Robinhood User Reviews

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  • Options

    Execution on options; the execution on your options in some cases take down right near forever to exercise from the sell order input. On several occasions I have noticed the only way options sell, are when the price reverses, which makes me think those with the Robinhood app Are put on the back burner, so to speak and if the price does not reverse, a lot of money could be lost.I watched a sell order fall more than 50%In the money, only to sell some 10 minutes later out of the money. That kind of execution does not get you high marks.
    The purchase and sale of shares: on many occasions now, I have watched the purchase of shares increase by one cent per share when the share price never actually hit that price. The same goes for the sales only on the sale price, it is one cent lower then what it actually hit. How is this possible?
    You wanted my opinion, you got it, but I seriously doubt you’ll do anything about it because you want graphs, pictures, and any kind of evidence that says this isn’t true. I’m not here to give you evidence I’m here to give you my opinion. If you want evidence, try it yourself I’ll just make my decision going forward.
    In the meantime maybe find a way for options to exercise a little quicker and honestly I would not mind paying a little more. Sincerely, RH user
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback. If you’d like to get in touch with our support team, you can email Providing your feedback there can help us improve the Robinhood experience!
  • Excellent, but improvement idea

    First off, using the app now for years and loving it. Excellent idea also to add option trading and crypto. I very much enjoy the margin account under Gold (well done and conditions are fair) and I see how Robinhood is constantly improving it. However, definitely problematic are the following aspects: 1. Power usage, the app is draining my battery. Idk if it is because I have a lot of stocks on the watch list and every time I open the app it’s loading in all data for each of them or something, no idea. But my phone gets very warm after a few minutes of using the app (iPhone Xs with 96% battery health and iOS 13.6). 2. Technical issues at order placing. Low volume products such as certain options or even for high volume blue chip stocks sometimes the order confirmation page is loading for 5min before it’s placed. Same thing for cancelling an existing order sometimes. Usually though this isn’t much of an issue. 3. Robinhood has the “replace order” button for placed but pending orders for options. Why not also make it a button for placed but pending stock orders? Would be so convenient. 4. I just wish you’d see some more data next to the list where you see PE and yields. Beta coefficient and payout ratio would be absolutely lovely to have there. Important metrics and convenient to see at one glance. Hopefully you’ll take this feedback into consideration when improving the app. Other than that, keep up the good work! Thanks.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for taking the time to write an in-depth review. We appreciate the feedback! Input from users like you helps Robinhood become the best platform it can be. Providing a great investing experience for users like you is what keeps us motivated.
  • Great But Buggy

    Robinhood has a great concept going for them. They’ve targeted a niche area of the market which caused a domino effect for the rest of the brokers. Robinhood moves other brokers away from fees per trade and change the game for good. However with that they provide an extremely good UI which is simplistic and easy to use. This is especially good for newer traders and investors as well as it making it a pleasant and seamless experience. But with that being said there are few bugs that they need to work one. Starting with the accuracy of the charts of portfolios. I’ve noticed and a few friends of mine have noticed a few offages (Money I put in + growth) doesn’t always add up. My next issues is that on busy trading day Robinhood needs to increase their server capacity. I don’t like to wake up to either Robinhood unable to make a trade for me because of “high volume” or “May experience delays due to higher traffics” but you get what you pay for and in this case I’m not complaining to much. But over all if you’re looking to start getting into the investment game and you know where to start I would recommend using Robinhood. I mean I did recommend it to all my friends. Ever app has up and downs and I’m certain Robinhood will eventually work out the kinks and be ever better than it is now. They’ve come along way from when the app just rolled out.
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  • Moving away from using Robinhood

    I signed up for Robinhood a few years back. I didn’t know much about investing but I thought I would give it a try. I found the act of buying and selling stocks to be easy but I didn’t like the lack of other features like the ability to look at detailed charts or even create price alerts. After a few months I withdrew my money. Fast forward 2 years later and I thought I would give it another try. I imagined that in 2 years the app would have made some substantial improvements. I was wrong. The functionality is still the same and there still are no advanced features like charting or price alerts. I do not like the pattern day trade rule Robinhood has setup. I do not trade with margin and only use my available cash. On most other platforms with a cash account you avoid this rule but Robinhood uses it no matter what. After 4 trades you are banned from trading for 90 days. Also, this app crashes and glitches A LOT! On high trading days I have seen many people complain that their app isn’t working. I’ve also had issues with my chart matching my activity and this does not make me fee very confident that the app is tracking my balance accurately. Overall this app could be good for people who want to learn the process of buying and selling stocks and are going to basically “set it and forget it”. If you plan to be an active trade this app is not for you. As soon as I can withdraw all my money I will be switching over to another broker.
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  • Great App!

    It’s easy to understand (once you get familiar with stock trading terminology), and it makes trading stocks feel simple.

    One suggestion I do have is when I’m looking at the line graph of a stock that I have shares in, I’d like to be able to see visually on the graph where I jumped in at. So say I bought some shares at $4.67/share and I held the shares for 2 months. If I click on the 3 month view of that stock, I’d like to see a little pin or something on the date that I bought my shares at. That way I can see in an instant whether I bought while the price was high or low or mid. Also it helps just in general to see what spikes I’ve held my shares through and which dips I’ve been along for the ride for. I could see this being particularly helpful in situations where I’m buying/selling a lot of shares quickly, or I’m trying to study the markets and look at my past investments. We would be able to notice patterns in our trading habits like if we are overly aggressive on a regular basis, or if we are consistently too passive. I’ve noticed just by my own tracking that I tend to sell a little early. But if I were trading on much larger scales with a lot more money, I wouldn’t be able to mentally keep track of everything. So without writing it down, it would be tough to look at these stocks and remember when I bought at. Just a thought.
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  • New member.

    I joined Robinhood a little over 3 months ago in Feb 2020 after I heard Clark Howard talk about on the radio. I think it is a great asset to the common man who doesn’t have thousands of dollars to invest in stock all at once. Robinhood is a way for the average person to study and learn about different stocks themselves and decide where they want to put their money. Then by way of the phone app they can check their stocks all day every day. A person can invest as much as they want, pennies or more. I’ve been able to invest over 3,000 dollars in these 3 make months by taking some savings and then doing the best part, which is taking any disposable income I have and buying stock with it. I never stop for fast food or buy anything but necessities now because I’ve found that I’d rather take the $5.00 or whatever it is that I would spend on junk food etc and buy stock. With the virus canceling all sports I’ve found watching my investments on Robinhood be more entertaining especially since I actually have a stake in the game now. The only thing I do wish Robinhood would do is explain the gold mining daily market better. I’ve put large amounts of money into a few of these and then all of a sudden the stock totally changes. These companies send out information but for an average guy they are too hard to understand. Thank you.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your suggestions! We always appreciate when our customers come forward with ideas on how to improve the app. We're constantly changing and tweaking things to make it better, and we'll do our best to incorporate your ideas!
  • Freedom IS Actually Free!

    Time is the number one advantage you have when investing. Or so my grandfather told me. For years, however, I waited and put off investing until I had “enough” money to make the fees most brokers charge worth it. But I never seemed to have “enough” and I hated waiting (and therefore wasting the magic of compound interest). Robinhood took away my excuses and not only made it ridiculously easy, but completely FREE to invest. I’ve been using the app for over 3 years now and I’ve never spent a dime. And by referring the app to friends, I’ve received 15 FREE stocks from Robinhood (worth $65). The design is intuitive. The financial charts are easy to understand, without being overwhelming. The always up-to-date links to the latest news stories about the individual stocks are really helpful; over time, just reading little by little, I feel my knowledge about investing has grown thanks to those links. I’m mainly interested in long-term investments, but the few short term trades that I’ve made have been a breeze. I’m not that wealthy, yet, but honestly this app is one of my favorites on my phone because watching the dividends come in and the compound interest grow year-by-year genuinely makes me happy. Robinhood is simply complete financial peace-of-mind in a beautifully designed app. I can’t thank its creators and designers enough!
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    Developer Response

    Thanks so much for your kind words! Building a great app for customers like you is what keeps us going.
  • Senior Tax Accountant

    Love this app! This is been instrumental for so many people I know in their understanding of investing, financial planning, and general financial health. Amazing, easy-to-use user interface. Love the free stock for referrals, love the selection of securities, and love the cash management. My only gripe is perhaps updating the Dividend Yield, PE ratios, etc. to the current security information (current price, current dividend payout, etc), showing the performance over a period of more than 5 years (i.e. 10 years, ALL-TIME), and having a more robust, advance information base.

    RobinHood has and is solving a market problem by offering an investment solution for the masses, highlighting the fact that investors should understand what they are doing and what they are investing in. This is an incredible tool and resource on how anyone can improve their financial position, condition, and health through investing. This isn’t something just for ultra rich. This is available to everybody. Just have to have the determination, perseverance, and the mental fortitude for all our decisions about money (from all that online shopping to buying premium brands to feeling like you “need to splurge” yourself to make you feel better (you really don’t need it) and sky is the limit. Excited for people interested in this app and in their financial future.
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  • Experience Improvement Suggestion

    This has been a fantastic app in all the time that I’ve been using it. Since about 2017. There have been many new additions since then. One of them being analyst ratings where we can see how many analysts provided a rating, and what percent said said buy, hold, or sell. This has been quite a useful gauge (along with others) for investing. That being said we all know time marches on and opinions change. Unfortunately I have not noticed any relevance to time in this analyst ratings feature. Perhaps these ratings are updated weekly. However, without knowing at what time the ratings were made it’s hard to tell how a stock, like GOOG, would be rated after some news comes out, like the antitrust inspection. Surely we can look at the rating description to see if it mentions anything about this news, but it still doesn’t address the main concern. That is when did each analyst rating actually happen. 30 could have been before a big news break and perhaps only 7 after. Making for a possibly inaccurate rating. Perhaps the news has nothing to do with these analysts ratings and it’s all about the companies numbers. In such case public opinion has no impact on ratings and thusly time is not as important. However it would still be nice to know when the ratings were made or last updated.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for your suggestions! We always appreciate when our customers come forward with ideas on how to improve the app.

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