Forest User Reviews

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  • Incredible for people with ADHD

    As someone with ADHD who struggles infinitely with focus and maintaining my attention on one thing, especially with a phone within my grasp, this app has been an absolute life-saver. Before I started using this I would zone out, mindlessly pick up my phone, get lost on social media or some app, and completely forget I had been working or doing school work to begin with. As soon as I unlock my phone and see the Forest app open, I’m reminded of the task I was originally trying to focus on and it prevents those rabbit holes I would get lost in.

    Getting to see the physical manifestation of your focus and hard work is priceless. Not only do you get to see your forest and know that each individual tree represents 2 hours of focus, but you can look at each day, week, month, year to see the exact amount of hours you spent. I was really down on myself and felt like I wasn’t spending enough time studying. This app made me realize I’m actually spending a full 40 hour work week on homework, studying, tests, etc. It was a confidence boost that I am actually putting in the work.
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  • Pausing

    It’s a nice app and I really liked the coins system. The only thing I would say could improve is to have an option where you can pause your timer if you have something you need to do on your phone for two minutes (without killing your tree). Or to have an option to set short and long pomodoro rounds that automatically start. It would greatly help to stay focused because I wouldn’t have to set timers all the time and kill my tree whenever I need to take an important phone call.
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  • A useful coping mechanism for ADHD brains 🌱🧠

    I have tried so many different tools to help keep me on track when my neurodivergent brain has other plans. Forest is absolutely perfect for me because it can help me break tasks down into manageable chunks and gives me the motivation of a deadline to help keep my focus on track. I use it with the pomodoro technique, it’s far better than a noisy alarm or bell and won’t distract my colleagues. The bonus is you get the visual aid and reward of having some cute trees (or if you are spooky like me, pumpkins and ghost mushrooms). When it adds up you can enjoy the sense of achievement which I find super encouraging, particularly on days where I am feeling overwhelmed and fighting invisible barriers. I like that you can tag your focus sprints into categories too. Thank you for this amazing tool. ❤️🌱
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  • Brilliant app but full of bots

    I love using this app to help me with my reading, I use to always get distracted by my phone when reading but since using this app it helps me stick to reading more than playing on my phone. This app would be 5 stars but the biggest issue is the obvious bots that are on the leaderboard. According to the leaderboard there are people using this app constantly every second of every day, there are achievements to be in the top 100,50 and 10 of the global leaderboard, could be achieved with dedication if it wasn’t for bots that are using the app 168 hours a week what would be impossible for anyone a human to do. This is saying that around 10 people are not sleeping, eating or doing anything else except using This app, over 100 people possibly into the thousands are using this app all day every day. Very unfair and the developers need to sort this to make it more fair or add something to help people achieve the achievements, I wouldn’t normally bother with the achievements but with the fact that using this app enough will help grow real trees what I support then they should definitely fix this as soon as possible
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. We currently have filters that detect abnormal trees. If a user attempts to plant on multiple devices at the same time, or plants at an abnormal time programmatically, the system will flag these trees as abnormal and not count them towards the leaderboard. We understand that users on top of the leaderboard seem to have unreasonable planting time, but their records are legitimate in that planting times are not overlapped, that there is a delay when trees are planted and uploaded to the server, in the correct order. What might stand out is that these users seem to have almost no time to sleep based on their planting history, but we do have users studying up to 20 hours a day for their college entrance exams with the help of Forest. We cannot guarantee that these users are cheating (even if they are), and for this reason, there is not much that we can do about the cheating. Nevertheless, we really appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us. Thank you!
  • Amazing except for 2 things

    This is a really good app for those of us with bad habits of picking up our phones and mindlessly and needlessly distracting ourselves. It feels great to see all the trees you've planted through your focused time.

    Two things that would really make the app even better:
    1) it's too difficult to get coins. When new plants/trees can cost over 1000 coins (even 2000 coons) and you get less than half a coin per minute of focus time, it can feel way too difficult to unlock new plants for your forest.
    1) emergency button of some sort - it would be great to have an option to have some kind of emergency "need to exit the app for this one tiny thing without killing my trees" button, even better if it's a kind of timed feature, like you have 1 minute to do whatever you need to do before your plant dies. I started planting some trees for a 2 hour session before realising that I needed to look at my notes app because I couldn't remember a password. I had no choice but to leave the app because I needed the password otherwise I couldn't connect to wifi and get on with my work. Unfortunately it cost me 4 dead trees. It was disappointing because I did actually focus for the time period, but just needed to pop out of the app quickly to get this password.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, thank you so much for your feedback and support! Your suggestions will be relayed to our team. For the coin problem, you can get more coins by completing longer planting sessions, unlocking achievements, or inviting friends to join Forest! If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us via the in-app feedback system. Hard work will pay off in the long run. Stay focused! :) -Forest
  • Very Good App but with a very annoying flaw

    The app is great for what it does. It’s not too complex, but just has enough fun functionality to keep you motivated and involved. You might not like these kinds of gamified time trackers if the game part isn’t attractive to you (aka you don’t like growing trees or raising an RPG character), but for everyone else they should like this.

    There is only one very very annoying flaw. There is no landscape mode, at least not on tablets. People have been asking for this for a while now and it still hasn’t happened. I understand why they’d hold off on making it initially but with the release of the Magic Keyboard (which is now gen 2) that puts iPads in landscape, they should have developed this by now. Essentially it’s their way of saying only use this app on your phone. Also it’s not a bad web plugin but I don’t really find it that useful. Maybe if your workflow lived entirely in a browser, it’d be more helpful.

    This isn’t to be a downer though. It’s a very good app, it just has some flaws that are puzzling at best and keep it from being really great
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  • I was sceptical about this but actually

    You know what it’s really useful. Whack on airplane mode and set the tree growing for a study session and you don’t want to take airplane mode off and kill the tree and waste time faffing. Actually works even without airplane mode - usually my phone pings and I go to the app that’s calling me and suddenly I’m in the hole and god knows how long I’ll be there before I realise. Now even when I get a WhatsApp or a Instagram notification but I have a tree growing I think no that can wait I’ll work until my tree is done. The fact that if you grow enough trees they plant a real one for you is pretty cool too. Wish there was a way to plant multiple different trees coordinated with subjects (ie cedars for chemistry, oaks for physics etc) automatically and without having to pay!
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  • a really cute app for productivity

    To be honest, I only just recently started using the app since my testing week is coming up and I’m having trouble staying away from my phone but it is definitely a great app to help with work or study. The graphics are really cute too. 🌱happy studying! ✨
  • i like it a lot

    To be honest, I really like this app. I think it’s super helpful, and super beautiful. I really like the grid layout and all of that. My only complaint is that I think that although the developers know this already, it is silly that there’s a limit on how many real tress you can plant through the app. my biggest complaint however is not necessarily with just this app but also similar apps that reward you for focusing which is that they don’t really get of a full Pomodoro experience, i.e. letting you set up multiple cycles of 25 minutes of focus and 5 minutes of break. Instead, you have to open up the app every time you finish your focus session and click to set a timer for the break and go back to the app after the break to start the focus timer again. Of course, this isn’t a dealbreaker on the app for me, it just means after that five minute break I will often get distracted and forget to come back to the app. Other than that I think it’s a great app and adding the classic Pomodoro experience would push this app to five stars for me.
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  • Best focusing app ever

    I truly love this app. It really helps me stay focused, plus the trees are just so cute. The ability to collect coins is also very fun as it keeps an incentive to want to not breakYour focus and kill your tree. You get to buy new fun things with your coins which continues to motivate me. I like that you can change the look of the trees, you can keep it on for a very long time which is very useful. The Breaktime feature is also very helpful as it allows me to take breaks but still come back quickly and not procrastinate. You have the ability to keep a streak for a certain amount of days as well as the app tracks how long you focus for over the course of a day, a month, and even throughout the year. I would very much recommend this up to anyone who procrastinates or has struggles with staying concentrated as I do as it has helped me immensely.
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