Airtable User Reviews

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  • I love Airtable

    I’ve been an Airtable user for about a year, and I absolutely love it!

    My only complaint as of lately (probably around the time of the last update) is that it is no longer allowing me to add photos/attachments to my records. I have tried on both my iPhone 13 and iPad Pro, I’ve tried completely closing the app and going back in and I’ve tried restarting my device(s). So far none of this has done the trick, but I’m hopeful that maybe with the next update this glitch I’m having trouble with will be fixed.
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  • Would have been a great app in 2014

    I’ll keep it short: this app lives distinctly in the old era of semi-functional iPad apps before it had many of the productivity features and system resources as it has today.

    The biggest pain points for me when using AirTable for iPad are these:
    - there is no support for drag and drop, a feature that has been available on iPad for 5 years now and is present on the web version (which doesn’t work well on ipad). It’s a must for productivity, especially when you deal with images a lot, so it’s frustrating to see it excluded from the iPad app for no apparent reason.
    - The app likes to exit all the way back to the first screen if you’re doing something else for too long. A lot of apps are able to show me what I was doing before I closed it/it was flushed from memory, so it’s a real head-scratcher that an app that forces all web sessions to share the same view cannot automatically show me the same view in the app on a reliable basis.

    Before there were a lot of productivity apps and features for ipad, these issues were pretty much a given for every app. since 2017, the iPad has steadily gained more and more native productivity features, and Airtable seems to be missing most/all of them. Bummer.
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  • Great app; missing some useful features from the web version

    Airtable is a fantastic middle ground between spreadsheet tools and light databases like MS Access and FileMaker. It even has great collaboration tools to boot. I'd give the web app 5 stars, but the iOS app is missing a few features that make Airtable really useful. Most notably for me: 1. The iOS app doesn't support creating/editing certain field types (e.g., formula fields). These fields can be updated via the iOS app but not configured, which is a bit of a pain to do in mobile Safari. 2. The iOS app doesn't support creating forms. All in all, Airtable is a slick way to do database things without the database overhead.
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  • Incredibly Useful

    I’ve used FileMaker Pro for years but it is overkill for most of the needs I have. I wanted a database app that was easy to use and accessible on all my devices, not just desktop. AirTable let’s me keep track of anything I’ve been able to think of for my photography business, from collections of vintage cameras to exposure information for individual rolls of film. While shopping online or out at estate sales I can find out in seconds whether I own a particular camera, lens, filter, anything. I’ve started cataloging all my books, then planning to catalog my vinyl record collection. I’m not a power user though, so far the free version does everything I need.
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  • Been loving it for years; still needs dark mode

    TL;DR: A really great app that would be just about perfect if it had dark mode.

    I’ve been using Airtable for a variety of purposes and have loved it for the last few years. It’s amazing being able to define entire custom databases and interact with them in such intuitive and powerful ways. Plus the provided API access is great.

    But...please please please provide a dark mode! Every other app I use on a daily basis has dark mode. It’s not like it would take that much effort even for one designer and one dev to make it happen – maybe a few days, max? Whenever I open up Airtable at night I have to literally turn my phone sideways to not get blasted by the white light, even on the screen’s lowest setting.
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  • Lack of transparency

    This project management system was one I boasted about for months until I started adding collaborators. Unfortunately there is a lack of transparency in pricing for adding collaborators - apparently instead of the flat rate fee showed on their pricing page, it is actually prorated and you are handed an invoice that they can’t explain and that makes no sense mathematically and is not clearly outlined anywhere on their website. To get clarification you are left to back and fourth emails only, they won’t do phone calls. This leaves big project management based builds in limbo and the purpose of the platform (collaborators) in the lurch as well. Disappointed in the care to clients and the sensitivity needed for project management systems, billing transparency and the ability to make it make sense.
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  • Awful Support

    This app has some great features and should do what I want it to do, but support has been very frustrating. I have the pro (paid) version of the service. I have not had my issues resolved for 2 weeks. There has been no support at all. The support page is terrible. The contact us page just goes to the community instead of actually having contact info. The community has no good information for my problem. When I try to post a new topic I have to select a category. I don’t feel any of the categories are correct and fear that they are not going to the correct support staff.
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  • The only app that does the right thing

    I’ve been looking for this app for so long and so glad I stumbled across it. Every other app is either a note app which doesn’t do scheduling well, or a to do app which doesn’t do record keeping well. This is the perfect in between and the best way to manage my favorite restaurants in town and new ones I want to try. Thanks for developing this app so I didn’t have to myself!

    The one thing I’m still looking for is the ability to add a location from google maps as a field type
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  • Need Gallery View Support on iOS and iPadOS

    I work on a video production team, and we use AirTable as our project bible. We can work on complex projects without having to worry about who’s completed what or what still needs done. It’s all there in AirTable. AirTable is an incredibly powerful tool. I also use it to inventory my personal music collection. Love it!

    FEATURE REQUEST: Please add support for Gallery view on iOS and iPadOS. A number of the projects on which I work include the approval of images for use in various projects. Gallery view is a must for these types of projects, so I can easily view the images. I currently have to use another program for image-approval projects. I would much rather use AirTable for everything. Plus, if Gallery view was enabled on iOS and iPadOS, I would undoubtedly upload more images to AirTable, decreasing my free storage and requiring me to upgrade my account - which I would be happily do, by the way 😉

    UPDATE: Gallery support has been added! Thank you so much! It works beautifully! This is so helpful! I’ve updated my review to a much-deserved five stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
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  • Personal filing system - best I have found

    I have looked and tried many solutions to address a need for a personal filing system that strikes the balance of managing documents and information about those documents in a really flexible way that is easy to set up as a regular person. Really impressed with Airtable. I was so impressed that after I built out my ministry filing system in Airtable I felt guilty that I was able to do it successfully without even having to buy the monthly subscription, that I bought the monthly subscription just to see what else I could do with the product because I was so appreciative that for free I could have a product that literally solved all my needs. Both the mobile and desktop experiences are solid. Product is reliable. It just works.
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