through shared folders. Don’t have this problem with Dropbox / Microsoft / etc etc. Google always seem to choose odd ways of looking at things which I struggle to get my head around.
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  • Previously Solid, Now a Hassle

    For ages, this has been my go-to app for writing (especially after dark mode was introduced), but the last two updates have made it more of a pain to use than just using the built-in Notes app and reformatting later. It no longer automatically scrolls when I reach the bottom of the screen, so I constantly have to stop to swipe up or type without seeing what I'm writing. It also has a new bug where if I navigate away from the app, I can't see the text at the bottom if it's longer than the length of the screen. I have to tap the done arrow, navigate down, then double tap to resume writing. It still has the old bug where it occasionally would look like there was still another line of text that you'd already erased until you hit enter. Honestly, that one didn't knock any stars off for me. I can hit enter and backspace without losing my train of thought. These new ones actively hamper my work.

    Edit: I fixed the scrolling issue by uninstalling and reinstalling (not sure why that escaped me), so I revised the review to be three stars. The inaccessible text remains an issue, however. I have a question up in the Community. If a solution comes up, I'll revise this again.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there. You may post the query in Docs community and get help from our experts: Thank you.
  • Google a powerful companion - Google Cloud Platform with AI

    As a long time Google Cloud user, I am continually blown away by the progress, power and ease of accessibility to Docs, Sheets, Slides and the Drive suite. The implementation of AI has turbocharged Google products to an unprecedented level for user experience and productivity.

    The integration of AI into Gmail, and the rest of the Google suite is an absolute game changer. The feature of real time collaboration with others has revolutionised teamwork and overall efficiency. Well done Google
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  • No complaints, good app

    Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I like this app.

    I’m bored though so im gonna write a completely illogical review, dont take the story seriously obviously

    So I was sitting at my computer using googledocs and SUDDENLY… The skeleton mafia burst open my door and shot me. It hurt a lot, so I jumped out the window, but then a weird creature began scuttling across the ground towards me. I ran and managed to evade the creature but then a white van pulled up, at first I thought it was Mrbeast but I looked closer and it was actually Brmeast, Mrbeast’s evil twin. I ran from his white van but he pulled out a Glock and shot at me. I kept running, but then the skeleton mafia found me again, and suddenly thr duolingo bird appeared and tried to kill me. I ran into the city but then all 3 of the factions chasing me began to have a shootout. I got shot 12 times but I put on a band aid so i was fine 👍 I entered a really tall building and climbed to the top, but then Sniper from TF2 headshotted me from 1000 miles away and I died instantly. 1/10 app, you will get hunted down and killed
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    Won’t let me share the doc. It’s far too confusing. I just need to make a quick invoice to Zeus to someone and that’s it. It’s become a massive hassle. Download latest version of app and it’s loaded with BUGS. Do not count on this app to edit your documents. Commands such as “select” “copy” and “paste”. Do not perform right. If you can get select tool to finally select a paragraph and either copy or cut it no matter what commands you do from that point forward the app holds onto that selected text in its memory and you cannot do anything other than paste that selected text! If you try to select “new” text before you have even selected the text the app pastes the old text again. If you try to even report this as a big to developers by clicking on the link to report a bug you cannot because the window to write the feedback has just once again pastes the old text!! Yes again! It will not release this memory! It’s like it needs therapy or something! Lol. Do not count on this app to edit or retain your documents. Like many google products it’s failing. Google in general is going downhill. Don’t even try to use google nest cameras! That entire app crashes a hundred times a day! I’m done with google in Genetal. I’m sure their stock is declining rapidly too.
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