Streaks User Reviews

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  • Not for me… yet.

    On my forever hunt for an app that makes medication tracking flexible and seamless, because I will frequently lose track of what time or day it is, and trying to remember which of my medications I have taken that day is a challenge. Enter the idea of using NFC tags to scan medications as I open the bottle! Streaks is compatible with NFC tag scanning by way of co-programming using iPhone’s shortcuts, and as long as you have Streaks open 24/7, everything is great. Alas for me, I constantly close background apps in a quest for decent battery life and reduced visual clutter, and if Streaks is not open, the shortcut will fail to log activity into Streaks 100% of the time. Honestly I’m confused by this as 1. Streaks is more than capable of running reminders and task tracking settings within the Streaks app, with the app being closed, 2. Shortcuts are able to create entries in other apps without them being perpetually open and 3. Shortcuts has steps like “open app” available for programming, which would solve my main issue, except Streaks isn’t an option there.

    Glad this app is an one time purchase vs constant subscription fees, but it doesn’t meet my needs for the singular, explicit function I bought it for. I think it’s a good app, just not for me (yet.) Hopeful in the future to see a fix or enhancement that allows an iPhone shortcut to engage with Streaks while it is not actively open.
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  • Great except for bizarre sync issues

    Overall a great idea and well executed except for the iCloud sync behavior. It's honestly beyond me how the sync in this app works. I'll often complete a task and then it will immediately uncomplete itself and the maybe come back shortly after. This should never happen if sync was implemented in a sane way, where each device records immutable events with timestamps and you just apply them in order. Once I've completed a task that event should be recorded and I should never see a state where the task is not complete unless I explicitly undo the completion (which itself is another event and applied in the right order based on timestamps should not cause any problems). But I constantly get into states where tasks I completed on the current device mysteriously show up as not completed anymore and maybe correct themselves later. Or not.

    I use this app across iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch which makes the sync issues rather obnoxious. It does seem like it's gotten "better" but this isn't something that should get incrementally better, they should just fix their sync design and all the issues would go away permanently.
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  • Great, but I miss the interactive Today Screen widget

    This is a great, well-organized, user-friendly app if you want to track your habits or tasks. However, for some reason, the interactive Today Screen widget (for iOS, at least) was removed a few months ago. The main purpose of this review is to BEGGGG for that feature to be reinstated!!!

    It was a HUGE game changer to be able to complete tasks without even having to open the app (pressing on a task within the widget would allow you to mark that task as complete). Now, the current widget options only allow you to see task progress; you cannot actually interact with the widget (pressing the widget will only open the app).

    PLEASE please please, if any of the app developers are reading this, will you add the interactive widget back!!! 🙏🙏🙏 I know this is a small, almost nit-picky request, but it has *completely* changed the experience and efficacy of the app for myself and, I am sure, many others. I honestly can’t think of any reason for that feature to have been removed, but I would absolutely love to have it back!!!!
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  • Perfect for Fitbit Converts

    If you recently converted from a Fitbit to an Apple Watch and aren’t impressed with the fitness features - this app is for you!! I was initially bummed at the lack of a fitness-focused UI, watch face and health dashboard on my Apple Watch 7. Previously an avid Fitbit user, the versa setup was perfect - everything you wanted to know on one screen. Some benefits of Streaks that make it well worth the $5, plus influenced me to keep the Apple Watch: 1. Streaks pulls in data from various sources to show your progress in one easy to read page. The layout on the app is great, but what’s most impressive is its integration with the Apple Watch. Pull your goals into your complications on your Watch faces. 2. It will automatically mark a goal as complete for you if synced with the respective app (like headspace, mindful minutes, peloton, MyFitnessPal, and most health data from apple health). 3. You can add any behavior to track, not just fitness and mindfulness— such as reading a book, not eating out, drinking less alcohol, walking the dog, etc 4. There are so many cool features, check out any Google article on top behavior tracker apps, and you’ll find a ton of great tips on this app. BIG thanks to the developers!! I wish I had this app years ago to track goals on an app instead of manually marking things off on a calendar or a journal.
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  • Incredible attention to detail

    Really blown away at the little details in this app. The developers have thought of just about everything - from keeping the interface simple & focused, to displaying a thorough list of preset habits, integrating with Apple Health so that completing a task also updates your health data, and much more. Best of all, this app makes it really easy to create and stick to new habits. One feature I’m making good use of is the ability to set reminders at custom times during your day makes it easy to follow through!

    One thing I’d ask to make it even better - is the ability to go beyond your goal. I’d love to set a reasonable goal but also be able to track and celebrate when I go above and beyond! It could be something as simple as enabling the option and letting you continue to tap your task after it’s already marked ‘completed’.
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  • Impressive. One limitation

    Love this app. I have other habit trackers, but they are not as graphical and easy to use as Streaks. I like that iCloud sync works well with my iOS and Mac devices. The degree of customization is ideal but not overly complex. I use this app every day to track my weight lifting body splits, my runs and type of runs (tempo, long, etc), coffee intake, teeth whitening, shuddering “O’s” (yea, you read that right lol), dog walks, veggies eaten, etc. The one limitation as of Jan 2022 is that there are four pages of 6 trackers each for a total of 24 activities to track maximum. This sounds generous, but it’s actually quite easy to fill. Example if one puts each body part as a lifting tracker (biceps, chest, back, etc), at least 8 activities are taken up. Please Developer, give us another page or two (5-6 pages of 6 each), begging you! Awesome app overall. Get it!
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  • Outstanding habit-building support

    I love the Steaks app. It is simple enough to get started right away, persistent enough to get my attention when I have a spare moment, subtle enough that it doesn’t draw my attention away when I’m busy, and nicely designed.

    I really enjoy using the app and I find that my thinking has shifted substantially since I started using it. I entered a goal for “eat a healthy meal” and while that might seem utterly underwhelming as my target is literally *one* healthy meal at some point during the day. My focus has shifted from “what am I going to eat for lunch?” when my work schedule gets too crazy for what I had planned, to “what healthy meal will I eat today?” This has the knock on effect of generating loads of healthy meal ideas that I’m enthused about, without any real pressure. So my eating is better throughout the day. I was eating fast food at least 3x/week before. I got fast food once in the last two weeks. Not perfect, but definitely progress I’m happy with.

    I’ve set similarly effective goals for quality time with my kids, maintaining other relationships, and exercise. Some goals I don’t hit everyday, but I’m making progress on those too.

    So glad I got this app. Best $5 I’ve spent in a long time.
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  • Fix the widget!!

    I downloaded the widget so I wouldn’t have to open the app every time I wanted to check my progress on individual tasks. However, in the last few months, the widget becomes disabled every few days and shows an orange field with blank tasks. I can still open it and view my tasks, but then what’s the point of the widget? I can do that with the app itself. Then, after a few days, it activates again for no apparent reason. I’ve tried uninstalling/reinstalling, as well as turning my phone off and on. Nothing I do makes a difference. Please fix this problem! It’s been long enough. Otherwise, I like the app and use it daily. It’s not incredibly intuitive, but you can figure it out with enough time. Fix the widget and you’ll get five stars.

    Addendum: This time the widget activated when I restarted my phone. My initial rating was three stars, but I’m feeling generous today, so I’ll bump it up to five. I use this app daily, and have otherwise found it to be top notch. 👍🏼
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  • widget fix pleaseee

    edit 2018: I had like 5 or more icons i could hold tap to on my “swipe down from top” control center on tr latest apple iOS, Why did the update delete that function when ive been depending on this for over a years My habit schedule is in panic mode. Please bring this function backkk!!💚 I would appreciate an answer. Ppl buy things so they can function as they always have and an update can really mess with ppl i guess? 😢😅 This has always helped me with my adhd and whatever else to help me have the fastest reference system going. Pleasee please add this function back. Again, it’s worked so well for so long

    edit oct 2022: widget has not changed functionally whatsoever. We supporters would like an answer as to why the functionally we paid for was taken away?
    this app was legit helpful, but it’s been “not there”.
    legit sad about how this intuitivity was taken away :(((
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  • Sucked in

    Did I down load the wrong app? Reviews seem to love this app. I don’t think I’ve ever been more frustrated by a paid app so I’m not sure whose missing something. Firstly there is no free crisp period so I took a risk and paid. Ugh. What I got was an app with pretty colors and generic icons. But more importantly there is no real easy way to set up habits. Hard to explain. But the “categories” that certain tasks should fall under are not auto populated. You should be able to say click a workout habit and add to a category or better yet drag and drop. I added tasks and they do not show up in all habits, etc. There is no explInation on the buttons a star icon usually mean’s favorites, nope! I get why it’s an editors choice because it’s pretty. I find a lot of that in their choices. This is not a get choice for anyone who wants to have more control and interaction with a app that’s going to control their life choices for awhile before. I’ll be asking for my money back.
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