User Reviews: Saying When

Top reviews

  • Frustrated

    I’ve been using the app for 6 months and really found it helpful but now it seems to have glitched and won’t accept my weekly goal. I deleted it and tried downloading it again. It seems to still not be working and I’ve lost all my data. I’m very frustrated.
  • Best app for helping cut down alcohol

    Best app out there for cutting drinks, please update the app on criticism and advice and positive feedback, and general updates please, thanks!!
  • Helpful

    Very helpful when you want to stop drinking and you are able to track your drinks on the phone. Kinda helps with accountability!!
  • Very useful app!

    Answering the questions about reasons and why’s and other issues of drinking is key and I have used this app many times to quit for several months at a time. I’m now completely free and it’s the taking stock that keeps that going. It’s now been 4 months! Great app that I really appreciate when I use.
  • Good App

    Helpful to track drinks
  • Could use one improvement

    In the “Taking Stock”/“Review” feature, I would really like to see a differentiation between the 1-2 drinks and 3-4 drinks per day. So that I can see how I am doing with my goal of stopping after 1-2 drinks, to stay within the low risk limits (for women).
  • Less useful for USA

    Good app, if you understand metric. Gets a bit tiring to have to constantly do conversions. Why not a metric/imperial option?
  • Excellent way to mind your drinking

    I have only been using this for a couple weeks but it has helped me to set goals and establish a baseline for my drinking. I like how you can track your urges to drink and how you handled them.
  • Great interface

    This app has helped me cut back on my drinking but I wish it would also display fluid ounces for the USA audience on the “track a drink” feature and have another feature to manually enter an amount because the slider isn’t very accurate, otherwise great app!
  • Great app!

    I’ve been using this app for almost one year and it’s really made a huge difference in my drinking habits. I’ve been much more self aware about how much I drink per week and have cut back pretty substantially. I agree with some of the other recommendations about tracking successful days or getting some sort of reinforcement for not drinking. Also, the stats for the weekly checkups are great, but I’d like to see another intermediary group between those who have 0 drinks and those who have 1-14 drinks. Maybe make it match the daily breakout from the checkup (days with 0, days with 1-4, days with 5-9, and 10+ could be weeks with 1-4, weeks with 5-9, and weeks with 10+?) It just seems odd to lump together people who drink 1 drink per week with those who drink 14 and I’d be curious to see more of a differentiation when doing the comparison stats.

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